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Thank You Robert!!!!!


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Lost in the senseless debate of who to blame for Griffin's injury is the fact that Robert has endured incredible pain for US! He played through pain to deliver us an NFC East Championship. He played through more pain in an attempt to bring us our first playoff win since 05'. And now he's enduring excruciating pain as he recovers from surgeries in both knees.

Robert, you felt the pressure as the #2 overall pick and you kept your word of producing diamonds leading us to the top. You've proven to me that your the next Michael Jordan.. And I cant believe that you play for my team! Just like Jordan your rookie season was incredible, your sophomore season will test you as you rehab a serious injury, and your name transcends sports as last week the topic of every news program like CNN, FOX and MSNBC was about you! People will question your style of play as they did Jordan, but you will show the world why they are wrong and you are great!

This thread is simply to thank you for your sacrifices, and to let you know that we feel your pain. We're with you all the way! And we thank you for everything that you are doing for us! I'll never doubt you as you have proven to be the unquestioned leader of our franchise and a sports phenomena!! Get well soon and Redskins fans get ready for greatness!

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I 100% approve of a thank you Robert thread. However...

:secret: He didn't deliver us our first playoff victory since 05. We're still waiting on that

ALTHOUGH! He did deliver the first NFC East championship since '99, which I find more impressive.

I believe the quote is..

" He played through more pain in an attempt to bring us our first playoff win since 05'

I'm just sayin.. ;)

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Honestly, the more I think about it the more I think we're in for an incredible ride. Robert is a guy who is extremely competitive and he's ridiculously motivated to prove people wrong. I think he's hearing all that's being said and he's going to come back better than ever. So far, he's taken all the criticism and turned into a better QB for it, proving everyone wrong each step of the way. This is just another gigantic step and it's a blessing it happened early on.

I really see Robert coming back and perfecting this pistol offense. Can't wait.

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Was there a need to create a thread like this? I mean, why don't we create one for every player on the team who played through injuries and pain throughout the whole season? Was Robert the only one with expectations? I give my thanks to them, not just Robert. And I am still critical of his role in that game.

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A lot of people don't want him to come back the same after what he did in his first year. He absolutely lit it up. I'm not sure what we'll be able to do in the offseason as far as bringing him (and the offense) along as passing is concerned with him rehabbing the whole time, but I want him to come back and let people know that he is going to be someone you don't want to **** with, for a long time.

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I just want to thank Robert and AlMo for making me look forward to seeing the game every week! For the last 40+ years -- especially the last 20 years -- I watched every game, but at times it was more out of duty as a diehard life long Skins fan. A lot of those times, those games were downright painful, and in the week leading up you had a dread of watching. But we did.

This year, I actually was like a kid on Christmas Eve every week looking forward to the game! I didn't even mind the games we lost, because I knew that we were a team on the rise. FINALLY! And the fact that we made the paloffs THIS year was just icing on a damn good cake!

Thanks Robert! Your best years as a Skin are ahead of you. But thanks for THIS great year! The weeks ahead might suck, but you will make the best of it. We can't wait for September. I have never seen a football player attack the game like you. You are a lot of fun to watch!

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Haha you didn't change it on me did you? I wouldn't be mad if ya did. Haha drunken reading comprehension...

Nah.. I'd never do that to a Nole.. lol BTW.. There's no updates on the original thread.. :bow:

---------- Post added January-12th-2013 at 07:27 PM ----------

Was there a need to create a thread like this? I mean, why don't we create one for every player on the team who played through injuries and pain throughout the whole season? Was Robert the only one with expectations? I give my thanks to them, not just Robert. And I am still critical of his role in that game.

This thread was for Robert because he is the only player on the team rehabbing from two simultaneous knee surgeries. And while he sits in pain there are fans like you questioning "his role" on the team. There's already a thank you thread for the entire team. Feel free to post in there..

---------- Post added January-12th-2013 at 07:34 PM ----------

I'm good with thanking Robert for his sacrifice and leadership. But, through the run to the playoffs, we saw heroic performances and endurance through pain by many Redskins. Thank You 2012 Redskins! This TEAM has rehydrated a very thirsty fan base.

I think its ok to thank individual players especially if they are acknowledged by the team as the driving force for our resurgence after the bye week. As I said.. RG3 is going to be the next Jordan. Yes people can thank the entire Bulls team for winning titles in the 90's sure.. but everyone knows that the Bulls became great because Jordan instantly changed the losing culture and led them to the playoffs when he was drafted in the 80's.

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I am fired up. Much like many of you I've spent the last 20 yrs trying to justify why we even play on Sundays. This season I would just play coy and say we'll see. Nothing made Mondays better than hearing the talking heads down play is every week. Then to have RGIII and crew roll out there and put up. Two decades we've been behind every team in our division simply because we didn't have a QB. Now we arguably have the best in our division. The future is bright and ripe w/ opportunities. Get rested and healed up RGIII. Next season we got even more work to do.

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