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Redskins.com: "Snyder Dismisses Lawsuit Against City Paper"


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Washington Redskins owner Daniel M. Snyder has dismissed his lawsuit against Washington City Paper and its writer.

Citing defamation in a Nov. 19, 2010 article, Dan Snyder filed suit (Daniel M. Snyder v. Creative Loafing, Inc., CL Washington, Inc.; and Dave McKenna) against the Washington City Paper on April 26, 2011.

“The lawsuit was pursued as a means to correct the public record following several critical factual misstatements in the Washington City Paper article.” said team spokesman Tony Wyllie, “In the course of the defendants’ recently filed pleadings and statements in this matter, the Washington City Paper and its writer have admitted that certain assertions contained in the article that are the subject of the lawsuit were, in fact, unintended by the defendants to be read literally as true.

"Therefore, we see nothing further to be gained at this time through continuing the lawsuit. We prefer to focus on the coming football season and the business at hand.

"We remain committed to assisting with responsible reportage of the team and the many people involved in our organization, including Dan Snyder, and the principle that the truth and the facts matter in responsible journalism has been vindicated."

(bolding mine). ****ing :ols: at the timing, seriously, also at them acting like a satirical article was, in fact, not meant "to be read literally as true" as some sort of concession on the part of the Defense.

Where are all the guys telling me and Crazy Levi that this was a slam dunk case for Snyder? :ols:

Either way, good move to end this farce now before the season starts, even if it was (almost) at the 11th hour.

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McKenna's a Redskins hating A1 jackwagon who really needs bringing down a peg or two.


This is a great move and perfect timing. Right before the opening game...it won't get much press. He was going to lose this lawsuit, especially after the slap legislation.

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McKenna's a Redskins hating A1 jackwagon who really needs bringing down a peg or two.


Yeah, who cares about something like the 1st amendment when you have a grudge against a journalist who you're convinced has an agenda against a sports franchise, right? :rolleyes:

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Yeah, who cares about something like the 1st amendment when you have a grudge against a journalist who you're convinced has an agenda against a sports franchise, right? :rolleyes:

Sorry but McKenna was definitely in the wrong on this one. You can't accuse someone of a crime when it's not true. You can hate Snyder all you want but McKenna completely overstepped his bounds. How would you feel if he printed in the paper tomorrow that you molested collies. The first amendment doesn't give you the right to print anything you want. But the fact that Snyder is such a public dick completely pushed the real issue under the radar.

That being said, I'm glad it's dropped because I was tired of reading about it.

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Yeah, who cares about something like the 1st amendment when you have a grudge against a journalist who you're convinced has an agenda against a sports franchise, right? :rolleyes:

So if I openly slander you and your life in public and hide behind my right to freedom of speech you'll be just peachy with that huh? Gotcha'

*Cue claims of me being a 'Snyder lover/ apologist/ insert own term at leisure.'


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Who cares? Really. A better move would've been dismissing it and never speaking of it again.

The Redskins have a football game to play tomorrow. One that hopefully signals the start of a new era.

The rest of it can sleep with the fishes as far as I'm concerned.

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McKenna's a Redskins hating A1 jackwagon who really needs bringing down a peg or two.


Goodness dude. Have some respect for the First Amendment. You don't have to like McKenna to know that having the rich able to sue a rag into oblivion is a bad thing for a truly free press. I don't want to go too patriotic over this, but this is part of why it's good to be an American.

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Goodness dude. Have some respect for the First Amendment. You don't have to like McKenna to know that having the rich able to sue a rag into oblivion is a bad thing for a truly free press. I don't want to go too patriotic over this, but this is part of why it's good to be an American.

It's not as bad as a journalist being able to write slanderous material without fear of reprisal. This guy did more damage to the First Amendment than anything Snyder could ever do.

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It's not as bad as a journalist being able to write slanderous material without fear of reprisal. This guy did more damage to the First Amendment than anything Snyder could ever do.

So the things Snyder DID do that were wrong or just mean spirited should be overlooked?

Not being smart. Honestly asking your opinion.

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McKenna's a Redskins hating A1 jackwagon who really needs bringing down a peg or two.



Yeah, McKenna beating Snyder's sorry ass in this stupid lawsuit really would have "taken him down."

What a fiasco from day 1.

Hopefully the last really, really stupid thing from Snyder for a long time.

He comes out looking like an *******, as usual.

McKenna comes out looking like a 1st ammendment hero.

So glad this is over.

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So if I openly slander you and your life in public and hide behind my right to freedom of speech you'll be just peachy with that huh? Gotcha'

*Cue claims of me being a 'Snyder lover/ apologist/ insert own term at leisure.'


Try thinking of it like this: If you run a business that forges people's authorization, you don't have much ground to stand on if an opinion piece in the press says "GHH forges people's authorizations". Frankly, businessmen ought to be held more accountable for what their business does.

That being said, at lest Danny stopped publically hitting himself in the face over this lawsuit. That's actually a sign of progress. Maybe he learned a couple lessons. Or at least got counsel able to tell him what he didn't want to hear.

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(bolding mine). ****ing :ols: at the timing, seriously, also at them acting like a satirical article was, in fact, not meant "to be read literally as true" as some sort of concession on the part of the Defense.

It was a "satirical" article now, huh? lol...Yeah, ok.

Like GHH said, I would have loved for it go have gone forward and for a "journalist" like McKenna to have to sweat things out in court, but eh, oh well...dropping it is a bad PR move by Snyder's team, but I care a billion times more about tomorrow's game than I do this.

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It was a "satirical" article now, huh? .

Unless you really believe that McKenna literally meant that Snyder used Agent Orange to clear his view of the Potomac, it's definitely satirical.

Whatever. I'm excited about tomorrow too, but the obvious timing of this is hilarious (most people focused on the games 9/11 tomorrow, NYT article admitting DS has never even read the city paper piece in question, etc).

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Unless you really believe that McKenna literally meant that Snyder used Agent Orange to clear his view of the Potomac, it's definitely satirical.

Whatever. I'm excited about tomorrow too, but the obvious timing of this is hilarious (most people focused on the games 9/11 tomorrow, NYT article admitting DS has never even read the city paper piece in question, etc).

That's funny, because the City Paper's initial stance was that everything in the article was factual.

but, yeah, now it was simply a satirical article about Snyder, not a factual one. Gotcha. :thumbsup:

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You gota' love the depth of hatred (admittedly MORE than brought on by the man himself, but still relevant) that has folk quite happy to hide behind the first amendment to openly defamain sombody in public; and use those 'rights' to have no fear of reproach.

God Bless America.


Yeah, poor little Danny. How dare that mean ol' writer poke fun at him while also making some valid, fact-based, points.

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It's not as bad as a journalist being able to write slanderous material without fear of reprisal. This guy did more damage to the First Amendment than anything Snyder could ever do.

That's only if McKenna is wrong. If you read ASF's thread, you'd see McKenna had at least one leg to stand on.

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