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Carriker says he could take Dirty 30 in a bar fight!


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So I posed this Q to one of my friends on Twitter.

Straight up bar fight, who wins? Carriker or Landry?

Carriker replied:

Adam Carriker ‏ @BigPoppaPump94

"@tom_blazak @AshElNegro @MrLandry30 It depends. Is it the tattoo version of Laron Landry, or the non tattoo version of Laron Landry, lol!"

So I said:

"@AshElNegro @BigPoppaPump94 @MrLandry30 I say this version: http://www.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_606w/WashingtonPost/Content/Blogs/dc-sports-bog/StandingArt/landrygiant0212.jpg?uuid=yzo4gF5BEeGaOCcdGz7-jw - u think u could take him? #ClashOfTheTitans"

His answer:

@tom_blazak @AshElNegro @MrLandry30 My veins are bigger, yes!

If you don't use Twitter you most likely won't be aware that Carriker is starting a blog so I've asked him to consider adding a video of an arm wrestle between them to the blog. Can you imagine what an epic battle that would be?!

So I pose the question to the Skins Nation: Straight up bar fight - Dirty 30 or "The Biggest arms on the D-Line" Carriker?

PS: Mods, if this is in the wrong place or needs merging then please do so and accept my apologies.

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I gotta go with Carriker. Landry would probably have bad technique.


i see what you did there ;)


Carricker seems like the bar room brawl type; like he's seen a few in his day.

Therefore, he's more familiar with the system.

and dude is u g l y. you never fight ugly people..

Laron would lose focus, ensuring the camera caught him flexing from his good side.


heyy, man.. whatever you do, man.. dont look at his mole, man

^ (in my best Chong voice)

edit 2:

I have a large, embarrassing mole as well.. so i can make mole jokes :P

ugly is good for DL :) i always thought male modeling was a bit... um.. fruity..

(sorry if that offends anyone. im attempting to remain polite) please appreciate that. my theory is that, with mirrors, gyms, magazines, etc. they may subconsciously be training their brains to appreciate male bodies more than the average Joe..

i'm rambling.. my bad.

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How is Dirty 30 gonna fight, with these attached to his hip?


---------- Post added March-2nd-2012 at 05:37 AM ----------

Wow..Just browsing for NFL news and found this over at YardBarker.

It's the continued story of his Roid looking photo's.

He's lifting weights, but they call it "LARONING" lol


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Carriker would get my vote.

Laron would probably swing and miss.

However, Laron might be one mean mother****er. He is constantly jawing on the field. He probably ain't scared of getting hit. That being said Carriker is bigger and uglier. Looks like he has been beaten about the head and neck quite vigorously in the recent past.

It would be fun to watch if only for a few minutes.

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