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The Slow Decline of FedEx. Dangerous Thug Fans?


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Honestly, I do not think it is beyond reason to expect to go to Redskins games and not have to worry about these things. Now, people fight, I understand that; And people would still fight without alcohol. So, I do not think that banning alcohol or tailgating is the appropriate measures. I think it is up to the organization to hire more security and police. With more security, I think the fighting would be kept to a minimum. Well as much as you could expect with 90k+ people.

As far as profanity....this I am mixed on. Would it be great for families to be able to bring their children to the games? Yes, but I don't think this would happen. Children are the future fans, and it's tough if they are not able to bring the kids to the games. I would hope that if people saw children in their section they would refrain from cursing, but with 90k+ people you are going to get some that do not care. Unfortunate.

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People who get into fights are generally looking for it. They always act the other guy started it out of nowhere.

If you fight back to show that you're tough bc some stranger at a football game (or bar) said something about your mother, sister, etc. well then, you're just not a very smart person.

I laugh when Colin Cowherd breaks down the difference between job guy and career guy in the football crowd. The drunken D-bag whose droppin F-bombs, and ready to throw down at anyone who looks at him wrong is generally a job guy, one who doesn't have as much to lose if he were to end up in jail for the night. No one's going to tell him when to sit down or shutup, and the other people around him don't matter bc he's hard core.

Meanwhile career guy generally has the sense to keep to himself when taunted or harassed. Career guy has somewhere to be tomorrow, and a black eye and broken nose won't bode well when he tells the boss how he was just represented the Skins when someone started **** with him.

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let's be realistic here. Going to games at FedEx is an option for everyone, for 99% of the American population driving is not optional.

It's completely voluntary for everyone. There are many other modes of transportation.

I don't get involved in fights, but as a fan, I should not have to stay home because there are drunken dumbasses who want to fight at FedEx. That kind of thinking is absurd as it excuses the terrible behavior by those involved and puts the responsibility on the fan to not go there.

I'll avoid Loch Raven Boulevard in Baltimore at two in the morning; FedEx should not present the same threat that would cause someone to not want to go to see her/his team.

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It's completely voluntary for everyone. There are many other modes of transportation.

I'm not gonna derail this thread any further after this but dude come on ... What average American town has modes of transportation that don't involve the road? What are we going to take mountain bike trails to work? Or how about a nice morning of train hopping to get to work? There certainly aren't many modes of realistic transportation for the average American that don't involve the roads unless you live in a major city where there is a metro system. But for the majority of the country that is not the case. The two can't be compared.

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let's be realistic here. Going to games at FedEx is an option for everyone, for 99% of the American population driving is not optional.

If your thinking lies along the lines of your not a 'fan', but a 'customer' with a choice of whether you attend or not; that you can spend your money elsewhere; then you probably weren't really a 'fan' to begin with.


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I'm not gonna derail this thread any further after this but dude come on ... What average American town has modes of transportation that don't involve the road? What are we going to take mountain bike trails to work? Or how about a nice morning of train hopping to get to work? There certainly aren't many modes of realistic transportation for the average American that don't involve the roads unless you live in a major city where there is a metro system. But for the majority of the country that is not the case. The two can't be compared.

The two are comparable; you're just focused on semantics. The point is that you shouldn't have to avoid something out of fear of getting hurt.

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If your thinking lies along the lines of your not a 'fan', but a 'customer' with a choice of whether you attend or not; that you can spend your money elsewhere; then you probably weren't really a 'fan' to begin with.


Um, no. I was just pointing out the fact that there's a comparison being made between two things. One that's voluntary, like going to the games, and one that isn't, like using the roads for transportation. That's just not a fair comparison outside of cities where there flat out are NOT modes of transportation that don't involve the road. You guys read a little too far into things some times, jesus.

@cliche... I understand that you shouldn't. But that fact of the matter is that you do, if you can. if the person thinks that the risk of getting hurt at a game is far to great to attend, then they have the choice to not attend the game. The same can't be said for people who rely on the roads to get them to and from work.

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Um, no. I was just pointing out the fact that there's a comparison being made between two things. One that's voluntary, like going to the games, and one that isn't, like using the roads for transportation. That's just not a fair comparison outside of cities where there flat out are NOT modes of transportation that don't involve the road. You guys read a little too far into things some times, jesus.

Dude, the whole point is that you're reading too much into the comparison. Just let it go. :cheers:

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Um, no. I was just pointing out the fact that there's a comparison being made between two things. One that's voluntary, like going to the games, and one that isn't, like using the roads for transportation. That's just not a fair comparison outside of cities where there flat out are NOT modes of transportation that don't involve the road. You guys read a little too far into things some times, jesus.

Not at all. I just don't agree that for many following a sports team is 'voluntary', akin to a hobby. For many, outside their faith, family and work, it IS their life. Now whether that's right or wrong is another thing again, but the fact is that is the way with many. There's zero logic to it, and many non-sports fans must think we're absolutely nuts. (Like posting to faceless posters on an internet message board for example.). If your a die hard fan, 'voluntary' often doesn't come into it. You go because, as ridiculous as it's sounds, it's what you do.

And NOBODY should be made to feel unsafe in doing the thing they love to do.


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Fighting with opposition fans would be bad enough in some ****** up sense of pride, but 'Skins fans fighting 'Skins fans? Are you ******* kidding me!

Seriously, what the **** is wrong with these people?

I'd love someone to straight faced defend that. There needs to be zero tolerance. If your caught on CCTV within the stadium fighting or acting like a complete drunken prick and disrupting the game for others, your banned. NO exceptions.

Only way your gona' stop it.


So just because we are all Redskins fans we shouldn't fight each other? That makes zero sense. First, we have no idea how any of these fights started, who did or said what to who, etc. If I was at a game and a fellow drunk ass fellow Skins fan, fell, hurt my wife or daughter, or spilled beer or something on me (etc.) and I told him to watch what the **** they were doing and they talked **** back, Id have no problem dropping their ass or go down trying. **** that, this isn't Monopoly, you don't get to pass go and collect $200 just because your a Redskins fan.

People act like *******s sometimes and that is what causes fights, regardless of team affiliation.

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If you're an adult and are getting into fist fights, you're an idiot, shouldn't drink ever and probably shouldn't attend anything with a crowd. Also, get help because you're doing it wrong.

So, you're at the game, sober. Another moron is drunk, maybe spills beer on you, your wife/gf/child/friend. You call him out. Twenty minutes later, he's more wasted and starts talking **** to you, or your wife/gf/kid/friend and trying to pick a fight.

Do you:

A] Tuck your dick between your legs, become a woman and leave

B] (If it's a child with you) Tell your wife/gf to take the child out of here and handle the situation like a man

C] (No child involved) Tell the drunk to **** off and handle **** like a man

I'm all for answers B & C.

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So, you're at the game, sober. Another moron is drunk, maybe spills beer on you, your wife/gf/child/friend. You call him out. Twenty minutes later, he's more wasted and starts talking **** to you, or your wife/gf/kid/friend and trying to pick a fight.

Do you:

A] Tuck your dick between your legs, become a woman and leave

B] (If it's a child with you) Tell your wife/gf to take the child out of here and handle the situation like a man

C] (No child involved) Tell the drunk to **** off and handle **** like a man

I'm all for answers B & C.

That is pretty much the opposite of handling anything like a man. It's actually the problem.

So, you think it would be a great idea to have other children, who have no idea who's doing anything for any reason, to watch two grown men make examples out of themselves? That's sad.

You text the security number they give you, have him taken out and then go back to watching the game and cheering for your team. Like an adult.

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So just because we are all Redskins fans we shouldn't fight each other? That makes zero sense. First, we have no idea how any of these fights started, who did or said what to who, etc. If I was at a game and a fellow drunk ass fellow Skins fan, fell, hurt my wife or daughter, or spilled beer or something on me (etc.) and I told him to watch what the **** they were doing and they talked **** back, Id have no problem dropping their ass or go down trying. **** that, this isn't Monopoly, you don't get to pass go and collect $200 just because your a Redskins fan.

People act like *******s sometimes and that is what causes fights, regardless of team affiliation.

You can stop your post with the first line. Man, you shouldn't be fighting, period. The concept is not that hard to grasp. People who have no problem solving skills are those who resort to fighting. If you can't figure out a way to resolve a conflict without fighting, then you need to reexamine your skill set.

That is pretty much the opposite of handling anything like a man. It's actually the problem.

So, you think it would be a great idea to have other children, who have no idea who's doing anything for any reason, to watch two grown men make examples out of themselves? That's sad.

You text the security number they give you, have him taken out and then go back to watching the game and cheering for your team. Like an adult.



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That is pretty much the opposite of handling anything like a man. It's actually the problem.

So, you think it would be a great idea to have other children, who have no idea who's doing anything for any reason, to watch two grown men make examples out of themselves? That's sad.

You text the security number they give you, have him taken out and then go back to watching the game and cheering for your team. Like an adult.

Well, obviously we are different people. I'd have no problem beating the **** out of someone if they disrespect/harm me or my family. Some people just need to be knocked the **** out, it's pretty simple.

---------- Post added July-24th-2011 at 03:34 PM ----------

You can stop your post with the first line. Man, you shouldn't be fighting, period. The concept is not that hard to grasp. People who have no problem solving skills are those who resort to fighting. If you can't figure out a way to resolve a conflict without fighting, then you need to reexamine your skill set.



So, while I try to reason with the drunk ******* fan and he starts punching me, I shouldn't fight back or beat his ass? This should make ESPN........"COME ON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!"

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Well, obviously we are different people. I'd have no problem beating the **** out of someone if they disrespect/harm me or my family. Some people just need to be knocked the **** out, it's pretty simple.

That's really, really sad. That attitude is what's wrong with FedEx Field. Like Koolblue said, you'd want to teach your kids to beat the **** out of someone because you can't handle his words like an adult?

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That's really, really sad. That attitude is what's wrong with FedEx Field. Like Koolblue said, you'd want to teach your kids to beat the **** out of someone because you can't handle his words like an adult?

Again, no kids around, you try to reason with a drunk ******* and he starts punching/shoving you. You call security........fine. I start mother ****ing swinging. If you dont want to fight, it's your choice, thats perfectly fine. If someone starts getting physical with me, I'm not backing down. Doesn't make you any less of a man, doesn't make me some "thug" either.

Edit: I should go on the record saying, that if violence/fighting can be avoided it should. I have a daughter, I would not want her to see me fighting with anyone. However, if someone gets physicial, I'm getting her out of there, then Im gonna stand up for myself. Im not a thug or anything like that, just a good ole boy from the south. Ive been beat down before, it sucks, so Im not gonna let that happen without putting up a fight, if needed.

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Again, no kids around, you try to reason with a drunk ******* and he starts punching/shoving you. You call security........fine. I start mother ****ing swinging. If you dont want to fight, it's your choice, thats perfectly fine. If someone starts getting physical with me, I'm not backing down. Doesn't make you any less of a man, doesn't make me some "thug" either.

Edit: I should go on the record saying, that if violence/fighting can be avoided it should. I have a daughter, I would not want her to see me fighting with anyone. However, if someone gets physicial, I'm getting her out of there, then Im gonna stand up for myself. Im not a thug or anything like that, just a good ole boy from the south. Ive been beat down before, it sucks, so Im not gonna let that happen without putting up a fight, if needed.

Your edit makes me feel a little bit better.

I don't think that you're presenting yourself as a thug, and I hope that I didn't come off as calling you that. I apologize if I did.

Just remember that you are in public and, while it may not be your daughter watching, it's lots of other people's kids. You're putting others at risk because if you throw a punch and miss, that can hit someone else. If you land it perfectly, that can knock the guy off of his ass and fall into other people.

Resorting to violence to save face isn't manly. You talk to the greatest martial artists or soldiers, people whose careers and even lives depend on their ability to fight, and they'll tell you the same thing. I remember specifically my father getting one of those bullying shoulder bumps in public, and when he said, "Hey, you just bumped into me," the guy responded with, "So what, *****? You gonna do something?" and got in his face. My dad responded, "Yeah, I am. I'm walking away because you're not worth it." And he walked away. I've also seen my dad attacked (talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time continually) put a guy in a wristlock behind his back, kick the back of his knee to take the guy down face first, and hold him there until the guy was embarrassed enough. My dad's a Vietnam vet, and he wasn't a spring chicken when this happened.

Violence is bad. Your life isn't threatened, so just let it be. Get your family out of harm's way and disable the guy who is attacking you. Throwing the first punch is never, ever okay.

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