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Education in America part two: The poll


What do you think of the new site?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

    • Amazing
    • Cool
    • Could be better
    • A letdown

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After doing some research on the previous thread i thought i'd find out what people think.

Per the Census Bureau: More than 1.2 million legal and illegal immigrants combined now settle in the United States each year.

Trying to put apples to apples: Most of the countries above us have less children in their country than we have immigrants in a single year.

Dec 2010



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Legal immigrants are bringing the test scores UP.


That's very likely true. My answer is that I want us to do better. I think your general point is valid though. We sometimes are too critical and beat ourselves up when it's undue. Part of it is because education has become a political football. So, there are groups who delight in grumping and ****ing and even sabotaging our schools.

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so Corcaigh your saying Mexico being at the very bottom is bringing them down then? ;)

---------- Post added February-19th-2011 at 01:57 PM ----------

I feel obligated to point out that the first option should say "we're," as in the contraction of "we are," rather than "were," as in the past tense of "to be." This is where I should make a snarky comment about how that proves that the US being 14th in reading seems exceedingly high. ;)

Sorry Ghost i'm plague like sick and not paying as much attention. Though I have lost 9 pounds in 3 days and broke that plateau that seemed impossible.

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Legal immigrants are bringing the test scores UP.


The USA would be crushed in international competition without immigrants.

This is the 2010 USA Physics Olympiad Team:



The 2010 USA Chemistry Olympiad Team:



Here are the winners of the US Mathematical Olympiad:



The winner of the 2010 National Spelling Bee:



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The most highly educated ethnic group in America is black African immigrants. The proficiency of immigrants in this country is a testament to how great our country is. If we continue to be a bastion for freedom and capitalism, Asia won't surpass us because our Asians will always beat their Asians. :)

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so your not an american if you have a mocha latte tinge in the pictures?
They are all Americans. That's why they are on the United States team. But most of them are immigrants or the children of immigrants. Isn't this thread about whether immigrants are helping or hurting American education?
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Many of the white students are probably children of immigrants too.

Some are probably immigrants themselves. I was just trying to decipher the intention behind the pictures. I'm sure many of them have grown up and were educated in the US. The US is a country of immigrants, and both my parents are immigrants so the poll is about whether a country of immigrants benefits from immigration? Or are we talking about immigrants who are educated in another country, then come to the US.

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The USA would be crushed in international competition without immigrants.

Probably right, but you can't tell by those pictures. Our neighborhood is really diverse. I can't tell African American from first gen African or Caribbean until we get to know each other. And there are so many adopted kids from other countries that everything is a jumble right down to the nuclear family.

I love it. :)

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Some are probably immigrants themselves. I was just trying to decipher the intention behind the pictures. I'm sure many of them have grown up and were educated in the US. The US is a country of immigrants, and both my parents are immigrants so the poll is about whether a country of immigrants benefits from immigration? Or are we talking about immigrants who are educated in another country, then come to the US.

If it is immigrants educated here then clearly the education available is not the real problem ,combine that with we are most all immigrants or their children.

DJTJ clearly is impugning the Native American race ;)

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