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Redskins played a damn good game !

smackdown 46

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Rewatched game on DVR and was impressed with our team taking it to them right up to the last drive where D Hall gets hit with a BS facemask. Oh yeah, you can armchair fault the 3rd and 21 blitz all day, but the success they had with it with their receivers being confused looked like a good pressure situation.

You have to give Romo sits to pee the credit as well as the blame and this was one of the best Monday niters these two have played in a while. Rewatch for yourself and you will see.

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I wish I felt the same way. What I saw was the same old Skins- terrible redzone offense, terrible when it mattered most on defense, blown coverage, and special teams issues. I'm pleased with the progress the defense has made, but offense looked awful.

Then you haven't watched the Redskins for the past 5 years! Welcome new fan...

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Rewatched game on DVR and was impressed with our team taking it to them right up to the last drive where D Hall gets hit with a BS facemask. Oh yeah, you can armchair fault the 3rd and 21 blitz all day, but the success they had with it with their receivers being confused looked like a good pressure situation.

You have to give Romo sits to pee the credit as well as the blame and this was one of the best Monday niters these two have played in a while. Rewatch for yourself and you will see.

I had Tivo'd it and re-watched it as well, without the emotion of the moment involved. They did play better than most on this board would have you believe. But they didn't play nearly well enough, imo. The Skins right now lack clutch playmakers who can do something when it's absolutely needed.

Pair of screwed up masochists watching a defeat to THEM twice over.

Y'all need help.


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I had Tivo'd it and re-watched it as well, without the emotion of the moment involved. They did play better than most on this board would have you believe. But they didn't play nearly well enough, imo. The Skins right now lack clutch playmakers who can do something when it's absolutely needed.

i'm with you, better than you'd think after reading stuff on here, but i definitely i can't say they played a damn good game.

2 turnovers, lackluster offense, and gave up the back breaking drive at the end of the game.

we played a mediocre game, just like against arizona, and this time we weren't playing the cardinals.

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disagree...dallas basically gift wrapped the game for the redskins and the skins couldn't close it out. Good teams don't lose those types of games.

NEWSFLASH - Who said we are a good team yet??? 6-10 last year, 4-12 year before....We aren't good, we are starting to show signs of an organization that is headed the right direction. This does not equal a good team. One offseason with good moves sets the foundation, it doesn't mean we are where we want to be..

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I re-watched the game today as well, gotta admit we did move the ball. Last year, I was hoping and praying for a first down, this year I'm confident we can move the ball. Finishing drives is the issue this year, but just another hurdle in the rebuild process. This coaching staff/FO will figure out what we need.

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Hmm a QB with broken ribs, Rb with separated shoulder, Star WR not playing, other star WR banged up. Somewhere around 4 botched snaps and we still lost? EVEN after keeping them OUT the endzone the entire game?

No, we did not play well. We just didn't make a fool of ourselves. It's not the end of the world... it's a loss, we will most definitely lose again.. it happens, but in this game, we didn't do jack.

I give Romo sits to pee credit for playing with injury but I will not give him credit for beating than MORONIC all out blitz. We blitzed relentlessly, I'm sorry.. you just don't send the entire house over and over and over in the NFL, if you do.. you will get torched. We got torched. No brainer.

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I dont care what anybody says, ill take this team this management over any other team or management that we've put on the field in the passed 10 seasons. We were 6-10 last season I feel we have made strides in becoming a better team from then till now.

I'll give you that. I do agree with you.. I just think we have to be smarter.

Examples are easy.. one is (I know I'm beating a dead horse) When they need 21 yards for the first and a stop pretty much seals the win,.. you DO NOT send the entire freaking house, sorry.

Another example.. after Cooley picks up a first on 3rd and 1 as a runner... you don't do it the very next 3rd and one. It's too easy..

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Word my dude. I feel the same way. This defense is pretty nasty. Landry's presence is felt and made the defense as a whole 5x better. The pass rush is almost every down, the run D is excellent (felix jones got really lucky having those 2 bangers cause we had guys right next to him ready to stuff it), and our corner play was very nice (Josh Wilson). You cannot blame the defense for this game. How is Dhall suppose to efficiently chase Dez Bryant for 10 seconds? Tony Romo sits to pee extended that play to the max and made an amazing throw. I don't expect us to go 15-1 this year, we are going to lose games (especially road division games). Our offense will get it together too. Trent did phenomenal against Dware. Rex and the offense just need to get it together. Most have said we didn't follow game plan by continuing to the run in the 2nd half, I on the other hand, thought we should have almost abandoned the run completely in the 2nd half. How do you not exploit that secondary? The run was getting us absolutely NOTHING on the 500 stretch plays we tried to run. And please, I don't need anyone to tell me "it's the staple of our offensive system", it does not have to be ran 50 times in 3 games. We aren't mixing it up. Yeah we passed on 1st down, but it's always followed by a "stretch to the right/left". Let Rex get into a rhythm and start feelin it, I feel like our QB plays better when he starts working a rhythm. This is why I'm not a coach, but just alittle vent for me on this in particular.

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I agree....the team is a wip for sure...but they are improving and the pieces are coming together. Better coaching, better personnel. Was a tough loss...I hate when you don't take advantage of a injured team, division rival, on the road...and they tried to give the game away with several miscues etc. and we still couldn't get the W.

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Romo sits to pee couldn't throw the ball more than thirty yards. No Miles Austin. Dez Bryant banged up. If ever there was a game the Redskins should win it was this. IMHO this was one of the Redskins worst showings ever.

Worse than the drubbing at the hands of the Eagles last year on MNF? Worse than the 7-6 loss to the Cowboys under Marty on MNF? Worse than the 3-0 loss under Pettibone? There are dozens of games which deserve to qualify as the "one of the Redskins worse showings ever". Last night was not one of them.

Not to mention, the Dallas front 7 was not missing injured stars...and they ARE very good. Their defense was ranked #4 in the league before last night's game for a reason.

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I been thinking about this all day, didn't want to start a thread on it. I guess I will just say it here.

I know I wasn't born to witness, but based on the overall record between the two teams, I have concluded that maybe the Cowboys just has our number in the regular season. Even during arguably the greatest Redskins season of all-time, 91' , we lost to the Cowboys. I do think we played a good game last night and we are still a team that is improving. Nobody thought we would be 2-1 after three weeks so I will take it.

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i'm with you, better than you'd think after reading stuff on here, but i definitely i can't say they played a damn good game.

2 turnovers, lackluster offense, and gave up the back breaking drive at the end of the game.

we played a mediocre game, just like against arizona, and this time we weren't playing the cardinals.

It's why I say blame the coaches. The Skins executed the plays called pretty well, but I seriously question the plays called

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NEWSFLASH - Who said we are a good team yet??? 6-10 last year, 4-12 year before....We aren't good, we are starting to show signs of an organization that is headed the right direction. This does not equal a good team. One offseason with good moves sets the foundation, it doesn't mean we are where we want to be..

This. I have had to remind myself during the last two games that we are still rebuilding and are NOT a great team, yet. We all knew going into the season that we were probably an 8-8 team at best. Does the loss to that team hurt? Hail yes! But to be 2-1 right now, looking light years ahead of where we were last year is a place I don't mind being. I don't think anyone realistically expected 13-3 so expectations need to be tempered a bit.

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Rewatched game on DVR and was impressed with our team taking it to them right up to the last drive where D Hall gets hit with a BS facemask. Oh yeah, you can armchair fault the 3rd and 21 blitz all day, but the success they had with it with their receivers being confused looked like a good pressure situation.

You have to give Romo sits to pee the credit as well as the blame and this was one of the best Monday niters these two have played in a while. Rewatch for yourself and you will see.

I think the play on the interception good design bad execution, in past years we would have come out and run teh ball the next 3 drives instead of throwing on the next pass.

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I knew going into this that it would be a close game and won by chance. We would have won had we kicked that dumb FG and a lot of people would be happy right now.

Our defense was good as usual. All teams will make a bad play every now and then but the D kept that down to a minimum. A 100% Landry will be even better than last night.

Our offense was the opposite to me. I really didn't see one play where I thought "Man they are finally getting it" like I did with the D. Rex looked terrified and proved that in his interview. We have got to figure out a way to calm him down and let him think clearly or he can't be a franchise QB (we probably knew that b4 this season). I never understand why we either ditch a play that worked instantly or run it a million times. We have to find a happy medium between the two or take advantage of it with other plays. I missed Davis last night. He's a play maker and he got what, one catch? Maybe he was being covered I didn't see because I was too busy screaming at the TV.

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