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Socially, does the majority have an obligation to defer to the minority?


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Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Logic, while an incredibly valuable device, is hardly the only one important to human existence, individually or in groups. Besides, that statement really does not bear close scrutiny, even logically. But you may be spoofing since I think that's a Spock quote from some Star Trek movie. :ols:

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By specifically accommodating the minorities freedoms there may seem to be a out sized amount of deference(and it exists by default)

it is simply a side effect of protected freedoms and inclusiveness

perception is reality ( the majority doesn't perceive what it receives itself)

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That's funny^^ :ols:

Other than that, this thread is pretty sad. "I'm from a specific state I'll take ownership too and I'm offended". I'm a member of this religion and I'm offended." I've broken myself by conscience decision, to be part of this random group and I/we now have a problem with you not liking it".

Get the **** over yourself.

---------- Post added July-3rd-2012 at 01:48 AM ----------

I live in a 3,000 sq foot house and I'm pissed about veterans living on the street. :ols:

yeah, in theory you are. In reality, you don't give two ****s.

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KB, While I agree that people should get over themselves in many, many instances. I don't think that is the question really being presented here.

BTW- My house is just under 2800 sq feet. :silly:

I don't think you were talking about me with that comment though.

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KH, I like you generally, but you have, on a consistent basis, made comments about not caring about what happens to other people. So yes, I do think of you in that roll and more so than a lot of others on this board tbqh.

That said< if you still want to come to STX, I'd still hook ya up a lot. :ols: ESLbro.

But yes, you and I are definitely pretty far apart in how we think about life and what the "quality of it" is. No offense meant and I'm sure none taken, you're comfortable in who you are.

If that's not the root of what this thread really is about, than I honestly think the entire point may be being missed.

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I care about people, but not in the sense of people that don't try or care about themselves or loved ones enough to do the right thing. I just have a hard time respecting that in most situations.

I am waiting to spring the trip on my ol lady as a surprise, I haven't gotten into all the details still though. I will this week though probably. Appreciate the hook up indeed. haha.

I think you and I are a lot more similar than you could imagine (minus the tats). I am just not as forgiving.

I think the thread may be about people shutting their mouths when they shouldn't have to, and about enabling...I could be very wrong also however.

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Well, the enabling thing I do agree with you about. Also, the helping those that don't want it, although it's hard to ask for help, because of the strange importance we put on asking for help. I find this conversation between us particularly amusing, with me usually leaning hard right and you left.

Maybe this isn't what this conversation is about on the surface, but ultimately, even if unintended, it is. I know in the military, it worked better if the strongest link helped the weakest. I don't know why that microcosm doesn't transfer to the majority.

Again, about if you want to come here, pm me about what you're looking for and I'll do ya right.

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When I did the quiz HH posted a week or so ago, I was pretty much dead center. .04 left, .07 or .11 libertarian. haha.

Definitely an interesting conversation. Of course it is hard to ask for help, nobody wants to do that...but as you stated in an earlier post about that... they need to...'get over themselves'. Do what's right and you have myy support, otherwise, I don't even see you.

Anyway, Strongest link does help the weakest, but not to their own/everyone elses demise. I grew up in a military household so I understand that. Not to mention most people have very strong opinions about the military one way or the other. That's for another day though.

I will indeed shoot you a pm or likely several after I surprise her with it. Thanks man.

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Haven't read the thread yet, but for me it's as simple as... "Love thy neighbor"

Yes, we have a social responsibility to "defer" in some situations. When I enter your home, I take off my shoes if that's the custom, but I also expect my traditions to be respected. There's nothing wrong with bowing and shaking hands.

In most ways, the minorities in this country accommodate the majority every day. You would never notice how much Christian symbolism, language, and tradition is built into the everyday unless you were a minority. I'm in the interesting position of being majority and minority simultaneously... mind you, I think most of us are. I think the idea that the majority is being opressed to be faulty simply because if they get 90 percent of what they want they shouldn't be miserable that they have to compromise 10 percent of the time.

Should scholarships be awarded to the diamond in the ruffs who shine despite geographical, economic, or racial hardships? Should scholarships be awarded purely on the basis of who is the best? The answer is yes to both. Is there a degree of discrimination in the hiring process even today? Sadly, the answer is still yes if we believe national statistics.

I think the question is also should we work to resolve inequities in society. If so, then it is not a matter of deferring, but a matter of striving to improve society and becoming a better nation.

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That's funny^^ :ols:

Other than that, this thread is pretty sad. "I'm from a specific state I'll take ownership too and I'm offended". I'm a member of this religion and I'm offended." I've broken myself by conscience decision, to be part of this random group and I/we now have a problem with you not liking it".

Get the **** over yourself.

---------- Post added July-3rd-2012 at 01:48 AM ----------

I live in a 3,000 sq foot house and I'm pissed about veterans living on the street. :ols:

yeah, in theory you are. In reality, you don't give two ****s.

all this from a poster who likes to point out his good deeds on a message board for absolutely no relevant purpose at all.

you might want to read your previous post in this thread about your oh so thoughtful run to the doggy shelter and apply the "get the **** over yourself" line to that.

it had nothing to do with helping the minority (unless dogs are now minorities) and all it did was serve your ego by letting a bunch of anonymous people read about something "nice" you did.

i would much rather read people ****ing about their religion/beliefs/state/country being bashed than reading posts about people looking to win some kind of karma by telling people nice stuff they did.


as for this thread, i think it's the prevalence in the media of majority/minority issues.

it seems like even when an issue is not about ma/mi it still is twisted into it by people who need page views/neilson ratings/etc.

confirmation bias does have a lot to do with it (it has a lot to do with everything we think), but it's not like you have to search out things to support you. if you believe x, x, and x then there's a website, tv station, blog, etc. for you. sometimes this leads to a sharing of ideas from people who believe similar things and have different experiences and therefore different views. sometimes it leads to the KKK.

but either way, whomever said that majorities feel like they have to cater and minorities feel oppressed is absolutely correct. you only understand things as you see them, and as much as people push for empathy it's really beyond the average person to truly understand experiences of different people outside of their living situation.

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I think we could make a lot of progress if we dropped the whole "i am offended" bit and just focused on having meaningful conversations about specific things.

---------- Post added July-3rd-2012 at 10:24 AM ----------

There is a lot of unfairness in the world (towards minorities, towards majorities, towards individuals, etc), and we can really make a lot of difference if we do not get distracted by offense taking, generalities, and frivolousness.

---------- Post added July-3rd-2012 at 10:41 AM ----------

To answer o OP, yes I think that in some cases the majority has to things it does not like in order to address injustices.

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