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Georgetown Brawl in China during Basketball Tour


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This would be a major embarrassment for the Chinese if they cared what people thought about them; but they do not.

They care about winning, and they are not open to other cultures, ideas, and positions on how to do it. They will do it their way, even if it means fist fighting with their guests. This is what makes them in the short term strong and intimidating, but in the long term, it will limit their ability to succeed. They aren't open enough to embrace new ideas and people.

The fabric of our society embraces diversity of ideas and culture. Its why the greatest minds around the world come the the US. Its why we were the first to send a man to the moon, harness nuclear power, and invent the internet.

Say what you want about the 'fall' of the US and the rise of China - I firmly believe that a society that embraces diversity, and individual freedom will ALWAYS succeed over one that does not.

Well put.

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This would be a major embarrassment for the Chinese if they cared what people thought about them; but they do not.

They care about winning, and they are not open to other cultures, ideas, and positions on how to do it. They will do it their way, even if it means fist fighting with their guests. This is what makes them in the short term strong and intimidating, but in the long term, it will limit their ability to succeed. They aren't open enough to embrace new ideas and people.

The fabric of our society embraces diversity of ideas and culture. Its why the greatest minds around the world come the the US. Its why we were the first to send a man to the moon, harness nuclear power, and invent the internet.

Say what you want about the 'fall' of the US and the rise of China - I firmly believe that a society that embraces diversity, and individual freedom will ALWAYS succeed over one that does not.

But you ignore the fact that China's rise has come from them opening up (slightly) and becoming more like the west. Sure, they still look very monolithic and authoritarian from our perspective, but China today is many times more open than they were twenty years ago, or even five years ago.

How successful they are will depend on how smoothly they can continue making the transition from tight state control to a more open economy and perhaps a more open government.

And in any case, at what points in history have societies embracing individual freedom always triumphed over authoritarian empires? When Rome conquered Greece? Alexander the Great? Genghis Khan? European colonialism?

Individual freedom has been winning for maybe a hundred years now, but it's not exactly historical fact quite yet.

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It's sad how many of you so called Americans immediately placed the blame on Georgetown. The Chinese team they played were known for their unrully and agressive behavior. They said the Chinese players were literally yelling in the face of JT as they were going up and down the court.

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Interesting. Youtube disabled the video above.

A you probably already know,(but just in case),just the imbedding was disabled. Can still watch the video,(which was a good one). Interesting. Members of the Chinese team even going to the the Hoyas hotel rooms to try to smoothing things over.

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As for the thuggish comment: Allen Iverson played there. End of story.

So you have no argument.

EDIT: First your comments on the dreadlocks thread and now your comments on this thread. You have some serious race issues.

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So you have no argument.

EDIT: First your comments on the dreadlocks thread and now your comments on this thread. You have some serious race issues.

Funny, you say that, when in the boxing thread you were getting called out for being a racist yourself.

And if you had actually read what was written, you'd see that I specifically said that its not just dreadlocks I have a problem with, but long hair on a guy, period.

And if you think saying that Georgetown's basketball program has long been considered "thuggish", is racist, then you're probably calling at least half the college basketball fans in America racists.

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