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Philip Rivers feels RG3's pain


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Mods I searched and didn't find any related threads, but if you need to merge that's ok.

Rivers is quoted in a Dallas News article referencing RG3 to his own situation when he tore his ACL and played the following week.

San Diego Chargers quarterback Philip Rivers once played an entire playoff game on a bum ACL. He told CBS Sports that he knows what RG3 is going through and that he doesn’t criticize the rookie for continuing to play.


Griffin's injury situation is not an isolated incident, the last high profile QB to go thru the same situation was Rivers in 07 in that he tore his ACL against the Colts the week prior

San Diego Chargers quarterback Philip Rivers played with the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee “totally gone” during his team's 21-12 defeat to the New England Patriots in the AFC championship game Sunday, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported Monday


What I find most interesting in Rivers` case is that the Chargers had his knee scoped right after the Colts game and he played against the Pats days later, also this statement regarding Ladanian Tomlinson knee from the Chargers staff from the same game [from included link above]

Tomlinson missed Wednesday’s practice but worked out the rest of the week and wasn’t mentioned on Friday’s injury report. He hurt his left knee against the Colts, with the team saying then it was hyperextended, Tomlinson said after Sunday’s game that he has a sprained medial collateral ligament.

Griffin's situation is far from an isolated event so it would appear from reading into Rivers` knee injury that Shanahan ,staff, and RG3 acted no different than any other clubs faced with the exact same scenario.

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Yeah a lot people came down on Rivers because Billy Volek came in the week b4 against the Colts and played at a high level. In reality Rivers may have ruined his teams chance to win the superbowl but he gained the respect of his teammates and became the leader of his team.

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yea, if your team leader QB can: A-technically walk, B-throw a football, and C-wants to play, he plays, particularly in a big game.

It can't be said enough how much worse the criticism of RG3 and Shannahan would be if he was benched for Cousins and we still lost the game.

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...Griffin's situation is far from an isolated event so it would appear from reading into Rivers` knee injury that Shanahan ,staff, and RG3 acted no different than any other clubs faced with the exact same scenario.
How did you get from the San Diego example to the conclusion that the 30 other teams would have done the same?

---------- Post added January-11th-2013 at 06:34 AM ----------

Yeah a lot people came down on Rivers because Billy Volek came in the week b4 against the Colts and played at a high level. In reality Rivers may have ruined his teams chance to win the superbowl but he gained the respect of his teammates and became the leader of his team.
Which is more important -- the QB's reputation with his mates or winning the Super Bowl?

---------- Post added January-11th-2013 at 06:36 AM ----------

...It can't be said enough how much worse the criticism of RG3 and Shannahan would be if he was benched for Cousins and we still lost the game.
Who, but a handful of peabrains, would criticize a coach for taking a one-legged QB out of a game -- especially to protect a 22 year old QB with a bright future?
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It can't be said enough how much worse the criticism of RG3 and Shannahan would be if he was benched for Cousins and we still lost the game.

Sure sounds like one of those blanket statements that dismisses a lot of people, I know that I would have understood if Cousins went in in the 2nd Qtr and we ended up losing the game, it would have felt a lot better than the snakepit infighting we have now about continuing to let Griffin damage himself even more.

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yea, if your team leader QB can: A-technically walk, B-throw a football, and C-wants to play, he plays, particularly in a big game.

It can't be said enough how much worse the criticism of RG3 and Shannahan would be if he was benched for Cousins and we still lost the game.

You are right. But with the benefit of hindsight everyone will say you are wrong. The bottom line is, if the Redskins lose, Shanahan will get criticism no matter what decision he makes. Throw in a terrible injury and now it's the worst decision of all time.

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yea, if your team leader QB can: A-technically walk, B-throw a football, and C-wants to play, he plays, particularly in a big game.

It can't be said enough how much worse the criticism of RG3 and Shannahan would be if he was benched for Cousins and we still lost the game.

It depends on how you lose the game. If Cousins throws 4 picks and doesn't move the ball in a half of play, then yes, that'd probably be the topic of discussion. But if Cousins plays his tail off or at least doesn't lose the game for us and we lose because of defensive lapses, or special teams blunders, or fumbles then I don't see how you criticize Shanahan or the QB.

---------- Post added January-11th-2013 at 08:44 AM ----------

There's way too many comparisons. I'm kinda over comparing RG3 to every other player that's tore their ACL. This person did this, this person played with it, this person recovered in X amount of time, this person was never the same, etc.

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How did you get from the San Diego example to the conclusion that the 30 other teams would have done the same?

---------- Post added January-11th-2013 at 06:34 AM ----------

Which is more important -- the QB's reputation with his mates or winning the Super Bowl?

---------- Post added January-11th-2013 at 06:36 AM ----------

Who, but a handful of peabrains, would criticize a coach for taking a one-legged QB out of a game -- especially to protect a 22 year old QB with a bright future?

SO TRUE. After the second TD drive, Griff was DONE. Stick a fork in him- DONE.

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yea, if your team leader QB can: A-technically walk, B-throw a football, and C-wants to play, he plays, particularly in a big game.

I only agree with this stance if the player (QB) can still be effective and move the offense. It was clear that RG3 was severely diminished when his knee gave out on him after the pass attempt to Garcon. So at that point he is not helping the team anymore -- he need to come out.

It can't be said enough how much worse the criticism of RG3 and Shannahan would be if he was benched for Cousins and we still lost the game.

We will never know how Cousins would have done if he had come in after that play or to begin the 2nd half. So assuming the criticism would have been worse is completely pointless.

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Who, but a handful of peabrains, would criticize a coach for taking a one-legged QB out of a game -- especially to protect a 22 year old QB with a bright future?
SO TRUE. After the second TD drive, Griff was DONE. Stick a fork in him- DONE.

I agree 150%. If his knee wasn't completely healed he shouldn't have even started to begin with. As a matter of fact, IMO, he should have never been playing period in any game after Baltimore if his knee wasn't right. I've been through enough heartache with this team to endure another season of missing the playoffs, and I wouldn't have had any problems going through it again if it meant Robert's knee would fully heal, and next season he'd be 100%. For me, his long term health should have been the #1 priority from day 1.

ETA: It also seems pretty selfish to me of all the people saying that we could have still won if Cousins played,or that Robert needed to play b/c he gives us the better shot at winning, or he's the team captain so if he can still hobble around he should still play,etc. Watching Robert hurt as bad as he was- how can you even consider leaving the kid in the game after having to look at him hobble around and the expression on his face after he ran for that 9 yard 1st down? He wasn't just hurt. He was injured. Bad. At that point, winning wasn't even a priority or any concern to me. All I cared about was Robert and what was wrong with him. Playoffs or not, it's still just a football game. This is a 22 year old kid's health, career, and future we're talking about. Nothing should be more important than that.

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yea, if your team leader QB can: A-technically walk, B-throw a football, and C-wants to play, he plays, particularly in a big game.

It can't be said enough how much worse the criticism of RG3 and Shannahan would be if he was benched for Cousins and we still lost the game.

TOTALLY disagree, and I share OldFan's thoughts on this one.

The HUGE difference here is that we knew RG3 had been injured for weeks at this point. It wasn't like he'd just gotten injured the week before or even in the same game; he'd been injured FOR WEEKS. His health had been an ongoing concern ... FOR WEEKS.

So when he goes down in the first quarter and hobbles back to the huddle like a 50-year-old Sonny Jurgensen, MAJOR alarm bells should've gone off. Do you pull him there? No. Give him a shot if he demands it and the doctors clear him. But once it becomes obvious that your offense is shot with him at the helm, which WAS obvious by the third quarter, you make the move.

Yes, there would have been criticism if we'd still lost. But it would be a lot better than what we're going through now, and we'd be much more hopeful about next season instead of preparing ourselves for an entire offseason of "How's RG3 today"?

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I'm with OF, BDOG, and brandymac. His long-term health was, and is, most important.

I think some of the reason the loss of the game itself stung so bad was because we'd won 7 games straight...been a while since that happened, and we'd forgotten what it felt like to lose. The season was awesome, (a winning record is what I pray for every year), I just want Robert back 100%.

We're watching you, Rebecca. Take good care of our boy!;)


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Rivers is quoted in a Dallas News article referencing RG3 to his own situation when he tore his ACL and played the following week.


Griffin's injury situation is not an isolated incident, the last high profile QB to go thru the same situation was Rivers in 07 in that he tore his ACL against the Colts the week prior


What I find most interesting in Rivers` case is that the Chargers had his knee scoped right after the Colts game and he played against the Pats days later, also this statement regarding Ladanian Tomlinson knee from the Chargers staff from the same game [from included link above]

Griffin's situation is far from an isolated event so it would appear from reading into Rivers` knee injury that Shanahan ,staff, and RG3 acted no different than any other clubs faced with the exact same scenario.

You're right. Doctors thought he was fine with a brace. He had a sprain, but played anyway... heck Griffin tore his ACL and LCL picking up the football on a bad snap with no contact... he could have tore his ACL putting on his shoes after the game.

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How did you get from the San Diego example to the conclusion that the 30 other teams would have done the same?

I did not say that 30 other teams would do the same, ALL I said is "That RG3's situation is not an isolated incident and acted no different than any other club" as others tend to believe . All I'm doing is showing that the Chargers did far worse in Rivers` and LT's situation by lying about the extent of LT's knee and having Rivers` knee scoped and allowing him to play days later.

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You're right. Doctors thought he was fine with a brace. He had a sprain, but played anyway... heck Griffin tore his ACL and LCL picking up the football on a bad snap with no contact... he could have tore his ACL putting on his shoes after the game.

I wonder if letting him play with the brace was unanimous amongst the medical staff.

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You're right. Doctors thought he was fine with a brace. He had a sprain, but played anyway... heck Griffin tore his ACL and LCL picking up the football on a bad snap with no contact... he could have tore his ACL putting on his shoes after the game.

Not to mention the fact that Nic Clemons blew out his knee on that terrible surface we've been passing off as a football field. I blame the turf more than I blame Shanahan or even Griffin himself for being stubborn about going back in. Field conditions have been an issue for years. Like most problems in life, it'll only be fixed after being highlighted by bad publicity such as the situation we are discussing here.

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I wonder if letting him play with the brace was unanimous amongst the medical staff.

He seemed to be doing better each week. They said the brace was more of a hinderance during the week than the actual injury. Hindsight of course says they should have taken him out after we went up 14-0 when he tweaked it, but it was playoff game and RG3 convinced the staff that he felt fine...

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I did not say that 30 other teams would do the same, ALL I said is "That RG3's situation is not an isolated incident and acted no different than any other club" as others tend to believe . All I'm doing is showing that the Chargers did far worse in Rivers` and LT's situation by lying about the extent of LT's knee and having Rivers` knee scoped and allowing him to play days later.
You didn't say it, but you implied that 30 other teams would do the same when you said that the Skins "...acted no different than any other clubs faced with the exact same scenario." However, if that's not what you meant to say, no problem.

The Chargers made a dumb decision, but there was less risk to Rivers because he doesn't move much in the pocket. LT was kept out as I recall.

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