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Rumor:Apparently Rich McKay and Snyder talking trade....


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I got this source from 1 of my falcons friends...He got this info from a reliable source on the net...(by E-mail)He didn't tell me which source,but I will find out tonight...

And let me say that I trust this source!!

Apparently McKay and snyder have been talking "trade talks"

The Falcons are interested in dealing T.J Duckett and would like a 1st in compensation,but would accept a 2nd if deal was appropriate...(apparently,the Falcons organization realize T.J's value isn't what they drafted him with,but want to deal him now...)

And apparently Snyder's been reading the boards about our need for a RB around here....

It's been known that Snyder has had interest in T.J for quite some time now,but with aquisitions of our current RB's and Spurriers System;has been reluctant to pull the trigger....

My Guess is 1 of 3 things here.....

1)We could be trying to deal Champ for T.J and other conditional picks....

2)Believe it or not....Spurrier could very well be involved in this equation.....

3)We could be throwing draft picks at players like we did last off-season...

Believe me or Don't believe me....but this is from a source I trust and has got me thinking real hard this morning....

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Duckett is a borderline bust. He'd be a nice option for short yardage and bad-weather games, but seems to have worn out his welcome in Atlanta.

There appeared to be some bad blood between Duckett and the Falcons this year, as Reeves withheld Duckett from games without any explanation. It appeared to be a disciplinary action, or at least a benching for lack of productivity. Since no word of explanation was offered by the team, we can't presume to know the precise reason -- but it isn't good, and the Falcons shopping Duckett now may be confirmation of something not so good with Duckett.

Duckett's value is probably a #4 pick at this point -- #3 tops. He'd be gravy in a deal for Champ, but not the primary compensation. Unless Snyder is an idiot.

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

Duckett's value is probably a #4 pick at this point -- #3 tops. He'd be gravy in a deal for Champ, but not the primary compensation. Unless Snyder is an idiot.

So Champ for Duckett and their 1st would be a good move then. :twitch:

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Duckett is a big back at 6'0" 250 or so. He is a great short yardage back but doesn't have break-away speed. He might be a lot better in a ball control type offense.

*edit* I think he's better than Dayne. Isn't he?!?!

I don't think he's worth a first rounder but I might consider him in trade for the rights to Champ and a first rounder in 2005 (or something along those lines).

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Well, at first blush ... seems like a waste, even as a throw-in.

It would still leave us, apparently, needing a legitimate starting option for an every-down back. And we apparently already have a decent short-yardage option in Rock.

Regardless of whether or not SS is back next year, I'd not thing many of us will be all that tickled at the prospect of heading into the '04 season with Duckett, Canidate, Betts and McCullough as our top 4 tailbacks.

And let's not just say "hey we'll draft Kevin Jones, either." Nice thought, but not something the team can afford to bank on.



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I actually thought Duckett was a good back coming out of college. In fact, and someone may correct me here, he ran a 4.3 forty at a weight of 230lb or so. He's not a burner out of the box, but he's got pretty good wheels once he gets going. Also, he caught alot of passes out of the backfield while at Michigan St. And...he's a load to bring down...kind of reminds me of Bettis the way he runs.

I think their disappointment with him is that he started off on the wrong foot from the get go. Held out of training camp his rookie year, then got caught up in a fight that kept him out even longer. His rookie year was spent trying to learn the offense... something he should have done in TC. Later, he certainly voiced his displeasure with not getting the football.... which aggravated Reeves.

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Originally posted by Art

This would be a HORRIBLE move. Rock is probably better than Duckett is in short yardage. You put a healthy Betts back in the equation with the Rock around, and you're better off than with Duckett.

Art please stop smoking what ever you are!

If Rock is so good then why on two occasions it took him 3 trys to get one yard from first and goal?? Duckett would just fall in and get in on the first.

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