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Rumor:Apparently Rich McKay and Snyder talking trade....


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Jbooma, have you actually seen Duckett play, or are you just being a huge pain in the ass? Because I, along with several others on this thread have seen him play many times, and are absolutely unimpressed. I'm just wondering if you know what the hell you are talking about, or are grasping at random stats.

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Champ isn't going anywhere and why would we want Duckett when Betts is a 2nd rounder who has been in the league for 2 years? We'll continue to lose if we dont keep our players ie Stephen Davis. Champ Bailey should never wear another uniform no more should be said about trading his rights. If we would have kept Marty and traded for Bledsoe instead of thinking the fun n gun would work in the NFL. We would be in first place but lets draft a running back and keep our good players, so we wont have to find another DB. We sure wont find another like Champ because if my memory serves me correctly when we signed free agents not too many of them have worked. What happens if the kid for K-State comes out or Clarett it's a lot easier drafting one of them instead of picking up someone elses Ron Dayne.

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Originally posted by CrankyTodd

Jbooma, have you actually seen Duckett play, or are you just being a huge pain in the ass?

Maybe both ;) , all I am saying as a short yardage back he is better than the Rock. I am not saying use him as our feature back, but he is a good change of pace.

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What is interesting if this is true, this could be a sign from Danny that he wants Spurrier. Last week in his weekly radio show he mentioned we need to get a big back here for the latter part of the season. If this is true Snyder is doing what the coach wants.

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We trader Davis to give Betts a shot. He has been hurt but lets at least draft a running back and give Betts the chance to win the job. They thought Canidate could play even when the Rams said he was a bum. If we trade Champ he will continue to go to the Pro Bowl like Davis. Lets fix one problem at a time and stop making new ones. We dont even know if Betts can play yet and just happen to find out that Rock could when the others got hurt. Get Betts in the weight room or just draft Perry out of Michigan.

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Just think if we would have kept Shawn Barber instead of giving Trotter all that money? He hasn't done a thing since he's been here but if we lose Champ it will come back to haunt us just like Stephen Davis. We our slowly becoming the laughingstock of the NFL and unless we stop and get a direction to go in. We will be the Bengals this decade.

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Let me assure you that we will NOT trade for TJ Duckett. As most of you have said he is an umimpressive back. He does not bring anything to our team that we dont not have already. Trading for him would be a complete waste and to pick up his somewhat large contract is insane.

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Wake up. We ARE the laughingstock. And one of the reasons we are is because we try to throw big money at players who dont deserve it or warrant it. Champ is great. But without a Dline he's average and gets burned ALOT. We'd be better with an improved Dline and a cheaper, albeit less talented CB.

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This makes no sense for Atlanta . . . that is, unless they think Duckett sucks. Yes, they have Warrick Dunn, but he's gone for the year with a knee injury, and Lord knows how or when he'll return from that. This will leave them with no credible starting RB's.

What this smells like is a vote of no-confidence by a new GM in a former 1st round pick and an attempt to dump him to any sucker- er, GM who'll take him. No thanks.

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Champ has a point he has been here and seen Deion, George, Trotter, Coles and a few others get paid. He feels he deserves his money also just as Stephen did. There has to be some loyality for time on the job. Deion broke the bank for 1 lousy season. Jansen was saying the same thing you have to pay the players that have been here if you dont no one will want to stay and play for us.

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Loyalty????? For what?????? Has Champ helped this team win big games??????

No thanks. His contract demands are absurd. You dont keep a guy just because he's been here if we can improve the TEAM by going a different direction.

If there was no cap, fine. But we have a cap to fit under. And as such, we cant pay Champ AND get the Dline help we need.

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Originally posted by John Weathers

Just think if we would have kept Shawn Barber instead of giving Trotter all that money? He hasn't done a thing since he's been here but if we lose Champ it will come back to haunt us just like Stephen Davis. We our slowly becoming the laughingstock of the NFL and unless we stop and get a direction to go in. We will be the Bengals this decade.

Barber wanted waaaaay too much money from us. He signed (if I remember right) for less money than we offered him. Davis didn't want to stay and refused to re-do his deal. He took a lot less in Carolina than what we would have paid him to stay here.

Can't argue with the rest of your post though :(

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You show loyalty to players who have helped to build a winning organization, not those who are just playing under the terms of their contract.

And, loyalty is a two-way street. Where is Champ's loyalty for working with the team in regards to the cap? Champ is looking to get paid. I haven't felt loyalty oozing from him. And he certainly hasn't made a strong case for himself in a contract year. Jeez, even Stubblefield went out and had an MVP season in his contract year.

BTW, this is what's great about the internet - some guy posts a rumor he heard from a friend via email (it may very well be true, for all I know), and we start debating the merits of T.J. Duckett on the Redskins.

I love it. :laugh:

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Sign him for 6 years and spread the money out he's worth the 16 million and he's going to get it. Let Danny Boy kick in like he has for some of the players that haven't play for us as long as Champ has. He is one of our leaders and deserves the contract for having to be there when Deion got 10 million for nothing.

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