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Deadspin: LeBroning Is The New Thing All The Kids Are Doing


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LeBron James is the best basketball player in the world, and he's also been known to flop from time to time (understatement). It's because of that second part that he's given birth to the latest sports-themed meme to sprout up on the internet: LeBroning. What is LeBroning? Take it away, kids!





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Fairly corny (and I will laugh at anything, but I'm sorry, I'd rather watch C-Span for 3 hours). Apparently the latest in a long, tired line of "internet fads" that are popular (among One Direction's target audience) for like 5 minutes, this one needing LeBron included in it for it to be even remotely funny, and get views. They should call it NBA-ing, but I guess it is kind of special that they chose LeBron.


I mean the least they could do is find more videos from this apparent craze, and not use like 6-7 and loop them repeatedly, like a cheap wrestlers video on the old WCW TurnerTron.

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Fairly corny (and I will laugh at anything, but I'm sorry, I'd rather watch C-Span for 3 hours). Apparently the latest in a long, tired line of "internet fads" that are popular (among One Direction's target audience) for like 5 minutes, this one needing LeBron included in it for it to be even remotely funny, and get views. They should call it NBA-ing, but I guess it is kind of special that they chose LeBron.


I mean the least they could do is find more videos from this apparent craze, and not use like 6-7 and loop them repeatedly, like a cheap wrestlers video on the old WCW TurnerTron.

Lighten up Sinister. You just mad because it is making fun of your boy lol

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That's hilarious, but they should call it Ginobling, BlakeGriffining or ChrisPauling. They (and others) are even worse than Lebron, IMO.

It doesn't work with Chris Paul because unlike LeBron he's not 6'8" 250 pretending to have been knocked over by dudes half his size so it losses that "absurdity" factor. That said there are definitely worse offenders than LeBron and those offenders aren't historically great players.

And Dopplerboi likes to pretend that any time I even think about poking fun/questioning someones Lebron love affair, I am not being objective. Glad thats not true.

If you're being dumb, you're being dumb. If something isn't all that funny, it's just not. Nothing personal.

Name jokes? This isn't middle school.

Of course it's funny they chose LeBron. He's the best in the biz. If Brooks Laich draws a high sticking penalty throwing his head back nobody cares. If Sidney Crosby does there's certainly going to be a discourse about it. Comes with the territory.

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Name jokes? This isn't middle school.


I was actually hoping for a comeback...


Regardless, this is just another saga in the worn out, passive aggressive sticksboi "Lebron you aren't Jordan!!" tale. And the moment someone isn't along for the ride, popcorn in hand, he starts shouting "Not objective! Not objective!" How ironic. Not that I care... After all, it was you who wanted to turn this particular episode into a Sinister problem, when I wasn't even talking about you, just your not funny op.


You're right Sticks, Lebron isn't Jordan. Goodfellas is classic mob flick that people should be slapped for not seeing yet, DMX does suck, Latino youths do try to "desperately emulate black culture."


You're right about everything, man.

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I was actually hoping for a comeback...

Regardless, this is just another saga in the worn out passive aggressive sticksboi "Lebron you aren't Jordan!!" tale. And the moment someone isn't along for the ride, popcorn in hand, he starts shouting "Not objective! Not objective!" How ironic. Not that I care...

Okay first Michael Jordan has NOTHING to do with any of this. You solely brought him into this. I have already said there are worse offenders than LeBron (who i have praised as a top 10 player ever in multiple threads). Seriously this is me trying to say he's not MJ? Huge extrapolation.

Two, clearly you do care or you wouldn't have taken the time to attack me in such an elaborate way.

I have never attacked your character Sinister. Do I sometimes post stuff is like to take back? Yes. Do I have strong opinions, yes.

Truthfully I think you are a good poster. I think you know your **** about basketball. All I said was I think you're biased towards the Heat . You may disagree and I may be completely off base and that's fine but it's not like I called you an all around buffoon.

I don't think I'm always right though I will happily admit that when I started posting here back in 2005 I certainly was not very open to people disagreeing with me as teenagers usually aren't but I'd like to think I've matured since then while admittedly making occasional mistakes.

I did jump on you with my response. My bad for that. But don't think it means I think you're an idiot.

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Okay first Michael Jordan has NOTHING to do with any of this. 



This in particular? No, you're absolutely right. Not even reflective of my opinion of Michael Jordan himself. Your dad had an awesome career though.(I am joking here btw, please don't take it personal)


Two, clearly you do care or you wouldn't have taken the time to attack me in such an elaborate way.


The only thing about me that you should be aware of is that I have a very good memory. And as the years go by, every time you try to get cute, my annoy meter gets closer and closer to a full bar (put it that way).


If there is anything that I've "Elaborately" done, it's apparently  convince you that I hate your soul, when in reality, it's like a gnat buzzing around someones ear from time to time (I know I've come off that way to others at times). Yet even then, I don't put you on ignore or call the mods (not that I am accusing you of that)... I just scroll past your post. That's how I operate. I don't sweat anyone here.


I have never attacked your character Sinister. Do I sometimes post stuff is like to take back? Yes. Do I have strong opinions, yes.



And so does everyone else. You aren't special, yet somehow the feeling I get from interacting with you from time to time (I admit, sometimes things get lost in translation on the internets) is that you are an only child. We all say stupid things. I say stupid **** all the time. The only difference between me and you is that I'll own it, and won't try to cute/passive aggressive my way out, or flat out run, when someone calls you on something. You don't have to attack my character to annoy me. Every time I even slightly criticize you over something though, you act as if I put a gun to your head and started counting to 10, as if the mere thought of a reality check is beneath you. And I'm sure you feel the same way about me, which is the funny part.


This thread is another example of that, making this about me instead of your thread topic.



Truthfully I think you are a good poster. I think you know your **** about basketball. All I said was I think you're biased towards the Heat . You may disagree and I may be completely off base and that's fine but it's not like I called you an all around buffoon.

I don't think I'm always right though I will happily admit that when I started posting here back in 2005 I certainly was not very open to people disagreeing with me as teenagers usually aren't but I'd like to think I've matured since then while admittedly making occasional mistakes.

I did jump on you with my response. My bad for that. But don't think it means I think you're an idiot.



I didn't view that as you "Jumping on Sinister." I viewed it as you simply bringing my name up in "Another round of sticksboi vs Mr. Sinister... We think [dramatic chipmunk]".
Well I am biased towards the Heat, but that bias doesn't always reflect in my opinion in regards to certain topics. You bet your sweet ass LeBron flops (like he caught a kamehameha wave from Goku). Hell you can probably find threads from 3 years ago where I was flaming him for the early start to the season, and the 2011 Finals. King Mik Carton. Like MLS said though, he's my boy though, for better or for worse.
So again, nothing personal, champ.
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This in particular? No, you're absolutely right. Not even reflective of my opinion of Michael Jordan himself. Your dad had an awesome career though.(I am joking here btw, please don't take it personal)



The only thing about me that you should be aware of is that I have a very good memory. And as the years go by, every time you try to get cute, my annoy meter gets closer and closer to a full bar (put it that way).


If there is anything that I've "Elaborately" done, it's apparently  convince you that I hate your soul, when in reality, it's like a gnat buzzing around someones ear from time to time (I know I've come off that way to others at times). Yet even then, I don't put you on ignore or call the mods (not that I am accusing you of that)... I just scroll past your post. That's how I operate. I don't sweat anyone here.



And so does everyone else. You aren't special, yet somehow the feeling I get from interacting with you from time to time (I admit, sometimes things get lost in translation on the internets) is that you are an only child. We all say stupid things. I say stupid **** all the time. The only difference between me and you is that I'll own it, and won't try to cute/passive aggressive my way out, or flat out run, when someone calls you on something. You don't have to attack my character to annoy me. Every time I even slightly criticize you over something though, you act as if I put a gun to your head and started counting to 10, as if the mere thought of a reality check is beneath you. And I'm sure you feel the same way about me, which is the funny part.


This thread is another example of that, making this about me instead of your thread topic.



I didn't view that as you "Jumping on Sinister." I viewed it as you simply bringing my name up in "Another round of sticksboi vs Mr. Sinister... We think



Yea that probably sums it up for the both of us.  Truthfully, I thought I was just making a harmless jab at you mostly based off what MLSKINS said not what you said which is why I was sort of surprised you responded in the way you did.  It was a comment meant to be taken lightly.


And I have stood corrected on here plenty without running.  It may not seem that way to you but others can attest to that.  I mean LKB educates me at least once a week in some thread or another, but I'm smarter for it, so I welcome that.

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