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I'm done buying Skins stuff


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After the last few years, especially this one, I'm done. No more jerseys. No retro. No commemorative crap. I don't want to commemorate anything this group has done for the past ten years.

To me, this is the only way to get the dannys attention. As long as he is making money, which is all he really cares about, we will blow. We can't fire him, so it needs to hit where it hurts, in the pocketbook.

I hate to go negative but damn, something has got to be done to right this ship

Anyone want season tickets for next year?

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Actually Sarge...once the season is over I am talking a lot of my skins stuff like the Retro crap...my signed Riggo Ball, Bobbleheads...etc and putting them in a Bin until the last week of preseason 04.

I like the way you're thinking here. Clean yourself of this.

I won't pack away my Darrell Green stuff though. He's still clean.

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You guys are barking up the wrong tree. I heard Smokin' Al or Doc say something earlier about Snyder not changing anything (coaches, what-not) because the bottom line is dollars and he is making the money. He has manufactured a money making machine. Adding seats adds money for evey game. Parking goes up every few years. The waiting list is well over 100,000 and those on the list can leap-frog others buy purchasing premium services like the Tailgate Club. I've heard some on here complain that he is holding a $50 deposit in the event that your name comes up on the waiting list for tickets. $6 a beer. The list goes on. He WILL make money no matter how many quit buying merchandise. I bet it killed him to hire the plows that cleaned the parking lots yesterday, but look at all that parking pass money he already has. You pay for it long in advance whether you ever use it or not.

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Originally posted by BD

I'll buy your tickets. Where are they?



If he wants to get rid of them, all he has to do is not renew. Simple as that. Don't reward people for hanging on to season tickets when they don't use them.

Bandwagoners like this guy are why we have gangs of NY and Philly fans at home games. It also the reason Fedex doesn't rock like it should.

People that keep their place in line, while just selling their tickets on ebay are disgusting.

Good riddance to fans like you!

Now, I just need about 10k more fans to become Ravens fans and I can get season tickets.

And I guaran-damn-tee that I'll put them to proper use.

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Originally posted by VT Shockoe Joe


If he wants to get rid of them, all he has to do is not renew. Simple as that. Don't reward people for hanging on to season tickets when they don't use them.

Bandwagoners like this guy are why we have gangs of NY and Philly fans at home games. It also the reason Fedex doesn't rock like it should.

People that keep their place in line, while just selling their tickets on ebay are disgusting.

Good riddance to fans like you!

Now, I just need about 10k more fans to become Ravens fans and I can get season tickets.

And I guaran-damn-tee that I'll put them to proper use.

Blow me a$$wipe. I can't use the tickets because I am stationed 8000 phucking miles away in the Air Force defending the rights of dick drips like you to make dumb a$$ed posts.

I thought that if my brother doesn't want to renew and since I don't retire for another three years minimum, I'd offer them to some Skins fans. Well, any Skins fan except for you, pus nuts.

Have fun in that waiting list line dumb dick

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Originally posted by Sarge

Blow me a$$wipe. I can't use the tickets because I am stationed 8000 phucking miles away in the Air Force defending the rights of dick drips like you to make dumb a$$ed posts.

I thought that if my brother doesn't want to renew and since I don't retire for another three years minimum, I'd offer them to some Skins fans. Well, any Skins fan except for you, pus nuts.

Have fun in that waiting list line dumb dick

That salty language might work on impressionable recruits, but it don't faze me. I mean, did you get that off of Full Metal Jacket? Are you feeling underappreciated? Geez, just fly home. Our president got a year off from flying, he'll understand.

Truthfully, you aren't defending **** sitting there typing on your computer. It's no wonder we haven't found Osama. Get back to work, since me (and my grandkids) will be paying for it.

If you are ready to quit on the Skins, fine. Back it up. Sell your tickets. Otherwise, save the ****ing for one of your underlings who can't tell you what they really think.


Don't worry about me. I've been to two games this year already. That should be punishment enough.


And Anc the Black, why do you think that list is so long? Because people keep season tickets just to go the Cowboy game, then sell the rest. That was the point of my post. If you're so tired of these Skins, give up your seats. Simple as that.


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And Anc the Black, why do you think that list is so long? Because people keep season tickets just to go the Cowboy game, then sell the rest. That was the point of my post. If you're so tired of these Skins, give up your seats. Simple as that.

I wouldn't worry. At the rate the Redskins are hemorrhaging seats, your number should come up soon. I never seen a marketing campaign for season tickets like the present, and numbers are coming up quickly now.

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Originally posted by VT Shockoe Joe

If you are ready to quit on the Skins, fine. Back it up. Sell your tickets. Otherwise, save the ****ing for one of your underlings who can't tell you what they really think.


What do you think I was trying to do numbnuts? Then you had to come along straight from the dumbass factory with your two cents. I'll tell you what, just for your liberal self, I'll let you move up on the list and have my tickets for two grand. This is America after all.

Oh, and your doing what to help the country right now? Ah, sitting on your ass typing on a football board. Lovely. Next time you work six days a week like I've been for two years and/or deploy for a few months overseas, then come talk to me about work. Meanwhile, get a life sh!t for brains.

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I got a promotion earlier this year with a nice raise and bought myself a couple of official jerseys in honor of that . A Red Charles Mann #71 and a White Art Monk #81. Those jerseys will never go out of style. There is no one on the current roster that I am willing to for out the big bucks to buy an official jersey for.

This Sunday in Chicago I will be wearing a Darrell Green # 28 White Jersey to Soldier Field. .0

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Originally posted by fuji869

I got a promotion earlier this year with a nice raise and bought myself a couple of official jerseys in honor of that . A Red Charles Mann #71 and a White Art Monk #81. Those jerseys will never go out of style. There is no one on the current roster that I am willing to for out the big bucks to buy an official jersey for.

This Sunday in Chicago I will be wearing a Darrell Green # 28 White Jersey to Soldier Field. .0

Do like me and buy a Riggins jersey. Like yours, it never goes ouot of style

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

I have a Bailey retro jersey that is barely a year old and it looks like I might ALREADY have to retire it alongside the Davis jersey :(

That leaves me with Coles.....:)

I am thinking the only jersey I am safe buying now is a Darrell Green jersey.

I just got a brand new one from ebay for only $40, cheaper than those on the current roster. Cool as ice...:)

DG is "The REAL Man". :applause:

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I went to three games this year. A record for someone as poor as me. I'm not giving Snyder another dime of of my hard earned money until he produces a winning product.

I'll watch and root for my team each game but he's got to produce a better product before I buy again. HTTR

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Sarge, ignore the Moron.

you cannot educate the stupid. Only the ignorant.

I am feeling you with Snyder and his nerchandising scam. Make splashy hires for the money-making ability and then just market the crap out of them to an adoring naiive public. Well we are finally figuring out we want to e competetive for our money. If not then find some other sucker to finance you sill game of charades.

make no mistake here, the power lies in the pocketbooks of the folks paying for every scap of redskins paraphinalia. Cut into the bottom line some and then I bet we will see some better product. If not then he can sell it.

at least in some way those that want to can make a miniscule difference.

not like in politics where its all bullsh!t.

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