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Rotoworld: Chris Cooley expressed displeasure Friday that coach Mike Shanahan told reporters about Cooley's latest knee draining


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I'm finding it disturbing that in a year of zero malcontents, drama queens, and distractions...Chris seems to be teeter tottering on becoming one.

Lately it seems that the only reason Chris Cooley is being talked about in D.C. is because of what he states or tweets, definitely not his play. I would like him to finish his career as a Redskin and win a championship with the team, but with Fred's play I would not be surprised if the Team doesn't decide to cut ties with him in the near future.

Edit: I guess in the end, I would rather him say nothing at all. If it's not a big deal, go out and play Sunday and show everybody you are good to go.

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I'm finding it disturbing that in a year of zero malcontents, drama queens, and distractions...Chris seems to be teeter tottering on becoming one.

Yeah, I'm a little concerned too.

Also, I kinda hope Chris has been more hurt than he lets on, because he has looked SLOW on the field.

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It really does seem like a crazy year in which reporters are just jumping on everything they say. I guess that's the wave of the future with twitter, though.

I agree it's rediculous, but I do understand that Cooley will be in the media crosshairs for the season with his recent public remarks. I have no problem with what Cooley said here, or about Romo sits to pee, but I do have an issue with him saying it and not knowing that the spotlight will be on him now.

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People are crowning Fred Davis way too early. Compare the last two game where Cooley has been somewhat healthy and not starting. David has the same number of catches and 8 more yards. He's been unable to unseat Cooley until he got injured. Consistency > hype.

As for Cooley complaining... He is complaining about the media not Shanahan.

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Oh boy! :munchout:

(sits and waits for the Cooley can do no wrong crowd to show up)

What DID Cooley do wrong here?

---------- Post added October-14th-2011 at 03:34 PM ----------

People are crowning Fred Davis way too early. Compare the last two game where Cooley has been somewhat healthy and not starting. David has the same number of catches and 8 more yards. He's been unable to unseat Cooley until he got injured. Consistency > hype.

It's somewhat interesting that Davis' dropoff in production coincided with Cooley being moved to FB when Young was out injured..

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This is probably taken out of context. Chris Cooley was probably saying he was concerned Mike would tell the other team he had his knee drained since it gives the Eagles information regarding our players. It seems very innocuous to me.

When it comes to Cooley it's always taken out of context :rolleyes:

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Cooley just needs to lay low for a few weeks. I don't have any problem with what he's been saying, but the frequency of him being in the news is starting to worry me. At the end of the day, I'd just like to see him focus on being a football player. I just want to see him back at 100%.

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When it comes to Cooley it's always taken out of context :rolleyes:

You still haven't answered the questioned posed to you earlier in this thread.

Exactly what did he say/do that was so out of line?

Compared to the rest of the league, this is a non story.

Now if Cooley had said something along the lines of " I may do something that gets me fined $50,000 and thrown out in the 2nd quarter" you would have a point.

Right now, your just ****ing to be ****ing about something.

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You still haven't answered the questioned posed to you earlier in this thread.

Exactly what did he say/do that was so out of line?

Compared to the rest of the league, this is a non story.

Now if Cooley had said something along the lines of " I may do something that gets me fined $50,000 and thrown out in the 2nd quarter" you would have a point.

Right now, your just ****ing to be ****ing about something

Who are you that I must explain my stance on anything to?

These are MY OPINIONS right ,wrong or in between and I don't feel the need to debate back and forth unless I so desire.

If Cooley has such a PROBLEM with the HEAD COACH speaking about his injuries and or any prodecures he has/had done, then wouldn't it be wise for him to take that up with Shanny in private?

This is the second time in as many weeks where he's making comments that are best left said behind the walls of Redskins Park.

If this were DeAngelo Hall or anyone else they'd be labeled a malcontent. Truth of the matter is Cooley should be worrying about his health a little more ,rather than running his mouth...did I say that about Captain Chaos YES I DID!!!

BTW - @the bolded CHILD PLEASE :ols:

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Its painfully obvious reading the replies of people who read Cooleys comments as opposed to those who just read the thread title. Read more; post less.

This is a non-story.

Like I said. Chris Cooley is a hot topic. Everything he says until season ends will spark controversy, which I think is stupid, but he needs to realize this and dial it back a notch and play ball.

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These are MY OPINIONS right ,wrong or in between and I don't feel the need to debate back and forth unless I so desire.

Ummm... This is a message board. People discuss and debate.

All you were asked is why do you think Cooley's comments were wrong/out of line.

Grab a beer and cool off.

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???...That's showing "displeasure" at Shanahan?

I might be alone in this, but I didn't read it as Cooley have any issue whatsoever with Shanahan...I read it as Cooley having issue with those who would make more out of his having his knee drained than they should.

This. Period. End of story/end of thread please.

We were so thrilled when Chris owned everyone on twitter, now someone turns his words into displeasure and one post later, he's Clinton Portis.

For God's sake, people..

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