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Redskins.com: "Snyder Dismisses Lawsuit Against City Paper"


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Some people on either side of the argument made good arguments, others embarrassed themselves on either side of the argument. To be expected. I stand by my early post in the 2nd thread. Snyder said all along with a retraction or admission of fault that he'd drop the suit. Now he has the creators on public record saying the forgery allegation is false (they claimed before that it was all true), so the reckless accusation can't do any harm to Snyder's business side. Like I said before, I don't think it was solely about winning the suit, but more sending a message to the media that there is a line not to cross, and a good portion of fans on here agreed there was a line that was crossed. Others believed it was a waste of time and it wasn't going to stop other criticism. Both sides, when presented rationally, made good points. Snyder and McKenna both got too ticky-tacky, too overzealous in this IMO. I'm glad it's over with and we are off to a good start this season.

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Well darn. Much to the consternation of some I'm sure, I don't have a single post in any of those threads.

I must be slipping, Snyder 'lover' that I am.


LOL. I said all along the only legitimate issue in the lawsuit was the personal forgery accusation. As elkabong82 mentioned, WCP finally admitted that the forgery claim wasn't intended to assert that Dan Snyder was personally caught forging names (though, that is exactly what the article stated). That apparently was good enough for Dan Snyder so he dismissed the suit. I agree with elkabong82 that both sides came out looking silly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dave McKenna is on UnWise Mike right now. He has just lost all favor with me after listening to him talk. This guy is a sleeze.


This dude is something else. I am listening on the stream so I am sure it's a bit behind....but he is crossing the line with Snyder now.

Now he is saying Tanya Snyder "claimed" to have cancer? I would knock this dude the **** out if he talked about my wife like that. What a ****ing slime.

Get over yourself dude, you ain't nobodies hero.

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Dave McKenna is on UnWise Mike right now. He has just lost all favor with me after listening to him talk. This guy is a sleeze.


This dude is something else. I am listening on the stream so I am sure it's a bit behind....but he is crossing the line with Snyder now.

Now he is saying Tanya Snyder "claimed" to have cancer? I would knock this dude the **** out if he talked about my wife like that. What a ****ing slime.

Get over yourself dude, you ain't nobodies hero.

Not surprising in the least, unfortunately.

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