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For All the Mike Wise Haters Out There (Deadspin Article).......


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from the good folks at Deadspin:ols::ols::ols:


UnWise Mike is a sports columnist for the Washington Post, which means he has to write about bad teams and bad executives and bad coaches and bad players. (He's perhaps best known around these parts for a high-profile Twitter stunt in 2010, in which he made up news about Ben Roethlisberger's impending suspension.) And when one writes for a living about terrible sports, one is presumably bound to double back on one's work at one point or another. All that said, it shouldn't be this obvious.

Here's Wise in January 2008, writing about the head coaching vacancy that eventually went to Jim Zorn (emphasis ours):

Gregg Williams is the best candidate to coach this team—not Bill Cowher or Pete Carroll or any other prominent name thrown about by misguided souls who believe Daniel Snyder's only interest is glamour boys in headsets. ...

The right and unanimous pick should be Williams, the passionate (read: a little insane) defensive boss whose hair-trigger, bull-terrier ways have been tamed and has now been tempered with the diplomacy required of a head coach. ...

Gregg Williams has to be the next coach. He's hungry and now understands humility. He is only waiting for someone to believe in him again, the way he already believes in himself, and the belief here is Snyder feels that way.

And here's Wise last week (again, emphasis ours):

One of the most illuminating moments in Gregg Williams's NFL career of controlled mayhem happened when he was interviewing to become Joe Gibbs's replacement as head coach of the Washington Redskins in January 2008. From Daniel Snyder's Potomac mansion, he texted a reporter how great the all-day interview was going, intimating that he expected to be given the job perhaps that day by Snyder and his right-hand man, Vinny Cerrato.

Beyond showing remarkable hubris—and incredible ignorance about a head-coaching job he was never going to get—the anecdote said everything about Williams: He thought more of himself than others thought of him and he believed deeply that the force of his own personality could trump all the black marks and bad-character references against him.

Cool burn, Wise, but people don't go from humble to hubristic in, like, three days. Not even when they're part of NFL scandals four years after the fact.


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I met him at the Redskins Training Camp "Fan Day" last year... seemed like a pretty decent guy. A fan next to me's camera died but he wanted a pic with Wise, so Wise took his phone out and took a picture and got the guys email to send it to the fan... then he continued by asking me my name and started up conversation... Pretty cool dude, granted I dont read the articles much.

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I met him at the Redskins Training Camp "Fan Day" last year... seemed like a pretty decent guy. A fan next to me's camera died but he wanted a pic with Wise, so Wise took his phone out and took a picture and got the guys email to send it to the fan... then he continued by asking me my name and started up conversation... Pretty cool dude, granted I dont read the articles much.

Yeah, not surprise hes a nice guy.... Dude just capitalizes on the negative stuff

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I met him at the Redskins Training Camp "Fan Day" last year... seemed like a pretty decent guy. A fan next to me's camera died but he wanted a pic with Wise, so Wise took his phone out and took a picture and got the guys email to send it to the fan... then he continued by asking me my name and started up conversation... Pretty cool dude, granted I dont read the articles much.

Who the hell would want a picture with a newspaper writer?

That's like me saying "Hey Jason LaCanfora, can I have an autograph?" Not gonna happen.

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Yeah, not surprise hes a nice guy.... Dude just capitalizes on the negative stuff

I don't even think it's that. I think he purposefully just takes whatever position is most convinient at the moment in order for him to stand out or generate respone. He doesn't do it in the complete dbag way many reporters do but he's also so far from slick about it and so completely transparent that I just roll my eyes and change the channel on him. He never actually expresses a genuine opinion, he's just tries to be contrary for the sake of it and he's bad at it.

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Who the hell would want a picture with a newspaper writer?

That's like me saying "Hey Jason LaCanfora, can I have an autograph?" Not gonna happen.

You can get his JLC's autograph, and "THROW IT ON THE GROUND! I dont need your handouts, I'm an adult"

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I don't even think it's that. I think he purposefully just takes whatever position is most convinient at the moment in order for him to stand out or generate respone. He doesn't do it in the complete dbag way many reporters do but he's also so far from slick about it and so completely transparent that I just roll my eyes and change the channel on him. He never actually expresses a genuine opinion, he's just tries to be contrary for the sake of it and he's bad at it.

I agree. The RG3 article sort of got to me, mainly how one of his main points was that RG3 can't be all that great if the Rams aren't willing to trade Bradford and draft him. The fact is, trading Bradford would be such a huge cap hit for the Rams that it's not even an option. He either failed to do his research, or completely ignored it.

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I agree. The RG3 article sort of got to me, mainly how one of his main points was that RG3 can't be all that great if the Rams aren't willing to trade Bradford and draft him. The fact is, trading Bradford would be such a huge cap hit for the Rams that it's not even an option. He either failed to do his research, or completely ignored it.

Exactly. He doesn't bother with the research, just tries to meekly go against the grain and be "the edgy guy" and it just doesn't work for him. It'd be nice to just get some real opinions based on real knowledge instead of just the glut of pot stirrers we have to keep us entertained. I can't think of anyone who's as transparent about it as Wise is, though.

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You want real analysis and knowledge -- listen to Kevin Sheehan on 980 at noon.

Today Wise tweeted the 8 biggest "Free Agent Acquisition" busts and included McNabb and Brandon Lloyd, who obviously weren't free agents when we got them.

agreed. sheehan is usually very fair and informed while being a passionate fan.

Exactly. He doesn't bother with the research,

thats probably my biggest problem with wise. he doesnt appear to research anything.

did anyone hear his rant (again) about the redskins name last week. an informed caller called in and really put him in his place about the subject. it was truly epic.

he also contradicts himself. for instance, last year, when ranting about the redskins name, when it was pointed out that red mesa redskins (a 99% navajo school) chose that name as their mascot, his response was 'thats only a few people'.they didnt count, despite being native american. then, last week, in response to the caller pointing out that there is far from a majority of native americans who are offended by the name, he brings up an anology of having 10 dinner guests over, 9 of which had a great time and 1 did not, therefore your dinner party was not a success.

sometimes, a few people count. sometimes, they dont, i guess.

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Don't listen to him or his cronies. Dont read his articles. His voice alone is irritating, dry sense of humor and tired of the sarcastic negativlty.

I do listen to kevin sheehan and tom lavarro on 92.7 and Doc Walker occasionally.

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I don't think the two excerpts in the OP are nearly as contradictory as they seem on the surface. Note, in the first excerpt, Wise said:

He's hungry and now understands humility. He is only waiting for someone to believe in him again, the way he already believes in himself, and the belief here is Snyder feels that way.

Wise said Williams "understands humility," which is quite different from he "is humble." And, in the the following sentence, Wise noted Williams wanted others to believe in him "the way he already believes in himself."

IMO people are far too sensitive about perceived biases against the Redskins, media conspiracies, etc. When a team loses a lot more games than it wins, it's going to catch a lot of flak.

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agreed. sheehan is usually very fair and informed while being a passionate fan.

To me Sheehan is far and away the best media sports personality in DC.

thats probably my biggest problem with wise. he doesnt appear to research anything.

did anyone hear his rant (again) about the redskins name last week. an informed caller called in and really put him in his place about the subject. it was truly epic.

he also contradicts himself. for instance, last year, when ranting about the redskins name, when it was pointed out that red mesa redskins (a 99% navajo school) chose that name as their mascot, his response was 'thats only a few people'.they didnt count, despite being native american. then, last week, in response to the caller pointing out that there is far from a majority of native americans who are offended by the name, he brings up an anology of having 10 dinner guests over, 9 of which had a great time and 1 did not, therefore your dinner party was not a success.

sometimes, a few people count. sometimes, they dont, i guess.

That's what happens when you just pull **** out of your ass to get a rise out of people because you yourself aren't interesting or knowledgable enough to hold a crowd on your own merit. :ols:

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This is a great find...Wise getting pwned by himself...

I can't stand Wise and his Redskins racist rants. I was on the air with him a little over two years ago and he basically told me I'm not allowed to celebrate the name "Redskins" because I'm not American Indian - exclaiming...."...let them celebrate their own culture"

If hell were to freeze and it somehow resulted in us having to change our beloved franchise name, logo, trademark, etc...I'd still rock my Redskins gear...hundreds of my friends would do the same...and it would almost become 'vintage' clothing for sports enthusiasts. I guess those of us would still be "racist" in his opinion...

Wise drives a Hybrid...it is what it is...

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its funny cuz me and pops were riding in the car and we always listen to 106.7 and we both were agreeing how ignorant wise is and and how is just does not get football. then this, i hate 106.7 but outside nova thats the only thing we get.

except the junkies.

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