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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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Most comments were simply offering prayer, complaining about the government, or outraged that the government did this.  The last group is strange, because everyone knew authorities would have to do something eventually.  Did they expect the government to surrender to them?  Weird people.

Yeah, part of me is thinking "heck, they've been begging for worse, from Day One". Heck, I got the impression that they felt let down that the government response wasn't instant, and fatal.

But me? In all these situations, the ending I want is the Bad Guys leaving in handcuffs, a fair trial, convictions, and they're gone for several years.

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Seeing that Pete Santelli was arrested without incident.


Shame LaVoy got killed, but I would not be surprised at all if he or others with him shot first.  If that's what happened, what could be expected?


Now for the fun game of what to charge them with.  Arrested on felony conspiracy charges seems too little.  We need more, like a few dozen more things.  Lord knows there's plenty to get them with.  Get a half dozen of their brightest prosecutors and tell them to be creative.

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The nutters are trying to spread the story that Lavoy was murdered in cold blood while kneeling with his hands in the air.  


By tomorrow, every conspiracy nut in America will believe it.   

Nevad Assemblywoman Michhel Fiore being one of them. 


My heart & prays go out to LaVoy Finicum's family he was just murdered with his hands up in Burns OR.Ryan Bundy has been shot in the arm

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You can listen in on a buncha militia loons talking to each other, passing rumors as "facts," and trying to organize at this link




"We need constitutional sheriffs to mobilize RIGHT NOW!"  


Lots of photoshopped pictures of Obama in a Nazi uniform too.  


they are also sure that their half assed internet communications are being "jammed" by the government

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She sent the "occupiers" stuff including her new Calendar,(you'd have to see it to believe it). Just read that she's stating Ammon Bundy called his wife from the back of the police car and told her that Lavoy had his hands up when they shot him and on the ground when they shot him. How she knows this I don't know. Rumors going around that she may have tried to tip them off as  to where FBI might be positioned and other things. Tough to say,but I'd be willing to bet someone from the FBI might be calling her and it won't be to order a calendar. 





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Listening to that internet link in post 809 is amazing.   People completely divorced from reality, playacting as though they were hardcore professional revolutionaries running a shadow government.


now they are accusing each other of being FBI plants   oh lol  

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The Pacific Patriot Network,(the guys who showed up with all kinds of rifles and such a few days after the standoff started),have been telling people they were there as a buffer between the FBI and the those holding the refuge. Warning the FBI to behave and such. They went as far as to send a letter saying do something,(they did),or leave. They are now having to defend themselves from those that follow them about why they weren't there "buffering". Apparently,they had no idea that the Bundy gang was heading North for a meeting,(unlike everyone else on the Twitterverse for the previous 4 hours or more). They've not been heard from otherwise.  The other group,the OathKeepers went from warning the FBI there would be civil war if they acted in a forceful way a few days ago,to putting up a meek breaking news blurb on their site saying that Bundy was arrested during a lawful stop. They're feeding on each other out there for sure.  

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If you're watching Santilli's chatroom,yeah. It's something. This is the longest I've actually watched it because usually Santilli is talking and that's annoying with seconds. Click off the link excruciating in about 4 minutes. 



Edit. Press conference scheduled for 10:30 am. tomorrow. 

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Seeing that Pete Santelli was arrested without incident.

Shame LaVoy got killed, but I would not be surprised at all if he or others with him shot first. If that's what happened, what could be expected?

Now for the fun game of what to charge them with. Arrested on felony conspiracy charges seems too little. We need more, like a few dozen more things. Lord knows there's plenty to get them with. Get a half dozen of their brightest prosecutors and tell them to be creative.

Wonder how guys death is going to play into charges. If they're actively committing a felony when he's killed...

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The good news for Bundy and Co. is now they can continue their occupy protest for the long haul - occupying a supermax.

What a bunch of morons.


In prison:

"I'm a judge and I order you to release me!"

"why did you take away my copy of the constitution?!"

"I'm going to organize a common law grand jury, and you'll be sorry if you don't let me out of here"

"Is anyone even on the other side of this door?  Hello?!"

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Guess they're trying get the refuge part done in a peaceful way.  Hope so. One death is more than enough. I will say that some of the comments in the twitterverse and other social media dealing with Lavoys death have been as nasty as some of those that supported and support the militants.  That's the interwebz for ya. 





Edit. Another video from inside the refuge apparently made just after things went down. 


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Hopefully the lack of more garish news means that the Feds were able to execute things (at least this phase) with only one fatality. 


If so, props to them. 


I was wondering if/how bloodless it could even be if the militants made good on their promise to fight back if the Feds tried to arrest them.  With the amount of hardware they were packing, a shootout could have been a huge mess.  We'll need more details to know for sure, but yeah, at this time, it looks like thus far things were executed efficiently.


I imagine them traveling was a good opportunity to do it.  Long guns were probably back in the trunks/back of vehicles, probably limited ammo in the front, and obviously no secret snipers in makeshift guard towers.  Resistance would naturally have been somewhat limited at that point.

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Twitter feed from reporters who are at Refuge hq right now. FBI has the place blocked off. All but one woman and all the kids gone. They were first to go last night. FBI let those who wanted to go leave,and several did.  What's left of the occupiers vowing to go down with a fight it seems. 


Videos by Fry,one of the militants inside on their youtube channel. 



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