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A Closer Look at 2011 QB Prospect: Christian Ponder


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The 2011 Redskins might be in the market to acquire a QB in the upcoming draft and there are several good prospects.

The aim of this series of threads is to conduct a layman's evaluation and discussion of the QBs by look past the stats and the often parroted rhetoric available through media and draft sites.

The goal is to look in depth and discuss the top prospects in action.

The springboard for the discussion will be the commonly available game cut-ups (not highlights) on youtube and may extend to torrents (if there's interest).

All are welcome with the expectation that specific plays will be discussed whenever possible.


Christian Ponder vs. UNC



This is a very truncated version that will be updated time permitting.

Thoughts/Additions/Game Commentary are welcome.

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It's VERY truncated right now! Did you forget to post the breakdown?

There might not be one, I'm about to take the kids to watch RIO.

Tris-mentioned if there was gonna be a Closer on Ponder in the draft thread.

I replied that since most people don't read the passing chart nor talk about specific plays it wasn't really neccesary (nor worth the effort).

But, I will post a breakdown later.

Just leaving it wide open to the forum..(also I'm posting Tryod & Stanzi before I leave for the movies)

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There might not be one, I'm about to take the kids to watch RIO.

Tris-mentioned if there was gonna be a Closer on Ponder in the draft thread.

I replied that since most people don't read the passing chart nor talk about specific plays it wasn't really neccesary (nor worth the effort).

But, I will post a breakdown later.

Just leaving it wide open to the forum..(also I'm posting Tryod & Stanzi before I leave for the movies)

Have fun with the kids and Happy Easter man.

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After all the comments on ES about Ponder I was curious to see how he shapes up. Thanks for posting the clips of the game. I came away with the following impression after observing a sample of Ponder's passes in the first half of the UNC game.

While he throws well enough to his right, the passes to his left weren't that great. I get the sense he has difficulties accurately hitting the timing patterns on the left side. He seemed to throw slightly behind his receiver a few times. Not that athletic either.

Granted it was a very short selection of passes I reviewed and not enough to really base a judgement -- but my first impression of Ponder was that he's not that exceptional..

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After all the comments on ES about Ponder I was curious to see how he shapes up. Thanks for posting the clips of the game. I came away with the following impression after observing a sample of Ponder's passes in the first half of the UNC game.

While he throws well enough to his right, the passes to his left weren't that great. I get the sense he has difficulties accurately hitting the timing patterns on the left side. He seemed to throw slightly behind his receiver a few times. Not that athletic either.

Granted it was a very short selection of passes I reviewed and not enough to really base a judgement -- but my first impression of Ponder was that he's not that exceptional..

Not sure what what you watched the guy threw almost every pass in stride, and certaintly better than anyone in this QB class. No athletic ability???? How fast does this guy have to run? The guy has serious speed for a QB.

Ponder is the smartest of any QB in this draft, as soon as he drops back he knows where he's going with the ball, he doesn't hold the ball looking for an open receiver he knows who's going to be open, that is the traight of great QB's. I think he's perfect for Shanny's offense but I do believe MS is in love with Lockers athletic ability which is off the charts, just don't think Locker has the brain for the NFL game, defiently a project, I think we will trade back a bit and he will be our 1st rd pick.

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He never seemed "lost" in any play. Already better than Campbells deer in the headlights look. He is either very smart and knows where he open receiver is at all times or throws to a pre-determined receiver, I swear it looks like he had very few incompletions

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1 minute into the first clip and my over riding impression is he really telegraphs where he's going to throw, shoulder pointing arm ****ed counting to 10 lol. Nearly every throw so far. Hopefully it's a small sample size anomaly.


His arm looks weak but then this class has a lot of strong arms. Ironically at 2:40 he other throws a sure TD. Wasn't this guy playing with an injured shoulder?

Second film at 44 seconds the ball is wobbling like he kicked it. At 1:15 looks like he looks off until the last second, nice play. Next play he hangs his WR out to dry then on the next one he lofts it up then frantically rubs a rabbit foot for good luck.

Makes some nice throws but he has to set his feet properly or he loses what little arm strength he is showing on these clips. Can't throw to his left or very well across his body when moving. At 4:20 the ball gets there but again wobbling as it sails in. That wouldn't be a completion in the NFL. I think his release point is low too. I bet we draft him.

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my quick takes...


-very good on short passes of all types

-moves well, throws on the run well

-quick decisions

-fairly quick release/clean mechanics


-does not seem to hit receivers in stride downfield that often/that well

-FSU offense very based around short passes, screens, slants, etc-- not as much experience throwing the ball all over the field (although it might just be this game, I don't watch much FSU)

-not as athletic/fast as I expected given what I'd heard

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Field vision is fair. In the first clip at the play around the 1:20 to 1:26 mark, he really overlooks a wide open receiver and instead opts to throw deep to a covered receiver. Granted it was one play -- but there was time for Ponder to pull up and flip out a very makeable short/medium pass to a wide open receiver and and it seems it could have gone for decent yardage.

I still think he's less comfortable throwing to his left -- and a lot of the short passes were not not as good as they could be. There were times where receivers had to break stride and stretch to catch the short flare.

That said, he can really drop the long ball in the breadbasket -- definitely not like Campbell in that department. And I liked his bullet medium passes over the middle, when he had time to set properly. He also gets rid of the ball more quickly than Campbell.

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I was impressed with his mechanics overall. He has a nice over the top delivery, good shoulder rotation which helps him get his hips and body through the throw. His footwork looks good as well, nice bouncy drop and a good base.

Arm Strength

Its tough to say just based on this game as he was not really asked to put the ball down the field. The impression I got overall was that he has enough arm to play in the NFL but he does not have a cannon. I made a couple of deeper throws, maybe three intermediate throws between the numbers and a couple of deeper outs. Everything else was under 10 yards. On the deeper throws he lacked zip – the ball was not really spinning hard.

Athletic Ability

I thought he moved well and showed some burst and foot speed. Not as good throwing on the run as Locker and Newton and a notch below Gabbert as well IMO but plenty mobile enough. Also showed some toughness as well lowering his shoulder to run over the DB on the 2 point conversion.


I saw a lot to like. Sound mechanics, good accuracy when throwing short and enough arm to be effective. He also looked to have good size and generally made good reads and sound decisions. However he also threw a couple of balls high over the middle which left his receivers exposed and I would like to see more tape of him throwing deep outs, digs and deeper crossing routes to be satisfied he can make NFL type stick throws effectively and with the same accuracy he made those shorter tosses.

Overall I was less impressed with Ponder than Dalton for example and I did not see him as a first round pick based on this game alone. I think he would be a better fit for a WCO type offense than one which wants to put the ball down field more often.

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We all have our personal preferences for the next Skin's QB.

I have viewed the tapes on Christian Ponder, and since he plays in the ACC I have seen him playing a number of games as well. Frankly, I am not impressed with his skills. He is slow, has a poor arm, and often times under pressure makes poor decisions.

For an elite franchise QB, one of the key elements is a strong accurate arm with a quick release. Unfortunately, Ponders doesn't fulfill this key criteria.

I still feel that the QB from Univ. of Nevada, Colin Kaspernick (sp) would be a much better choice. He is athletic, strong, and fast. He runs well, has a strong accurate arm, and has a quick release. His mechanics will not ideal are something that can be worked upon. He is tall 6'5" ... and, hence has the ability to see over the O-Line.

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We all have our personal preferences for the next Skin's QB.

I have viewed the tapes on Christian Ponder, and since he plays in the ACC I have seen him playing a number of games as well. Frankly, I am not impressed with his skills. He is slow, has a poor arm, and often times under pressure makes poor decisions.

For an elite franchise QB, one of the key elements is a strong accurate arm with a quick release. Unfortunately, Ponders doesn't fulfill this key criteria.

I still feel that the QB from Univ. of Nevada, Colin Kaspernick (sp) would be a much better choice. He is athletic, strong, and fast. He runs well, has a strong accurate arm, and has a quick release. His mechanics will not ideal are something that can be worked upon. He is tall 6'5" ... and, hence has the ability to see over the O-Line.

Totally agree with you about Ponder's lack of every tangible a QB needs. Collin Kaepernick is the true developmental player in this draft that is worth consideration. I don't see why we would want to adjust his throwing mechanic, that will happen from first hand contact by a defenseman. I'm sure he is working on it as we speak.

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As a Seminole alum Ive spent a lot of time watching Ponder the last few years. At times he was awesome and in a lot of ways helped sure up the qb position at FSU. I've always wondered how his skill set will translate to the NFL.

One thing to mention here is he played the majority of this season with a hurt shoulder. It affected his arm strength definitely and the play calling was limited because of that. Not sure about the slow claims, this guy can run and, if im not mistaken, he had numerous 100 yard rushing games.

In the classroom he is really smart ... leaving FSU with a Master's degree.

I'm looking forward to following Ponder's career and would be excited if we were able to pluck him in the second round with a guy like Julio Jones in the first. Remains to be seen if he is a true franchise QB.

Also, take this for what its worth, but as a Seminole fan I am not terribly sad to see Ponder leave. Good player, but the QB we have taking over (EJ Manuel from Bayside High in Virginia Beach) has everything Ponder lacks ... he is fast, and has ridiculous arm strength ... not sure if that is a knock on Ponder or a tribute to Manuel's skills.

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Ive watched Ponder since he was a Freshman and ive been talking about him well before all the draft talk started. People say he's slow...well thats a joke. He is athletic for a QB. Ofcourse he's not in the Vick/Young/Newton catergory but he is def mobile and can make you pay on the ground if you dont honor him on a roll out play. He has a nice arm, not a cannon but good enough to be a pro qb. He def fits the west coast system and I really believe he can be an Aaron Rodgers type qb in a few years if he's put in the right situation. I didnt like him at first but he got better every year and by his senior year he turned me into a fan. Good work ethic. Would love if we got him but I dont see it happening

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