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Bonus! Bang's newest cartoon "Lastcall" released!


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Originally posted by BillyKilmer

Man you have great comedy sense

Thanks very much. Seriously, that was a really cool compliment! :)

Not that all the others aren't appreciated!, But that one was cool.

I do have a good time making and posting them.


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Originally posted by Red&BlueRivalry

Hey Bang, do you do all the voices in your cartoons? I've always wondered that.

yup,, every little bit of stuff that's in those cartoons is me. all the art, animating, voices, etc.



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Another work of art, Bang. Excellent! Among the best so far.

I gotta relate one thing as I watched the first time, though, and it shows my mind is in the gutter. When there's the pregnant pause toward the beginning, then the Vinny character kneels down and starts blowing, I thought be was preparing to go under the desk to, ahem, service the boss. It was with a sense of relief when I realized he was cooling the coffee!

Somebody please watch again to see how even a non-depraved mind could have thought that for a moment. . .

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Originally posted by Dan T.

Another work of art, Bang. Excellent! Among the best so far.

I gotta relate one thing as I watched the first time, though, and it shows my mind is in the gutter. When there's the pregnant pause toward the beginning, then the Vinny character kneels down and starts blowing, I thought be was preparing to go under the desk to, ahem, service the boss. It was with a sense of relief when I realized he was cooling the coffee!

Somebody please watch again to see how even a non-depraved mind could have thought that for a moment. . .

I admit that I thought the same thing:doh: :doh: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Originally posted by rdsknbill

I admit that I thought the same thing:doh: :doh: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

rdknbill, I'm relieved that I'm not the only ExtremeSkin who thought that, if even for a brief moment.

In any case, I'm glad my initial thought was wrong, though it would have made for a pretty funny - if R-Rated - scene. :laugh:

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You people are disGUSting.

Blame my wife.

My first idea was to have him invisible until the phone rang, only to have him get up from beneath the desk, wipe his face, swallow and answer the phone.

She also nixed a pretty hot bedroom scene between Jeremy Shockey and Bill Parcells back a few weeks ago....


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Bang, you've been spending too much time at the Tiki Bar down there in the Solomons, my friend, where all kinds of kinky stuff goes on.

Actually, your wife sounds like a good sounding board for your ideas. The end result always seems to strike the right chord of farce, satire, humor, without going too far over the top.

Keep 'em coming!

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Bang, Thank you very much for making this season fun to be apart of with your toons. You have have a great sense of humor and hope you can do some more for us in the offseason.

Im still laughing at Cerrato's bug eyes!

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Bang -if I hadn't had Hoedown and Last Call the last few weeks there is no telling how many times I would have kicked my dog. All of your work is great stuff! Thanks for sharing it. Go ahead and sneek some 'Shocked Tuna' in while the wife is out - I can only imagine!!!

Keep the faith

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