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THE INSOMNIAC THREAD Week 14: Welcomes the restless, drunken, die hard fans!


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At this point nothing is going to make me nervous!!! Numb perhaps if we lose. So, how are you staying up late into the night before the game? What are you eating or most importantly what are you drinking?


The Bears will attack us but we will be ready with our spears and blades....





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Damn so quiet in this thread... now I know why no one has been creating the insomniac thread...lol 

Apparently no one is psyched about the game on Sunday and getting drunk before the big game. This game is still big!!! Right?


This game is HUGE for sure...we still control our destiny by winning out, if we drop this one, it's a long road of misery and "What If's" into the dark and dreaded off season.

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I'm kinda drunk lol. Been drinking vodka and cranberry all night. I'm confident tomorrow, maybe it's the alcohol.


Russki Chai eh. Nice. I had a few rum and coke. But need to get up a little early to get some work done around the house before the game. 


Yeah it is a big game for us alright. But we all know we are not a playoff team, yet. Might take two years. But our beloved Skins wining will still feel good and put a nice big smile on my face. :)


On the way to the office on Monday I really don't want to hear Misery Monday on the radio.


So Go Skins and let's kick some Bears asses!!!  

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After last week's lose, I have zero enthusiasm for this weeks game. If we can't beat a limping cowboys at home, we don't deserve the division. Deep in whiskey thoughts lol.


This. It's not that I'm too anxious to sleep, so much as I'm dreading the thought of waking up and sitting through another soul-sucking road performance.

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