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Wishing you guys all the luck in the world tonight...........

Tom [Giants fan]

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Do we really need to bring that up all the time. Yeah Im pissed about it, but it turns out that we will not finish worst than 9-7 or 10-6. Plus Tom is a nice guy wishing us luck against the Cowboys, one team we all can agree on to hate. From what Ive read in posts from Tom on that subject was him admitting/acknowledging that we got screwed out of cap space by his owner and the rest of the league. Give it a rest already.

Yes we do because he instigated a crime against the Redskins(yes a real Federal Crime) and evil people get away with things like this because they count on the short attention span of people to get away with it. Yes, I will bring it up forever because we got cheated and it is, and will always be, wrong. There is no "giving it a rest".

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Yes we do because he instigated a crime against the Redskins(yes a real Federal Crime) and evil people get away with things like this because they count on the short attention span of people to get away with it. Yes, I will bring it up forever because we got cheated and it is, and will always be, wrong. There is no "giving it a rest".

Im not saying that we should forget about it. I am saying that Tom's post has nothing to do wtih Mara or the crime committed against the Redskins and Cowboys. I just don't think we should bring it up and de-rail the thread that one of the most respected posters on this forum board (Giants fan or not) started. There are plenty other threads already started that y'all could continue to ***** about it in, that's all Im saying.

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Classy guy, like most Giants fans I know.

Agree with this. I was in NY for Christmas and got to talk to a lot of Giants fans.

Still hate Mara, but I wouldn't take it out on the fans. I do however think there is a bit of poetic justice that it is the two team's Mara hamstrung that are playing for the division title tonight.

Thanks for the kind words Tom.


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Thanks, Tom. Given that our teams are divisional rivals, your kind sentiments are rarely expressed by someone in your situation as a fan. Moreover, when one factors in the increased enmity between the two fanbases over the Mara/Snyder salary-cap dispute, it makes your positive words rarer still.

Cheers, mate. :cheers:

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