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Skins vs Tampa Analysis

Red Cloud

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Some observations, other than how awful a performance that was. Losing to Minnesota with no Peterson and a backup QB was one thing, but this, wow...




Two missed deep balls to Jackson cost us 14 points.

Two missed field goals cost us 6 points.


That's enough to have a tied game right there, in 4 plays.


But of course, had we made those 4 plays, the game would have played out differently, less pressure on the skins to make plays, more pressure on Tampa.


Other than that, the obvious difference was the trenches.

Tampa gave McCown all day to make his throws, our 4 man rush put no pressure on him, and he completed his deep throws as a consequence.

Watching the reverse, the Skins had 5 blocking in the line, with a RB helping out, and yet a 4 man rush destroyed the pass protection time & time again. 

The very last play of the game summed it up perfectly, Tampa go 4 man rush, pocket collapses around Griffin forcing him to throw an inaccurate easy pass to the RB. It was a pointless play in a dead game by that stage, but still, it summed up the whole game.


Another observation, the skins need to put pressure in long yardage situations. We had Tampa 1st and 25, and so we back off, and give them the completion, and ultimately they get out of the hole.


I have seen it time & time again all season, get the other team in long yardage, then back off the pressure, and give them all day to find a man open. It's not working...


After the Dallas game I thought the D might have turned a corner, realizing that the Blitz, or the threat of the Blitz, on every down, puts the pressure on the offence. It forces inaccurate throws (sometimes leading to interceptions), it leads to sacks, it creates some chaos & energy. And, if nothing else, at least it gives us some fun to watch. Watching us back off and waiting for the inevitable completion...it's not good to watch, and it's not working...


As for RG3...well, he looked unconvincing as ever (the opening play, the missed deep balls, some lazy throws), but to be honest, I don't think you can judge the man when he knows he is going to get sacked on every passing down...

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Great observations.. 


How is our defense unable to get pressure on a QB in which the team is 1-8? He had all day to throw back there. The defense looked confused with no confidence and that's crazy because we've run the same system for five years now! We should be clicking on all cylinders! Haslett has to answer for that!


Also.. how does the Quarterback complete 71,88% of his passes in the game.....Only 9 incompletions on 32 attempts... and he still looks hesitant and lost? He's shown he can complete high percentages of his passes when confident.  But to me, the Quarterback didn't look confident in what he saw and felt in the game. Why?? What does he see in the game that he didn't see in practice??  Why can't our playmakers make something happen when the ball is completed to them 23 times? I think this is something that Gruden should be held accountable for.  


Now Give credit to Tampa because they have alot more talent than we did on the field. But our entire TEAM doesn't make plays! Why??


Where's our revamped special teams?? We missed two field goals badly! I mean not even close. Clearly all season we have not been prepared for what our opponent is going to show us. I truly believe this is why Cousins had so many interceptions. And the same result will be with McCoy if he gets extended playing time. Look how he played the first half of Dallas with a week to prepare for them. He looked completely lost. Fortunately our defense kept us in the game.  


Something is off with this coaching staff and team relationship. Gruden better stop airing his players dirty laundry at the podium or else he's going to lose his team. If he hasn't already.. He is the one that's got to figure this thing out because just like Rex Ryan, Gruden wont get a pass because he mainly coaches one side of the ball. He's got to realize that he's the head coach and not just the offensive play caller. . 

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I too think that Gruden has to fix the problems with this team and it starts with him.  He looked to me just as bad as RG3 & Djax talking about his QB the way he did, and putting most of the blame on RG3 and not the O-line. Yea Rg3 played played like ****, but so did the O-line and the Hazs led D.  Maybe it's Grudens scheme that's not working, we run no play action, no bootleg, and we need to stop pitching the ball behind the QB to the RB. A pitch play should be to the side of the QB not behind him. Whatever the ploblem is he needs to fix it ASAP.

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With all the crying going on about how our defense gave away the game Tampa scored a whole 17 points on offense and 2 big plays were in the 2nd half after our offense had repeatedly **** the bed by not only failing to score but also giving the Bucs 10 free points off the 2 Ints and then RG3 getting himself sacked to force Forbath to kick 47 and 50 yarders instead of 27 and 40 yarders.


Tampa had the 30th ranked defense in the league. Teams routinely score on them but somehow we can only dink and dunk and put up 7?


All I can say is LOL.

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With all the crying going on about how our defense gave away the game Tampa scored a whole 17 points on offense and 2 big plays were in the 2nd half after our offense had repeatedly **** the bed by not only failing to score but also giving the Bucs 10 free points off the 2 Ints and then RG3 getting himself sacked to force Forbath to kick 47 and 50 yarders instead of 27 and 40 yarders.


Tampa had the 30th ranked defense in the league. Teams routinely score on them but somehow we can only dink and dunk and put up 7?


All I can say is LOL.


yes. everything you said here, exactly. 


i saw lots of ****ing about the D, but wtf happened with our O- and it was more than just griff. it was a sloppy as i've ever seen a redskins offense. coming off a bye vs the 2nd worst scoring D in the league, it was unfathomable. 


this game, to me, was what the minnesota game for the D. the D couldnt stop one of the worst offenses in the league. (an offense that scored 13 ****ing points vs chicago sunday- the only D in the NFL worse than tampa).


back to back "WTF" performances by our D and O. 


ponderous, man. ****ing ponderous. 

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Boy am I glad I was out of market and busy. When I looked up the score I just laughed, not even all that surprised.

At home, 2 weeks to prepare, team generally healthy, versus the worst team in the league... And you get crushed.

They could fire the entire team and I wouldn't care.. At least then they'd have an excuse for underperforming weekly.

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one thing that was so apparent after re-watching was how Robert does not utilize his outlet receivers, mainly his RB.


What made this so obvious was re watching the Packers game.  


Rogers is so, so quick to take the dump off to his RB and get 7-8 yards.   Robert had at least 3-4 opportunities to do this early on and he totally ignored it. 

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Here was what I took away from it:  


1. Once again, in the second half our defense collapsed like a deck of cards.  They converted 7 of 9 sets of downs, for either a first or TD in the second half, including 3rd and 11, 3rd and 14, 2nd and 16.  Their only failures was a 3rd and 20 where they just tried to run it 3 times, and a 3rd and 4.  It was by far the Bucs QBs best game of the year, with a 137.5 rating.  So now, the last two games the defense has allowed two bad offenses to convert 15 of 18 sets of downs in the second half, including 6 TDs.


2. Our drives are stopped almost solely by the offensive line, and the QB.  I did an evaluation of our 10 meaningful drives in the game.  1 was a TD.  3 ended on turnovers.  5 ended because of sacks and false start penalties.  The sack was either on 2nd down putting us in 3rd and long, or on 3rd down, and multiple times we had both a sack, and a false start putting us in 3rd and 15-20.  Only 1 out of the 10 drives ended just because we missed a 3rd down conversion.



3. The offensive line looked terrible, with it being apparent once TW goes out with injury, theres no one left who knows how to block.  

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