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anyone just hear Gibbs on Mike & Mike?


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Yes, it was the SB loss to the Raiders.

Before that, he was talking about how he made the mistake of giving too much freedom to the players the night before. He didn't have a curfew like they had the year prior, and Russ Grimm got some guys together and they went out. He blames that for the main reason the team lost.

I think Marcus Allen was the main reason the team lost. It just happens sometimes.

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That's a great history lesson there Scruffy! Really enjoyed going down memory lane.

One thing I realize about terrible losses in the Gibbs eras is that they were characterized as terrible because we were a very good team. If we wernt good then the losses wouldn't really matter, but its because Gibbs made the team expect to be in a Super Bowl every year that the losses became unbearable. Every SB Jack Kent Cooke used to always say "we look to get another one next year" ..lol

I'm really thankful I got to see two Super Bowls by Gibbs

Absolutely correct on that. The "pain" of the losses during the Gibbs Era were because of the winning that was done and the high expectations everyone had for the team.

I join you 55 in being thankful for being a fan during that time (though I got to see all 4 games being the aging fart that I am) but damn if I'm not depressed sometimes in thinking that the price for having been graced with witnessing that magical run is to never see a consistent contender, let alone Super Bowl team, ever again for the rest of my life.

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John Riggins & Dexter Manley talked about Super Bowl XVIII on the John Riggins Show. Both of them claimed it was combination of things but the main reason was that they were ****y & thought that they were going to go to the Super Bowl every year. Riggins also pointed out how the NFL put the Raiders in the nicest hotel in Tampa & they put the Redskins in some crappy little drive up 3-story motel near the airport. Riggins also said that players had to go out to clubs to get some peace because fans were mobbing the place they stayed in & that he couldn't even go down to the front desk to check his messages. He also said that the NFL had it in for JKC because he did or say something that pissed off the NFL brass. Of course to me that Super Bowl came down to that one play at the end of the half when Theisman throws that int that the Raiders take back for a TD. I still believe to this day that if the Redskins had simply ran out the half & gone into the locker room down 10-3 instead of 14-3 then that game would have had a different outcome.

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The Skins score right after halftime to make it 21-9 (damn extra point) and I think they were driving in Raiders territory on the next series before being stopped. It was all Raiders after that. So even in that game the Skins were only truly outplayed (physically beaten) for about 1 and a half to 2 quarters.

There were a lot of "kick in the gut" plays in that game. The blocked punt and the Rocket Screen were the two obvious ones but I think the missed extra point really took a lot of steam out of the Skins sails when it happened.

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