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What is the US went all hollywood in Libya?


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A friend of mine asked me this yesterday (alcohol was involved) but I think it's an entertaining discussion. Basically what if the US adopted a hollywood approach in Libya and pulled out all the stops. They coordinated with protesters to launch a no fly zone over the cities where citizens are getting bombed by aircraft and just filled the skies over Libya with planes and blasted music and messages over loud speakers mounted on helicopters. The message saying "this is your time and your country and we will not interfere or land on your soil without being invitited. We will however stop the military from bombing you! Good luck!" Then blast some all American kick ass rock music.

The logic being that when you're a fed up mass of humanity facing weapons of war you want to feel awesome and you want to feel like you have a chance. This would accomplish this IMO. Imagine being these people that are being bombarded and gunned down in the street when all of the sudden a display of force like no other makes itself known. A display focused on inspiring the people instead of dealing with leaders.

Clearly this will never happen. But if it did, it would be friggin awesome. :ols:

(if you're taking this too seriously you are doing it wrong)

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We should air-drop in 25 trained killer women in skin tight hot outfits, (Vulva Force) who will infiltrate Qadafi's female bodyguards and start a big cat-fight.

After a lot of hairpulling and clothes ripping, one of them will strangle Qadafi with her garter belt, and once he's dead the whole country will celebrate with a giant coordinated nationwide rendition of "Louie Louie" while the USAF parachutes kegs of beer all around the country.



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No worry, the chances of taking you seriously is not much of a risk :silly:.

Cookies and a pot of coffee.

---------- Post added February-25th-2011 at 03:38 PM ----------

This scenario has Michael Bay written all over it. I bet he'd do it in a heartbeat. Just, for the love of God, don't let Shia LeBouf anywhere near this project.

someone gets it. And yes... no Shia leBouf.

---------- Post added February-25th-2011 at 03:39 PM ----------

We should air-drop in 25 trained killer women in skin tight hot outfits, (Vulva Force) who will infiltrate Qadafi's female bodyguards and start a big cat-fight.

After a lot of hairpulling and clothes ripping, one of them will strangle Qadafi with her garter belt, and once he's dead the whole country will celebrate with a giant coordinated nationwide rendition of "Louie Louie" while the USAF parachutes kegs of beer all around the country.



That sound like something that would only happen if Spike TV teamed up with Skin-a-max

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This scenario has Michael Bay written all over it. I bet he'd do it in a heartbeat.

Only if we could figure out a way to keep the helicopter gunships in the air while flying in slow motion. I'm not sure what the minimum air speed is on an Apache, but I don't think it's low enough. :ols:

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