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anyone just hear Gibbs on Mike & Mike?


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I caught the very tail end of the interview, right as Gibbs was saying....."....yeah that was definitely one of the toughest losses in my career"

What game was he referencing? I'd guess it was the Superbowl loss to the Raiders....but I am just curious if anyone else heard what he said?

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Yes, it was the SB loss to the Raiders.

Before that, he was talking about how he made the mistake of giving too much freedom to the players the night before. He didn't have a curfew like they had the year prior, and Russ Grimm got some guys together and they went out. He blames that for the main reason the team lost.

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Someday, someone needs to write a tell all memoire of what went on that week in Tampa. We've heard rumors for years that Theismann was caught in bed with a woman who wasn't his wife, our guys were doing a lot of coke, the Raiders were spying on practices... etc.

All rumors until someone tells it like it was.

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I don't know about coke, but they have all admitted that they partied too much and were not ready to play. They have all also said that that was the best thing that could have happened to them because they were gettin full of themselves. Every single guy has said at one time or another that they never forgot that game and always made them work harder to make up for it.

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The partying doesn't surprise me; I just figured the Raiders would be partying too. They were a freewheeling bunch.

That's true...but if you have one team that's used to partying and then playing football the next day vs. a team that is used to being locked up the night before a game, I can see why the team that wasn't deviating from its tendencies outplayed the team that was.

Having said that, not to be skeptical or anything, but I'm really wondering if a collective hangover could really be the cause of such a dominating game. I'm sure it contributed, but I really wonder if the Redskins would have won that game even at 100%. Keep in mind, they played 8 quarters vs. the Raiders that year and got outplayed in 7 of them.

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I don't know about coke, but they have all admitted that they partied too much and were not ready to play. They have all also said that that was the best thing that could have happened to them because they were gettin full of themselves. Every single guy has said at one time or another that they never forgot that game and always made them work harder to make up for it.

That would be inspiring if they followed up that season with a memorable run. But they went from being the dominant team in the league to just another good team that lost in the first round the next year and missed the playoffs after that. By the time they made their next Super Bowl run, it was largely a new team.

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That's true...but if you have one team that's used to partying and then playing football the next day vs. a team that is used to being locked up the night before a game, I can see why the team that wasn't deviating from its tendencies outplayed the team that was.

Having said that, not to be skeptical or anything, but I'm really wondering if a collective hangover could really be the cause of such a dominating game. I'm sure it contributed, but I really wonder if the Redskins would have won that game even at 100%. Keep in mind, they played 8 quarters vs. the Raiders that year and got outplayed in 7 of them.

Right, because I was watching Cocaine Cowboys and this drug trafficker guy said he had the whole Steeler offensive(or maybe defensive) line doing coke before they won the SB. Thank God I never grew up in that era...

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That would be inspiring if they followed up that season with a memorable run. But they went from being the dominant team in the league to just another good team that lost in the first round the next year and missed the playoffs after that. By the time they made their next Super Bowl run' date=' it was largely a new team.[/quote']

Right...I'd trade their "re-dedication" for the back-to-back Lomardis, being 4-time Super Bowl champs, and probably the team of the 1980s. I don't think that reality check in early 1984 had anything to do with their Doug Williams Super Bowl.

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Coach Gibbs was also on Sirius NFL Radio this morning as well. He's selling a new book and making the rounds. Said he had confidence in Snyder/Shanahan and that the first year of a coach's tenure is always the toughest. Said that like practically every other team in the NFL the Skins have to address the QB situation. I too caught the tail end of it.

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Having said that, not to be skeptical or anything, but I'm really wondering if a collective hangover could really be the cause of such a dominating game. I'm sure it contributed, but I really wonder if the Redskins would have won that game even at 100%. Keep in mind, they played 8 quarters vs. the Raiders that year and got outplayed in 7 of them.

Skins' fans obviously are puzzled by that Super Bowl because the best team of the Gibbs' Era didn't win the Super Bowl. But don't downplay how great that Radiers' team was. It was one of those perfect blends of old talented vets and young superstars.

---------- Post added February-1st-2011 at 10:29 AM ----------

how did Mike and Mike treat Joe? Were they respectful?

Those two blowhards hate the Redskins.

Greenberg kept asking, "Where's your Messiah now?" which I found very disrespectful.

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Yea dexter wasn't the only one with the nose candy. This isn't unusual though and teams still have issues to this day but less frequent. There's a skins player now that will smoke weed before a home game as he says " my body is so sore during the week it relaxes my muscles and let's me focus on Sundays". Guys stay in a hotel Saturday nights before home games to avoid the late nigthers but then can get up early and leave to go home and do whatever. I think Tuesday- Friday is more of a issue than that with guys being out till 3-4 am and have to be at " work" by 730 am in season.

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Yea dexter wasn't the only one with the nose candy. This isn't unusual though and teams still have issues to this day but less frequent. There's a skins player now that will smoke weed before a home game as he says " my body is so sore during the week it relaxes my muscles and let's me focus on Sundays". Guys stay in a hotel Saturday nights before home games to avoid the late nigthers but then can get up early and leave to go home and do whatever. I think Tuesday- Friday is more of a issue than that with guys being out till 3-4 am and have to be at " work" by 730 am in season.

I like having you on this board!

So, any scoop on draft or FA plans (assuming there is a FA period)?

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Anthony Montgomery being so high that he gets lost in a residential neighborhood for a hour and a half ? And its two circles around a golf course, come on man ! Should not take 2 1/2 hours to go from leesburg area to ashburn. He was warned it was good stuff though.. funny memories

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