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Cut Antonio Pierce


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Originally posted by Duke

Another goat?

How about fire EVERYONE but Vinny??? :rolleyes:

Man, don't let your darkside of your mind take control. :)

I'm just irritated that our players keep committing the stupidest of penalties and turning them into a score for the opponent.

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Mike Stock said after the game that Pierce did NOT try to influence the snap count. Apparently, Pierce saw several Redskins players lined up off sides and was screaming "back up, back up". The incompetent officials interpreted that as influencing the snap count.

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Originally posted by gridironmike

Keep Pierce. He is like Rock and Patrick Johnson. It seems like positive things (regardless of the stupid call) happen when they are on the field.

Usually, yes. But Rock had NO idea what he was doing when Dallas blitzed yesterday.

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Originally posted by nelms

Mike Stock said after the game that Pierce did NOT try to influence the snap count. Apparently, Pierce saw several Redskins players lined up off sides and was screaming "back up, back up". The incompetent officials interpreted that as influencing the snap count.

That's not true during the replay you can clearly hear Pierce faking an offensive snap count

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Originally posted by Mad Monkey

That's not true during the replay you can clearly hear Pierce faking an offensive snap count

I'm just relaying what Mike Stock said, as it was reported by the media. I didn't say it was the truth or a lie. If Stock is lying to protect a player, he should be fired.

Btw, you must have bionic hearing. I didn't hear Pierce faking a snap count.

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nelms Stocks job IS to protect his players.

Pierce didnt learn this on his own, another player or coach must have taught it to him.

Despite what stock says, Pierce was definetly imitating the snap count.

Come on guys we cant get the same false start, holding and personal foul penalties EVERY week, we've got to mix it up and come up with new and innovative ways to be penalized--dont want the players to get bored.

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Originally posted by nelms

I'm just relaying what Mike Stock said, as it was reported by the media. I didn't say it was the truth or a lie. If Stock is lying to protect a player, he should be fired.

Btw, you must have bionic hearing. I didn't hear Pierce faking a snap count.

Fox replayed the call and it is very clear. ... if you have the game taped you will see:)

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Originally posted by Henry

After the game Pierce admitting messing with the count. He also said he didn't know it was illegal. To me, that's what's known as bad coaching.

That's not what I read. Here's an excerpt from the Wash. Times:

Pierce claims he was only trying to tell his teammates to "get back" and not jump offsides.

"They said I said it three times, and I guess that was too many times," he said. "I've never heard of that rule before. I've never seen it called in the NFL before."

Cornerback Champ Bailey was even harsher in his criticism.

"I have no idea what the ref was thinking," Bailey said. "I'd be surprised if he's still reffing next week. It was a stupid call."

Champ may get a fine from the NFL for that comment.

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I like Pierce and thought that to be an odd call. Why would he pull a stunt like that there? Say Dallas does false start...it is still a chipshot.

Regan Upshaw should be the first guy cut. A player this unproductive can't commit a stupid penalty every game and be kept.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

They should cut Trotter and start Pierce. Trotters laughing it up and helping Dallas players off the turf at the end of the game.

ever hear of good sportsmanship?

you are just venting cuz' we lost ..do you remeber what happened in preseason when he went out......davis ran all over us............you are crazy for even saying that.

as for the guy who said cut pierce you might as well not come back ...the guy made a mistake and you call for his head...the causes more fumbles than anyone on the defense when he gets in there but he's not ready yet....:puke:

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Originally posted by KINGBRICE_28

as for the guy who said cut pierce you might as well not come back ...the guy made a mistake and you call for his head...the causes more fumbles than anyone on the defense when he gets in there but he's not ready yet....:puke:

Okay -- so I should be banned because I voiced my opinion?! I joined here recently because this site looked like a good place for Redskins fans to talk about their favorite team and vent their frustrations. And believe me, I'm plenty frustrated.

I like Pierce as a player, but he should have known that his actions would bring a penalty flag.

The above is strictly my opinion, but if that's not allowed here, I'll leave.


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Originally posted by nelms

Mike Stock said after the game that Pierce did NOT try to influence the snap count. Apparently, Pierce saw several Redskins players lined up off sides and was screaming "back up, back up".

"Hut" is German for "Back up."

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In the 20-odd years I've been watching football I've never seen that call at any level. Never in college, never in the pros. It was a very odd call at a very key time, especially given that it was on a field goal try which generally doesn't have a true snap count anyway. I'm curious if anyone on here has ever seen that called before.

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