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Commentary: Everything You want to Know about Mitt Romney....


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Knowing how popular Romney is on this site ;), I thought I post this article. I'm leaning more and more towards voting for him in Florida's Primary next month.

Click Link for rest of article.


"The New York Times published a fascinating story yesterday that ought to give plenty of fodder to Mitt Romney​’s admirers as well as his detractors. The front-page feature seeks to examine the lessons that can be learned by examining Romney’s time at Harvard University in the 1970s when he simultaneously earned business and law degrees. The result is a portrait of an incredibly able and intelligent man focused on achievement and with keen analytic powers that made him a wild success in the world of finance. This sets him up as an ideal president in an age of economic uncertainty where the ability to understand the economy and how business works should be at a premium.

But what also comes across is that Romney was, and perhaps still is, a person without strong ideological convictions outside the realms of faith and family. The Harvard business program prizes case-by-case analysis and data research and, at least according to this article, rewards pragmatism and problem solving, not ideology. According to his former classmates and friends interviewed in the piece, that approach perfectly suited Romney’s personality. And it is exactly that trait that scares conservative Republicans who see him as a shape-shifting, soulless technocrat who cares nothing for the principles that guide their party.

If, as his critics constantly tell us, Romney is the candidate of his party’s elites, this story is also a reminder that the former Massachusetts governor is the epitome of the notion that the best and brightest deserve the highest rewards. Earning both business and law degrees at a demanding institution like Harvard is not a task for the faint of heart. Already married and a father of two, Romney was obviously more mature than many of his classmates, but he was also more hardworking than most and driven to succeed. The political and social issues that dominated the thinking of most students in that era were of little interest to him. Nor did he spend much time socializing. The story points out that George W. Bush was a year behind him at Harvard Business​, but the two had little contact as the fun-loving future 43rd president and Romney clearly did not move in the same circles.

The insights into Romney’s character ring true with everything we have learned about his later business and political careers. Above all, Romney is a problem solver. Though conservative in his personal life and perhaps in his instincts about the world, his guiding philosophy is pure pragmatism: analyze the data and the individual case and come up with a solution.

To note that a man can absorb vast amounts of complex information and synthesize them into a practical plan of action is hardly an insult. It is a rare talent and should be prized. But those looking for a presidential candidate who can, in the style of GOP hero Ronald Reagan​, express broad political principles, are always going to be a bit disappointed with Romney. He is at his best when fixing broken things–be it companies, ........".

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Actually, just read the part that the OP quoted, but that makes me think I might vote for the guy.

Probably not, because history has taught me not to trust the GOP to actually do anything but legislate for the Moral Majority, and bow to Big Business.

But if it weren't for the R after his name, I'd love that description.

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His tenure as governor could only generously be described as mediocre. George H Bush and Nixon were brilliant intellectuals and Poppa Bush's specialty was being "prudent," and both were terrible presidents. Huntsman's tenure as governor displayed visionary effectiveness and his experience and outlook regarding the Pacific Rim is the dose of reality for our future the country needs. Unfortunately the GOP only has 2 kinds of Primaries voters - those who fall in line and those who fall for bombastic tirades against the percieved liberal nemesis turning our children into soft adrogynous abortionist slackers.

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Another Harvard graduate that is a multi millionaire. Real in touch with the American people
Darn overacheivers and their desire to be president.

I will add that any article that paints Romney as a pragmatist is going to be attacked viciously by his opponents. Obama is a pragmatist IMO, and the only thing preventing him from success as a president is the fact that he is a horrible politician. Romney is a very good politician.

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His tenure as governor could only generously be described as mediocre. George H Bush and Nixon were brilliant intellectuals and Poppa Bush's specialty was being "prudent," and both were terrible presidents. Huntsman's tenure as governor displayed visionary effectiveness and his experience and outlook regarding the Pacific Rim is the dose of reality for our future the country needs. Unfortunately the GOP only has 2 kinds of Primaries voters - those who fall in line and those who fall for bombastic tirades against the percieved liberal nemesis turning our children into soft adrogynous abortionist slackers.

It seems like everybody in the Republican race has had their chance to be the "Anybody But Romney" Flavor of the Month - except Jon Huntsman. Michelle Bachman. Rick Perry. Herman Cain. Ron Paul. Newt Gingrich...all spent at least a brief moment atop the polls. Yet Huntsman can't gain any traction. It's odd to me.

I wonder if Rick Santorum will ever get his brief shining moment as the frontrunner. He's pushing hard to make it happen in Iowa.

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It seems like everybody in the Republican race has had their chance to be the "Anybody But Romney" Flavor of the Month - except Jon Huntsman. Michelle Bachman. Rick Perry. Herman Cain. Ron Paul. Newt Gingrich...all spent at least a brief moment atop the polls. Yet Huntsman can't gain any traction. It's odd to me.

I wonder if Rick Santorum will ever get his brief shining moment as the frontrunner. He's pushing hard to make it happen in Iowa.[/quote

Huntsman would draw from the same crowd that leans toward Romney, not the anybody but Romney crowd, which explains why he hasn't got his turn.

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Darn overacheivers and their desire to be president.

Good one.

I wonder if Rick Santorum will ever get his brief shining moment as the frontrunner. He's pushing hard to make it happen in Iowa.

Boy, that's what the GOP needs. The guy who is probably the icon for the "Republicans want to regulate your sex life" branch of the Party.

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Romney is a very good politician.

counter :evilg:

2) He's a proven political loser: There's a reason Mitt Romney has been able to say that he's "not a career politician." It's because he's not very good at politics. He lost to Ted Kennedy in 1994. Although he did win the governorship of Massachusetts in 2002, he did it without cracking 50% of the vote. Worse yet, he left office as the 48th most popular governor in America and would have lost if he had run again in 2006. Then, to top that off, he failed to capture the GOP nomination in 2008. This time around, despite having almost every advantage over what many people consider to be a weak field of candidates, Romney is still desperately struggling. Choosing Romney as the GOP nominee after running up that sort of track record would be like promoting a first baseman hitting .225 in AAA to the majors.


4) His advantages disappear in a general election:It's actually amazing that Mitt Romney isn't lapping the whole field by 50 points because he has every advantage. Mitt has been running for President longer than the other contenders. He has more money and a better organization than the other candidates. The party establishment and inside the beltway media are firmly in his corner. That's why the other nominees have been absolutely savaged while Romney, like John McCain before him, has been allowed to skate through the primaries without receiving serious scrutiny.

Yet, every one of those advantages disappears if he becomes the nominee. Suddenly Obama will be the more experienced candidate in the race for the presidency. He will also have more money and a better organization than Mitt. Moreover, in a general election, the establishment and beltway media will be aligned against Romney, not for him. Suddenly, Romney will go from getting a free pass to being public enemy #1 for the entire mainstream media.

If you took all those advantages away from Romney in the GOP primary, he'd be fighting with Jon Huntsman to stay out of last place. So, what happens when he's the nominee and suddenly, all the pillars that have barely kept him propped up in SECOND place so far are suddenly removed? It may not be pretty.

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He's a proven political loser: There's a reason Mitt Romney has been able to say that he's "not a career politician." It's because he's not very good at politics. ...

His advantages disappear in a general election:It's actually amazing that Mitt Romney isn't lapping the whole field by 50 points because he has every advantage. Mitt has been running for President longer than the other contenders. He has more money and a better organization than the other candidates. The party establishment and inside the beltway media are firmly in his corner. That's why the other nominees have been absolutely savaged while Romney, like John McCain before him, has been allowed to skate through the primaries without receiving serious scrutiny.

Yet, every one of those advantages disappears if he becomes the nominee. Suddenly Obama will be the more experienced candidate in the race for the presidency. He will also have more money and a better organization than Mitt. Moreover, in a general election, the establishment and beltway media will be aligned against Romney, not for him. Suddenly, Romney will go from getting a free pass to being public enemy #1 for the entire mainstream media.

If you took all those advantages away from Romney in the GOP primary, he'd be fighting with Jon Huntsman to stay out of last place. So, what happens when he's the nominee and suddenly, all the pillars that have barely kept him propped up in SECOND place so far are suddenly removed? It may not be pretty.

His biggest problem as he fights for the Republican nomination is that he's a pragmatist, not an ideologue. Should he survive and become the Republican nominee in the general election, that disadvantage becomes an asset.

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His biggest problem as he fights for the Republican nomination is that he's a pragmatist, not an ideologue. Should he survive and become the nominee that disadvantage becomes an asset in the general election.

There's being a pragmatist, and then there's being a liar and an opportunist

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Isn't being a liar and an opportunist prerequisites for a career in politics? What examples do you have in mind regarding Romney?

Ron Paul seems to do ok w/o much lying.

As far as Romney, you can be practical and have a stable set of beliefs. Maybe he does. But he constantly misrepresents them, and while we have cynically grown accustomed to politician's doing that, Romney takes it to a whole new level.

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Ron Paul seems to do ok w/o much lying.

As far as Romney, you can be practical and have a stable set of beliefs. Maybe he does. But he constantly misrepresents them, and while we have cynically grown accustomed to politician's doing that, Romney takes it to a whole new level.

I'll ask again, what specific examples are you talking about? I am curious.

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Yeah, you're right.

I should have known better that to draw that conclusion from all the people throwing around labels like "liar", based on nothing other than the fact that a politician doesn't have a lifelong pattern of always adhering to The Party Line.

---------- Post added December-28th-2011 at 09:34 AM ----------

Itrs more of a failure to have any core principles that guide him thats the character flaw.


So, say, "belief that it is the role of government to create the best possible environment for it's citizens", isn't a core principal?

Or you know that Romney doesn't have it?

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