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OT:Star Wars-Classic Trilogy Ultimate Edition in the Works


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Classic Trilogy Ultimate Edition in the Works

Thu, Nov 20, 03 09:33:04 PM EST

It has been reported all over the web and on this website for months, though now there's a resurgence in the rumors that an eventual and final release of the Classic Trilogy is coming. Where these rumors are coming from now is a person emailing a list of changes to websites and telling them work is being done. And while we can defintiely confirm that ILM is working on the movies for plenty of enhancements, the list may not be accurate.

Here's the run down of possible and very rumored changes:

Episode IV: A New Hope

The Imperial March has been added to Darth Vader's first appearance on Princess Leia's ship.

When Obi-Wan is talking to Luke about his father Anakin's Theme plays in the background and then it turns into the Imperial March as he talks about Vader.

The lightsaber effects have been redone and the frame jumps of lightsabers being turned on has been removed.

There's a new scene which has been shot during the filming of Episode III in which the Emperor dissolves the Senate.

In the Cantina, the Duros (green aliens guys) have been replaced with Neimoidians and some aliens from the prequels have been added.

The bleeding arm on the floor in the Cantina has been replaced with a non-bleeding arm because it's now canon that lightsabers cauterize wounds.

The original shooting scene between Han and Greedo has been restored.

Jabba the Hutt has been given a makeover and Han no longer steps on his tale.

In place of R2 wobbling down the stairs to the Falcon's hangar, a CG R2 navigating the stairs like he does in Attack of the Clones was added.

The white boxes around space ships have been removed and new CG shots have been added.

The scene of the Falcon being chased by the two Star Destroyers was modified. The Falcon now does spinning moves, avoiding the Star Destroyers' fire.

When the Death Star destroys Alderaan there's a new scene of Yoda's reaction to the disturbance in the Force that is created by all those deaths and then it cuts to Obi-Wan reacting to it as well.

The Dianoga has gotten a CG makeover and were are now able to see more of the creature.

The Death Star's paneling and computers have been slightly altered to show similar displays to those in the prequels.

The words "Tractor Beam" with Aurebesh lettering.

More stormtroopers have been added to the Death Star.

Temuera Morrison's voice is being recorded for use with all the stormtroopers.

The Obi-Wan/Vader duel has been spruced up. It is much more epic and there is much more movement. A modified version of Duel of the Fates is being considered for the scene.

The Death Star plans that are taken from R2 have been updated. When the Rebels are reviewing the Death Star plans they look similar to the plans we see in Attack of the Clones.

The Death Star battle is much more epic with more Tie Fighters and more Rebels being blown to bits. We get to see old Naboo starfighters being used by the Rebels.

There's a new scene (shot during Episode III) where Darth Vader goes to Coruscant and lands his ship in the same building Count Dooku does at the end of Attack of the Clones. Except now the building is all fixed up and it is now Palpatine's palace. He meets with Palpatine to ask for forgiveness for his failure and inform him of a new potential who is strong in the Force.

Chewbacca now gets a medal.

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

The taun-tauns are now CG.

The battle of Hoth is much more epic. We see the Imperial ships land on Hoth and release AT-ATs. The AT-ATs have been sped up a bit. There's a ground battle between the Rebel soldiers and stormtroopers featuring new ships and vehicles.

Temuera Morrison's voice is being recorded for the older Boba Fett and all the stormtroopers.

The white boxes around space ships have been removed.

The slug monster is CG.

Ian McDiarmid has refilmed scenes as the Emperor. The conversations between Vader and Palpatine is now longer and features a few connections to the prequels.

Yoda's face is now animated in CG allowing more expression of emotions yet his movements remain the same. Also two deleted scenes featuring Yoda instructing Luke have been restored.

A new scene was shot in which the stormtroopers, after they capture Han, Leia and Chewie, bring Vader the box containing C-3PO in pieces. Vader orders the stormtroopers to bring the broken droid to Chewbacca's cell so that he can fix him.

The lightsaber effects have been redone in certain parts.

Luke's fall from Cloud City has been reshot against bluescreen using a stuntman.

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Jabba the Hutt is now a combination of the puppet and CG.

The Rancor is CG and looks disgusting as ever.

Yoda is CG. Yoda disappears leaving his clothes behind like Obi-Wan now.

The ewoks are now mostly CG and there are a lot more of them.

The plan is to insert the love theme Across the Stars when Luke is talking with Leia about their mother.

Temuera Morrison's like before is now the voice for Boba Fett and all the stormtroopers.

In the battle of Endor there are thousands of Ewoks and they are more vicious than there midgets-in-suits counterparts. More bite the dust now.

White boxes around ships removed.

The black blotches around Palpatine's face are gone.

Some of the lightsaber effects have been redone. The shadows that the lightsabers made on the floor are gone.

During Anakin's death scene it starts with a sad rendition of the Imperial March and slowly evolves into Anakin's Theme.

Sebastion Shaw who played Anakin when he was unmasked has been replaced with Hayden Christenson in make-up to make him look older. Anakin has much more dialogue. He apologizes for the destruction he caused, he thanks his son for turning him back to the light, he tells his son to rebuild the Jedi and he says he loves him and his sister. Just before he dies he says, "It is finished...".

We see more planets celebrating at the end of the movie. We see an aged Jar Jar, who is now the leader of the Gungans, on Naboo celebrating with the people of Naboo and the Gungans.

We see an old Watto, who is now unable to fly, sitting in a hover chair cheering on Tatooine.

During these scenes Across the Stars plays transitioning to the victory celebration music at the Ewok tree village.

Anakin's spirit is now played by Hayden Christenson with make-up to make him look his age. He looks on proudly at his son Luke with the spirit of Padme by his side.

Again, these are more of a wish list than accurate information.

We also wanted to tell you something perhaps even more significant. Episode I: The Phantom Menace is getting a full overhaul as well. We'll leave you with that for now.


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Funny, they posted this an hour later:

Q&A With George Lucas

Thu, Nov 20, 03 10:33:18 PM EST

Marc Xavier points out The Furry Conflict and the Great ‘Beard’ of the Galaxy for a summary of a new discussion yesterday with George Lucas about his movies, career and of course, Star Wars. Here's some highlights before you head over there:

· Indiana Jones 4 is currently under construction. :)

· The rumors of Lucas’ plans to change the original trilogy again after the release of Episode III are false.

· The bad acting in Episode II was “done on purpose” and is "part of the style.”

· The rumors about Lucas’ plans to make Episodes 7 – 9 were a “manifestation of the media.” He then joked that it “would be fun” to come up with a new Star Wars trilogy when Harrison (Han Solo) is 70 and have everyone as old people.

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Well there's a ton of misinformation going around from the Lucas camp with all of this. First off, the original trilogy will be released this September on DVD if I remember correctly. If we think there will be a Ultimate Master Holy SH!T version shortly there after, sales of the one this September will suffer.

I've read interviews where Lucas states he wants to go back to the OT and fix things to make it jive more with the prequels. Who knows if that's true, but if they do release a Ultimate Master Holy SH!T version, I just hope it includes inline DVD branching so all the OT whiners will get their masterpiece and we won't all have to hear about it.

And yea, I'm waiting for Code's thoughts on all of this too.

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And I suppose anybody who wants a DVD of the original movies can just suck wind, right?

I can underatand restoring footage that the original Producer/Director wanted in the film, but that got trimmed out by somebody else.

I can understand cleaning up technical errors (like the matte boxes around the spaceships that weren't visable in the theatres, but became visable when transferred to video), or things the director wanted to do, but the technology didn't exist, yet.

But this is "well, you see, when I made this movie, I really hadn't thought of these things. But 20 years later I thought re-writing the script, and having people say different things, and putting people in who weren't even invented back then, would be really neet, so . . . "

If somebody else were making these changes, then Hollywierd would be holding protest marches against the evils of allowing corporations to (gasp) change a classic, merely because they own it, or something.

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Originally posted by Canyonero!

Well there's a ton of misinformation going around from the Lucas camp with all of this. First off, the original trilogy will be released this September on DVD if I remember correctly. If we think there will be a Ultimate Master Holy SH!T version shortly there after, sales of the one this September will suffer.

I've read interviews where Lucas states he wants to go back to the OT and fix things to make it jive more with the prequels. Who knows if that's true, but if they do release a Ultimate Master Holy SH!T version, I just hope it includes inline DVD branching so all the OT whiners will get their masterpiece and we won't all have to hear about it.

And yea, I'm waiting for Code's thoughts on all of this too.

"Some movies are never finished. They are not released, they escape."

I don't know what to believe -

On the one hand, I distinctly remember George saying in an interview that there would be a total of 9 episodes. I think I still have the magazine with the interview. I'll have to look for it.

Here we have one point of George not being honest.

On the other hand, we have "straight from the horse's mouth" that there will not be a "Grand Master Holy Sh!t" version on DVD.

On a third hand (I'll need someone's help with this, I only have two) - The only thing George does better than special effects is make money. Remember the ad campaign for the video tapes just before the "Special Editions"?

It went something like: "This is your last chance to own the original Star Wars Trilogy on VHS."

So, as I stated earlier, I do not know what to believe. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah. Buy this one up, foolish mortals. This is THE THE THE ultimate collection. Honest. No more messing around with them, this is it. After this, they're going into the Lucas vault until 2077, the 100th anniversary of the original movie. Buy 'em up while they last.

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I actually like some of the 'proposed changes'....with the technology today, this could be done, look awesome, AND add to the films rather than detract. Lucas often said that technology was really a determining factor in doing the films and whether he could do (or couldn't do) certain things.

I really hope there IS a DVD version in the works, and I wouldn't care too much about changes, as they would all be done to tie the OT more closely with the PT.

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Well fortunately for me you can go to the flea markets and 5 finger discount places and get bootleg DVDs of starwars for 10- to 15 bucks.

Yeah they are recordings of the VHS tapes but hey the option of upgrading is there and I'll be too old to watch lucas's version without depends at the rate he is going

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Breathe Code. Breathe


I have head variations of a lot of this and like Henry, I'm sure some of it is just rumors.

Until it comes from Lucasfilm, it's just rumors.

I think it's pretty accepted now that the OT is coming out on dvd next fall in preparation for the release of EP III.

Those changes listed didn't sound too bad, but I'm mostly in favor of leaving it alone.

But I do like the idea of changing the Stormtrooper voices and the scene in ESB with Vader and the emperor.

I don't like the idea of adding the Emperor to IV or Yoda. I think the movies were well done as they were....

BUT.... Restoring the Han/Greedo scene to the original would rule big time. Lucas screwed up by making Greedo shoot first, it ruined the coolness of that scene.....

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