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Ohio man delivers 5,000 sandwiches to University Hospitals staff who saved his life during coronavirus pandemic


CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - This wasn’t your typical food delivery. It’s one is straight from the heart.


“It’s the least we can do for these health care workers who we rely on," David Coury said.


He had cancer and was treated last month at University Hospitals.


He said doctors saved his life during the coronavirus pandemic.


So he and his family, who own several Subway franchises in Northeast Ohio, decided to thank the UH staff.


They stayed up all night making 5,000 sandwiches and preparing boxed lunches to deliver Tuesday morning.


Some of Coury’s family members stood outside UH’s main campus with handmade signs thanking caregivers.




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New York State Farmers donate 34,000+ pounds of milk, beef and produce to NYC families in need


The Northeast Dairy Producers Association announced that farms and co-ops across Upstate New York have donated more than 34,000 pounds of milk, beef, fruit and vegetables to fellow New Yorkers in need.


In addition to the NY-sourced milk and food, packets of crayons and coloring books for kids have also been donated, and are available to families on Friday, May 1 at Senator Ramos’ district office in East Elmhurst, Queens.


These are the donations:

1.  300 pounds of beef donated by La Casa De Leche Farm (Livingston County) and the Northeast Dairy Producers Association.
2.  1,700 gallons of milk donated by Dairy Farmers of America.
3.  20,000 apples equaling 5,700 pounds donated by Farm Fresh First, Inc., which markets NY apples from over 100 apple growers throughout the state.
4.  14,000 pounds of onions, 8,000 pounds of potatoes and 4,000 pounds of cabbage donated by Torrey Farms, Inc. (Genesee County) and the New York State Vegetable Growers Association.
5.  2,880 pounds of blueberry and vanilla parfait yogurt donated by Upstate Niagara Cooperative, Inc., a dairy cooperative located in Western NY.
6.  575 packs of Prang Crayons made with soybean oil donated by the New York Corn & Soybean Growers Association, along with coloring books sponsored by New York dairy farmers and donated through American Dairy Association North East.


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From homeless refugee to chess prodigy, 9-year-old dreams of becoming youngest grandmaster


IT'S 9 P.M., and 8-year-old Tani Adewumi is wired, like he'd just swallowed a bag of sugar. He had played chess all day, but he wanted to play more, at least until midnight. The first day of the 2019 New York State Scholastic Chess Championship had just ended, and he finished with three wins in as many matches, surprising a former champion and two other seeded players. He was heading into Day 2 -- the final day of the tournament -- in the lead, and he wanted to keep up the momentum when he returned to the huge Airbnb he was sharing with his family, his coach and a few other coaches in Saratoga Springs.


"If you want to win tomorrow, you better get your butt to sleep like the rest of the champions are right now," his coach, Shawn Martinez, told him. And so, reluctantly, Tani went to bed, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep. Already in his young life, Tani had spent nights in fear -- fear for his own life, fear for the lives of his parents. Nerves over a chess match weren't about to cause a single lost z.


The next day, Tani won his fourth match, no sweat. In the semifinal, Tani did something unorthodox: He purposely sacrificed his bishop for a pawn.


Why did you do that? Martinez wondered. I wouldn't have made such a risky move.


It appeared to be a blunder, but Tani knew exactly what he was doing. He remembered studying a 19th-century chess game played by the legendary Paul Morphy, and he knew if he could bait his opponent into taking his bishop, he could win the game.


His opponent gave him a wry smile as he realized -- too late -- why Tani had made that move, the one that would send him to the championship match with a perfect record.


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Neurobiologists Actually Managed to Reverse Stroke Damage Using Human Skin Cells


Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have succeeded in restoring mobility and sensation of touch in stroke-afflicted rats by reprogramming human skin cells and transplanting them into the brain.


“Six months after the transplantation, we could see how the new cells had repaired the damage that a stroke had caused in the rats’ brains,” says Professor Zaal Kokaia, one of the researchers behind the study.


Several previous studies from the Lund team and others have shown that it is possible to transplant nerve cells derived from human stem cells or from reprogrammed cells into brains of rats afflicted by stroke. However, it was not known whether the transplanted cells can form connections correctly in the rat brain in a way that restores normal movement and feeling.


“We have used tracking techniques, electron microscopy and other methods, such as light to switch off activity in the transplanted cells, as a way to show that they really have connected correctly in the damaged nerve circuits. We have been able to see that the fibers from the transplanted cells have grown to the other side of the brain, the side where we did not transplant any cells, and created connections. No previous study has shown this,” says Kokaia, who—even though he and colleague senior professor Olle Lindvall have studied the brain for several decades—was surprised by the results.


The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) last month.


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Misunderstanding at Wormleysburg restaurant leads to a partnership


CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. — A misunderstanding at a Wormleysburg restaurant on Juneteenth has led to an unexpected partnership.


A silent boycott was held outside Dockside Willies in Wormleysburg after Harrisburg Juneteenth organizers felt that they were denied service.


"The hostess was having problems seating people, maybe it was taken wrong, but this was one of the greatest things that happened," said restaurant owner Donald Cater speaking to the crowd of boycotters outside of his establishment.


This came after one social media post.


"They rang it twice, they said it was mistakes, malfunctions," said Mikell Simpson about the pager for the table. "I said after that second time, we realized what was going on. We waited for half an hour, forty minutes at that time," said Mikell Simpson. He wrote the post.


Simpson felt that his group, all part of the Capital Rebirth non-profit, wasn't seated because of their Juneteenth shirts.


"This guy was open, he didn't have his PR team here, he didn't have a lawyer here, he was genuine, he spoke from his heart," said Simpson after he spoke to Carter in the Dockside Willies living room.


Simpson and supporters came down to the restaurant to speak to the owner, saying phone calls and social media messages weren't answered.


"It's a disaster when we have rain and you're trying to seat all these people, and so they thought we were being racially motivated," said Carter, talking about the rush of customers as well as the patio that was rained on.


Wynton Williams weighed in on the situation, saying, "he probably viewed us coming out here one way, we probably thought it was going one way, but after sitting down we definitely have a different view of each other."


Instead, a new partnership was formed all because of a conversation.


"That's all we wanted. Turns out it was big misunderstanding, that's turned into a future partnership with community events. He's willing to support Capital Rebirth," said Simpson.


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South Bay teen dressed as Batman brings relief to homeless residents


A teen in San Jose is turning heads. His impressive Batman costume comes second to the services and sustenance he's providing for the city's growing homeless population.

Batman's familiar costume is hitting San Jose city streets. However, instead of the character fighting crime, this 19-year-old is feeding the homeless.


"People will notice me and then they'll see what I'm doing," the teen told ABC7 News. "And then they'll notice the problem."


Under his makeshift costume made of motocross armor and riot gear, the teen is on a mission to connect with the city's homeless population. His effort began last summer.


Behind him, he pulls a wagon filled with food, water and other tools.


Known only as "Batman of San Jose," people living on the streets know his arrival often means a much-needed meal.


"I get food a couple times a week from this guy," homeless resident, Justin Turner said. "I don't even know how he does it."


Since last summer, the teen has used mainly his own money to purchase supplies. However, his growing presence has many reaching out and wanting to contribute.


A new Venmo account and donation site now allow people to contribute directly to his effort. He said the money provides the necessary funds needed for supplies.


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Dog adopts and nurses baby monkey as unlikely partnership caught on camera


It’s not unknown for dogs to adopt baby monkeys – but this canine mum must be the most patient yet.


Pictures emerging from the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh shows a cheeky simian gripping firmly onto its adoptive mum’s teats as she walks across a yard in Mungeli before flopping down in front of a motorcycle.




Then the monkey drinks its fill, as the weary dog gives in to the inevitable.




Locals have expressed their surprise and delight at the tight bond between the two animals.


It’s not known exactly how long they’ve been friends or how the unlikely partnership came about.


It echoes a similar “odd couple” relationship between a baby monkey and a dog in the state of Himachal Pradesh, northern India, which was reported in March of the year.


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Texas dad saves 4-year-old daughter from 500-pound alligator  



According to the Houston Chronicle and CNN, the incident occurred last month as Andrew Grande's 4-year-old daughter, her brother and their babysitter were playing by a canal near the family's League City home. Grande, who was inside the house, looked outside and saw the large reptile rushing toward the girl, the outlets reported.

"I had a gut feeling it wanted my daughter as a snack," Grande, 40, told the Chronicle.

Grande raced into action, grabbing his daughter and lifting her over the gate to their backyard, he told CNN. He also ushered his son and the babysitter to the other side of the fence, according to the news outlet.<<<



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Exclusive: The Billionaire Who Wanted To Die Broke . . . Is Now Officially Broke


harles “Chuck” Feeney, 89, who cofounded airport retailer Duty Free Shoppers with Robert Miller in 1960, amassed billions while living a life of monklike frugality. As a philanthropist, he pioneered the idea of Giving While Living—spending most of your fortune on big, hands-on charity bets instead of funding a foundation upon death. Since you can't take it with you—why not give it all away, have control of where it goes and see the results with your own eyes? 


“We learned a lot. We would do some things differently, but I am very satisfied. I feel very good about completing this on my watch,” Feeney tells Forbes. “My thanks to all who joined us on this journey. And to those wondering about Giving While Living: Try it, you'll like it.”


Over the last four decades, Feeney has donated more than $8 billion to charities, universities and foundations worldwide through his foundation, the Atlantic Philanthropies. When I first met him in 2012, he estimated he had set aside about $2 million for his and his wife's retirement. In other words, he's given away 375,000% more money than his current net worth. And he gave it away anonymously. While many wealthy philanthropists enlist an army of publicists to trumpet their donations, Feeney went to great lengths to keep his gifts secret. Because of his clandestine, globe-trotting philanthropy campaign, Forbes called him the  James Bond of Philanthropy.


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How ‘Steel Grandpa’ Gustaf Håkansson Pirated Sweden’s Toughest Bike Race


Gustaf Håkansson had a falling out with his barber in 1933 and never had another shave, which is one way of saying he was a stubborn man. By the time he rode to the start of Sweden’s most punishing cycling race 18 years later, in 1951, he sported a lush white beard that would be the envy of old St. Nick himself.


Though he’d cycled all over Sweden for decades, the 66-year-old Håkansson didn’t look like anyone’s vision of a cycling champion. The organizers of the 1,760 kilometer (1,093 mile) stage race from Haparanda on Sweden’s northern border to Ystad in the south told him to get lost, more or less. Entries were limited to trained sportsman under 40 years old, and race officials thought the bearded grandfather far too old and frail to attempt the grueling Sverigeloppet.


Undeterred, Håkansson pinned a big number zero to his chest and started along the race route, one minute (some sources say one hour) after the official start. When the peloton reached the end of the day’s stage and the young riders stopped to eat and sleep, Håkansson kept going. And going. And going. He put in a good 22 hours that day. It turns out the old man didn’t require much sleep. He wasn’t particularly fast, but he was steady.




Each morning the pack of young riders would race after him, eating into his lead. Then, when they stopped to sleep, Håkansson built it back up again. After three days he was about 120 miles ahead and the newspapers were full of stories about Stålfarfar, the “Steel Grandpa.” This is not what the race organizers intended.


While the official racers were fed and housed at every stop, Håkansson fended for himself, riding day and night, snatching an hour’s sleep beside the road or, as his fame spread before him, with hospitable people along the way. On the fourth day of the race, having slept a total of five hours since the start, he sat in a roadside ditch and jotted his dispatch for Dagens Nyheter. “I have never felt more comfortable in my entire life,” he wrote. “How can you get tired when you meet so much kindness?”


By that time, the official racers were more than 120 miles behind, and Sweden was gripped in Stålfarfar mania. At times police had to drive ahead, parting the sea of spectators so Håkansson could pass like some kind of two-wheeled Moses. In Söderhamn, about 500 miles into the race, he reluctantly allowed himself to be examined by a doctor. “Steel Grandfather is of excellent core wood. On the other hand, he lacks a watch,” the physician reported, according to Johansen and Google translate. To which Håkansson replied, “Time goes the same whether you measure it or not.”


He reached Ystad six days, 14 hours, and 20 minutes after he started, having slept a total of about 10 hours and crossing the finish line on a flat tire. He experienced his one and only puncture just a half-mile before the finish, and rather than dig out his patch kit he pushed the bike to within a stone’s throw of the finish, then remounted and rode across the line. He didn’t need a watch to know his lead was not in danger; the others were 24 hours in arrears.


Håkansson was greeted by a marching band, and then carried through the city in a golden chair. When the pack of young cyclists arrived the next afternoon, Stålfarfar wasn’t there. He was having tea with the king of Sweden.


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Carpenter builds dozens of desks to support remote learning for students in need


There’s nothing like a neat and clean work space to get the job done.


The coronavirus pandemic has upended the traditional academic year for millions of American students, inspiring one crafty dad in California to make virtual learning a bit easier for local kids in need. To help start the school year off strong, the man has produced dozens of free desks for children in the community.


Mitchell Couch of Lemoore has been a carpenter for over 20 years and joked that his two kids took over the kitchen table when they began distance learning this year.


“Their school work was always all over the table and we were constantly having to move it, so I built some desks for my kids so they could have their own space,” Couch told Fox News on Thursday. “When I was building the second desk, I thought that others might benefit from knowing how to build their own desks. I did a quick YouTube video and posted a few directions along with a materials list, hoping that it could help anybody out.”


From there, the owners of local supermarket Grocery Outlet caught wind of the tutorial and offered to supply materials if Couch was willing to make more.


The dad accepted the challenge and has since built 37 wooden desks, while the requests keep on coming.




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