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SOW| RG3 Shows RedskinsNation He's the Boss


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A tsunami of euphoria has bathed the Washington, DC metropolitan area with a level of hope and excitement not seen since Joe Gibbs announced his return eight years ago. Redskins Nation has officially gone RG3 crazy, delighting in the throes of exaltation that can only come from the arrival of an apparent messiah.

Despite the fact that they have only been available for about two days, the number of shiny, new #10 jerseys numbered in the hundreds during Saturday’s draft party at FedEx Field, an event which had the feel of a coronation for the newly drafted Heisman Trophy winner. The ravenous Redskins faithful have long wondered what a bona-fide franchise QB could do for a team which has consistently struggled to acquire that special player at the game’s most important position. Judging by the frenzy of the 20,000 football fanatics who gathered upon the very same field where Griffin will one day showcase his considerable talents, they believe they have finally found their man.

During Griffin’s introductory press conference, I had the chance to ask him what he had to do to bring stability to the Redskins quarterback position, which has been unsettled at best for the better part of a generation.

“I try not to take the weight of the past 20 years on my own shoulders.” Griffin said, “I realize there are other guys on this team that can help us be successful. I don’t have to do everything. All of these guys are very talented: many all-Americans, many all-conference players. Everybody’s on this team for a reason. They want to win, and they’re good at what they do, so I don’t have to do everything by myself. [i need to] just be myself, go out and work hard, learn the offense, continue to do the things that help me be successful as an individual and help build that through the team with the qualities I can help add to a team.”

Anyone who has followed Griffin’s meteoric rise from relative obscurity to becoming the second pick the NFL Draft won’t be surprised to hear this; RG3 always seems to say the right things, and while his words are clearly polished, the have the feel of coming form the heart rather than the head. He seems to have grasped the undeniable reality that perhaps the most important part of the job of every quarterback, rookie or not, is to be a leader. Griffin’s first obstacle will be to earn the trust and respect of his teammates, and he appears very cognizant of this fact as he deftly produces all the right answers.

While answering a question about his relationship with current Redskins, it’s clear the new kid has done his homework. Step one in impressing his new teammates appears to have been successfully completed.

“I’m familiar with players on the roster [but have] no friendships. I do know [brian] Orakpo. He played at Texas so no friendships there, but we’re cool now because we’re all part of Redskins Nation, so that matters. I am familiar with a lot of the guys. Santana Moss was a guy I watched. I’m not going to mention his age, but he was a guy I watched growing up. I wanted to go to ‘The U.’ It will be a pleasure playing with him. Of course, there’s Pierre Garçon and Josh Morgan who just came in, Anthony Armstrong, Brandon Banks, Terrence Austin, [and] Leonard Hankerson. I could go on there for days with the receivers because those are my guys. That’s who I’ve got to throw the ball to … [i know] Roy Helu, the running back, Evan Royster, [and] Tim Hightower if he comes back. I’m familiar with the guys on the team. I want them to know that I am looking them up and thinking about meeting them. Hopefully I can form good relationships with them. I’ve been doing my homework. I know a little bit about just about everybody because those are my teammates now.”

When was the last time a new Redskins quarterback broke down the roster like this on his first day? This is a very encouraging first sign, and it shouldn’t take long for him to stabilize himself as the leader of this team.

In order to be successful as an NFL quarterback, a man cannot lack for confidence, and RG3 certainly does not. When he walked into the press room at FedEx Field, the atmosphere had the electric quality that one usually experiences when a rock star or master politician works his magic. Griffin has an aura about him that makes those around him buy in to whatever he says; he is clearly aware of this power, and he knows how to use it.

For those desperate to rally around a leader, these qualities leave the fan faithful salivating with anticipation. As he made his way onto the gridiron to address the throngs of fans this past Saturday, FedEx erupted with the sound reminiscent of Santana Moss’ overtime-winning catch against the Jaguars several years back. The difference here, of course, is that there was no game being played, just a man and a podium, with Redskins Nation chanting his name in unison. Everyone who was there, young and old, seems already prepared for greatness under Griffin.

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So for those that don't know sonofwashington has become a credentialed media outlet for the Washington Redskins. Saturday was the first event we covered and it was insane. The reaction to RG3 is like nothing I have ever seen and the kid is impossible to not be excited about.

We have some awesome photos and videos over on SOW if you wanna check it out.

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This is good information to know but will he win over the team? Look at people who have presented themselves as the "Leader" to bring about change and we see them not doing very well. His play and his ability to have his teammates buy into him is the key. He will have to be able to keep that support through the wins and losses. I hope that he is the guy that everyone says he is and is successful. If he isn't then Kirk Cousins is going to get his chance. RGIII will get at least 2 years to prove himself before any change occurs. If he doesn't develop into what everyone expects him to be it isn't anyones fault but his. He would have been given every opportunity to succeed. So no one can blame Cousins for taking advantage of the opportunity. Besides for that to happen Shanahan and Allen's jobs will come into question. RGIII will be very good for us.

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This is good information to know but will he win over the team?

I will bet 1000000% yes. He just seems to have "it", and I've never even met him.

And if you don't believe me, just like at Shanny. He totally loves RG3. That emotion is from the stone face liar who once said nice things about (the now unemployed) John Beck. I bet he's filing adoption papers right now to really keep RG3 in the family. He likes him so much, it's like getting the father of your HS GF to actually say "I know all the things you're thinking about doing with my daughter, and I'm cool with it"

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This is good information to know but will he win over the team?

I don't think there’s any doubt he will win them over. He's too smart and too committed to screw that part up.

And if he does have a misstep, he'll go back and figure out how to make it right, and he won't rest until he gets it perfect. That's how he is.

I say this of course without having ever met the man, but is there ANYTHING in his interviews, demeanor and talent that suggests he won't be able to win, both in and out of the locker room?

I've spent several hours looknig at interviews and game tape and I havent found anything that really worries me. Here's the worst I can say about him:

- He sometimes tries to hard to make a play when it isn't there, resulting in a fumble.

- A large part of his gaudy completion % is undoubtedly due to the 10-15 bubble screen Baylor throws in a game, and his accuracy does decrease on more difficult throws (like every other QB that has ever been).

- He's not quite as quick and elusive as he is fast

- He throws behind his receivers sometimes on intermediate crossing routes (again, so does every other QB).

All these things will improve with NFL coaching. The same coaching that Joe Montana, Steve Young and John Elway received.

So go ahead. It's ok to get excited as a mother ****er.

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This is good information to know but will he win over the team? Look at people who have presented themselves as the "Leader" to bring about change and we see them not doing very well.

You see, I don't think he's presenting himself this way at all. In fact, its just the opposite. He sees we're building something special here, and believes, as we do, that he can be that missing piece. He wants to be a leader, but he wants to accomplish that by aiding the goals we already have, by buying into the cultural change that's already taken place in our organization and helping the guys we've brought in to succeed, not just off of his arm and legs, but helping them to succeed on their own merit as well. He doesn't present himself as the "change" this organization needs, because that would belittle what our FO has already accomplished here in terms of culture and roster-building. He presents himself as the last piece to the puzzle, who will do whatever it takes to mold himself to the teammates around him so that everyone can be successful. And he's willing to lead by example, even with as great as his words sound. That's a leader.

Love this part:

“I’m familiar with players on the roster [but have] no friendships. I do know [brian] Orakpo. He played at Texas so no friendships there, but we’re cool now because we’re all part of Redskins Nation, so that matters. I am familiar with a lot of the guys. Santana Moss was a guy I watched. I’m not going to mention his age, but he was a guy I watched growing up. I wanted to go to ‘The U.’ It will be a pleasure playing with him. Of course, there’s Pierre Garçon and Josh Morgan who just came in, Anthony Armstrong, Brandon Banks, Terrence Austin, [and] Leonard Hankerson. I could go on there for days with the receivers because those are my guys. That’s who I’ve got to throw the ball to … [i know] Roy Helu, the running back, Evan Royster, [and] Tim Hightower if he comes back. I’m familiar with the guys on the team. I want them to know that I am looking them up and thinking about meeting them. Hopefully I can form good relationships with them. I’ve been doing my homework. I know a little bit about just about everybody because those are my teammates now.”
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This is good information to know but will he win over the team?

Garcon signed with us because we were going to draft RGIII so at least one member of our team is already on board. Will be interesting to hear the thoughts of the other players when we get to camp, I'm of the opinion he has most of them eating out of his hand already even though he hasn't even met them.

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Garcon signed with us because we were going to draft RGIII so at least one member of our team is already on board. Will be interesting to hear the thoughts of the other players when we get to camp, I'm of the opinion he has most of them eating out of his hand already even though he hasn't even met them.

This kid seems like a natural leader and I don't think for one second that he'll have any trouble winning over the locker room.

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If you're worried about the players gravitating towards Griffin, don't... many players have already expressed their enthusiasm by tweeting at him and saying they're excited in interviews. Before they've even met the kid. I think many skins players are just as enamored with him as we are.

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From having a coach tell us he was excited about the maroon and black .. to having our QB sing Hail to the Redskins, and spouting out our WRs & RBs off the top of his head right after he's drafted, I'm speechless. I almost have that "it's just too good to be true" feeling about it all.

People can say what they want about Redskins Nation, but just like our support for London Fletcher, (coincidence that he makes the probowl once he's a Redskin??), I have no doubt that if RG3 puts his heart and soul in this team along with his incredible talent, we will rally around him like no other team's fans can.

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A tsunami of euphoria has bathed the Washington, DC metropolitan area with a level of hope and excitement not seen since Joe Gibbs announced his return eight years ago. Redskins Nation has officially gone RG3 crazy, delighting in the throes of exaltation that can only come from the arrival of an apparent messiah.

Messiah.....like JaMarcus Russell.....

But seriously, he should be a Skin for many years. He's solid. Finally....Skins have a QB.

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Messiah.....like JaMarcus Russell.....

I would be remiss if I thought that this was not a possibility, even a remote one.

Personally, I do not believe it. RG3 has shown time and again that given an 'un-obtainable' goal, he will work his keester off to obtain it. No, I really believe that my Skins have finally found that guy that will make us a force in the NFL, again.

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Winning over teammates is a process not an event. The dog days of training camp and the ups and downs of the regular season is where this kid will need to prove himself - on the field, in the locker-room and off the field. That siad, he's off to a great start!

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I would be remiss if I thought that this was not a possibility, even a remote one.

Personally, I do not believe it. RG3 has shown time and again that given an 'un-obtainable' goal, he will work his keester off to obtain it. No, I really believe that my Skins have finally found that guy that will make us a force in the NFL, again.

i think the only reason RGIII wouldn't work out would be something beyond his control. this kid is the complete package, but puts in work like he's a walk-on trying to earn a scholarship.

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