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Video: Attacker Points Gun at Politician, Then Gets the Bulgaria Beat Out of Him

Dan T.

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This happened Saturday at a conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. The speaker and target of the assailant is Ahmed Dogan, a Bulgarian politician of Turkish descent who is chairman of a centrist Bulgarian political party:

Did the gun misfire or something?

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Pretty good security. Set aside how he got a gun into the event, how was he able to get that close to the speaker? This guy is supposed to be the head of a party. There is no way someone could get on stage with Pelosi or Boehner at a speaking event. I might have missed it, but I didn't see one uniformed police officer in that entire clip. It looked like the guys who led him down the stairs at the end had guns under their jackets probably some sort of Secret Service types. You would think that a large political event like that would have some sort of police presence.

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