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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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53 minutes ago, ClaytoAli said:

So I guess his black experience is with poor and ignorant folks?

Welp, I guess either segregation or owning slaves is still happening where he’s from?


Nah,  Issa is just a run of the mill republican jerkoff who has embraced the stupidity of the party. 

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31 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

Issa is the second richest member of Congress. Not bad for a guy who started off stealing cars as a youth. 🤑


That after dropping out of high school to enlist and then getting a "discharge" before seeing action in Vietnam. 


****er stole a Maserati and didn't get a felony conviction. Must be white to have that happen. 

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Kentucky lawmaker apologizes for referencing Jewish women's sex life amid abortion debate


Kentucky Rep. Danny Bentley made comments about Jewish women and the Holocaust during a debate Wednesday over anti-abortion legislation, quickly drawing condemnation from several members of the Jewish community who raised serious concerns with what he said.


Bentley, a Republican and pharmacist from Russell, later apologized for his comments Wednesday night, saying he "meant absolutely no harm."


As state representatives debated an omnibus anti-abortion bill Wednesday afternoon, Bentley spoke about the medication abortions the legislation would restrict and invoked Jews and the Holocaust as he made claims about the origins of one such medication, which members of the Jewish community quickly denounced as both false and antisemitic.


Bentley falsely said RU-486, or Mifepristone, one of two pills taken to induce abortion, was developed during World War II and was called Zyklon B, the gas that killed millions of Jews in the Holocaust.


He added that “the person who developed (it) was a Jew.”


Referring to an earlier floor amendment that attempted to allow Jewish women to be exempt from the abortion restrictions in the bill — with the Democrat who filed it, Rep. Mary Lou Marzian of Louisville, saying the faith does not believe life begins at conception — Bentley then opined on his perception of the sexual habits of Jewish women, “since we brought up the Hebrew family today.”


“Did you know that a Jewish woman has less cancer of the cervix than any other race in this country or this world?” Bentley asked. “And why is that? Because the Jewish women only have one sex partner… They don't have multiple sex partners. To say that the Jewish people approve of this drug now is wrong.”


Referring to the company that made RU-486 and again referring to the Holocaust, Bentley further asked: “Why would they do it? Because they're making money on it.”


No one responded to Bentley's comments during the abortion debate that lasted about two hours.


Sen. Karen Berg, D-Louisville, a physician and the only Jewish member of the legislature, listened to Bentley’s speech and was outraged by both the falsehoods and the fact that people of her religion were even a subject.


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On 2/24/2022 at 9:45 PM, China said:


Challenges to Madison Cawthorn can’t proceed under new district, elections board says


Challenges seeking to bar U.S. Rep. Madison Cawthorn from running for reelection cannot move forward as long as Cawthorn remains a candidate in the district he filed in, which has now been moved halfway across the state, the N.C. State Board of Elections said Thursday.


The challenges argue that Cawthorn should be disqualified from running for office because of what they allege is his involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Cawthorn denies being involved in the attack.


Cawthorn, a first-term Republican who was elected in 2020 from what was then North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District, in the westernmost part of the state, filed in December to run for a second term from the newly drawn 13th district enacted by the Republican-controlled legislature in November.


After months of redistricting litigation, however, a panel of trial court judges adopted a remedial congressional map on Wednesday that moves the 13th district to the Triangle. The new 13th district, where Cawthorn is still a candidate as of Thursday, now encompasses parts of Wake, Johnston, Harnett and Wayne counties.


In a letter to attorneys representing 13 North Carolina voters who filed complaints challenging Cawthorn’s eligibility to run for reelection in January and February, Katelyn Love, general counsel for the State Board of Elections, said that since none of the challengers currently reside in the new 13th district, they are no longer qualified under state law to challenge Cawthorn’s candidacy.


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Cawthorn faces new congressional ballot challenge


Another formal attempt has been filed to keep U.S. Rep. Madison Cawthorn off the ballot in North Carolina after a similar effort was knocked down by North Carolina's redistricting process.


A pair of voters, backed by North Carolina attorneys and a national election reform group, filed the new challenge Tuesday with the North Carolina State Board of Elections. They argue Cawthorn's conduct in the run-up to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol triggers a clause in the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that was written to keep Confederates out of Congress.


That clause forbids officials who "have engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the United States "or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof" from running for office.

Cawthorn, a first-term Republican from the western part of the state, has denied he engaged in insurrection.


The challenge is essentially the same one filed against Cawthorn in January, but that one was deemed moot after a court-ordered redistricting process reworked North Carolina's congressional districts, shifting the boundaries of the district Cawthorn initially filed to run in. With a new map set, pending a last-ditch challenge to the U.S. Supreme Court, Cawthorn has since filed to run in his old district in the North Carolina mountains, the 11th Congressional District.


The next step is in flux. Normally the state's elections board would convene an inquiry. Under North Carolina law, Cawthorn bears the burden of proof to show the allegations are untrue. But the congressman sued in federal court to keep the inquiry from moving forward in the first challenge, and that case remains active, so a federal judge may block the elections board.


After the new challenge came down Wednesday, Chief U.S. District Court Judge Richard Myers set a hearing in that lawsuit for Friday morning in Wilmington.


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Devin Nunes Suffers Another Court Defeat In Lawsuit Against GOP Strategist


On Thursday, former GOP congressman-turned Trump Media CEO Devin Nunes suffered another defeat for a meritless lawsuit after the Virginia Supreme Court denied his appeal to continue suing a Republican strategist whom the former California congressman claimed had conspired to defame him, The Fresno Bee reports.


“Upon review of the record in this case and consideration of the argument submitted in support of and in opposition to the granting of an appeal, the Court is of the opinion there is no reversible error in the judgment complained of. Accordingly, the Court refuses the petition for appeal,” the clerk, Muriel-Theresa Pitney, wrote in the decision obtained by the news outlet.


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10 hours ago, China said:

Devin Nunes Suffers Another Court Defeat In Lawsuit Against GOP Strategist


On Thursday, former GOP congressman-turned Trump Media CEO Devin Nunes suffered another defeat for a meritless lawsuit after the Virginia Supreme Court denied his appeal to continue suing a Republican strategist whom the former California congressman claimed had conspired to defame him, The Fresno Bee reports.


“Upon review of the record in this case and consideration of the argument submitted in support of and in opposition to the granting of an appeal, the Court is of the opinion there is no reversible error in the judgment complained of. Accordingly, the Court refuses the petition for appeal,” the clerk, Muriel-Theresa Pitney, wrote in the decision obtained by the news outlet.


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Anytime Nunes loses in court it's a win for all of US.

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GOP Congressman Decries Fauci’s ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ in Same Breath as Ukraine


Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) on Friday lobbed some outlandish accusations against Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Centers for Disease Control, and—presumably to cover all his bases—the federal government as a whole.


Describing their actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, Roy accused them of “crimes against humanity”—the same term that describes the Armenian genocide, the Rwandan genocide, and apartheid in South Africa.


The GOP congressman uttered this detached and dangerous comment on Fox News, during an interview with Tucker Carlson fill-in Will Cain.


After Cain devoted a segment to why “the mainstream media doesn’t care about” Fauci anymore, Roy wanted to make it clear that the alleged misdeeds of the nation’s top infectious diseases doctor shouldn’t be forgotten.


Roy began by claiming that Fauci and the CDC “want to sweep the facts under the rug” regarding the number of deaths caused by COVID-19, implying that the “actual” number is less than reported—something that Republicans elsewhere have theorized, even as pro-Trump, vaccine resistant counties have far higher death rates.


Then, noting the ongoing war in Eastern Europe, Roy said, “We are looking at that and we are talking about war crimes. I want to talk about the crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated by Anthony Fauci, the CDC and the federal government against the American people.”


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