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ESPN.com Re-evaluates this past draft


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I saw on ESPN.com that one of the writers was regrading this past draft, I'm not an insider so I didn't see what they said on the redskins. I was surprised no one has started a post on this so If anyone can paste what it says or something I would like to see what he and the rest of you have to say.

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Considering the picks we had, I don't think we did too bad.

Franchise LT.

Future starting ILB in Riley (although I'll continue to say that I wish we took Bruce Campbell here, right before Oakland did)

Took a flier on Morris for some reason...but I'm okay with that, once in a while, when its a 5th round pick

Three 7th rounders that are developing on the team. Austin actually got some playing time and was targeted by the end of the season, and the other two guys are future OL depth or even starters. They all have potential, and they all are on our team. That's big for multiple 7th round picks in the same year.

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Round 1- Trent Williams

Round 4- Perry Riley

Round 6- Dennis Morris

Round 7- Terrence Austin, Erik Cook, Selvish Capers

Now I understand that a lack of picks hurts the draft grade because the lower picks, which is mainly what we had, are longer-term projects. But a D- for this draft class after 1 year is a joke. All but 1 is still on the team, and Riley, Austin, Cook, and Capers could each vie for a starting spot next season. Factoring in the lack of picks as a negative inluence on draft grade, I'd put us as C to C+ range. D- implies borderline fail. Sory, but for that to be justified TW would have to look like a bust already and the other guys would be off the team.

Most of the time when someone posts an insider article I wind up still being glad I'm not a member of it.

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Washington Redskins

Summary: The Redskins got their current and future left tackle ... and that's about it. The disappointing thing is they lost a valuable second-round pick to Philadelphia for a franchise quarterback that seemed to cause a franchise-wide mess. Now they have to deal with the quarterback position again, and they still lack picks in the upcoming draft. After Trent Williams, only undrafted Brandon Banks is worth a mention. Not a good draft, and there is more work to be done.

Draft grade: C-minus | Current Grade: D-plus

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Our draft last year: A classic case of sacrificing multiple picks, to get "safer" traded players. With many late picks.

The pick IMO for what it's worth, HIT/?/MISS/Other

First Round Pick: Trent Williams, OT Hit

Second Round Pick: Donovan McNabb, QB (Trade) ? (leaning toward Miss)

Third Round Pick: Jeremy Jarmon, DE (Supplemental) ?

Fourth Round Pick: Perry Riley, LB ?

Fifth Round Pick: Adam Carriker, DE (Trade) Hit

Sixth Round Pick: Dennis Morris TE/FB traded for rams' pick, depends on what we got

Seventh Round Pick: Terrence Austin WR ?

Seventh Round Pick: Eric Cook C ?

Seventh Round Pick: Selvish Capers G/T ?

Jammal Brown T acquired for a 2011 pick Hit

All in all, I think it's up in the air at this point. And we need to stop trading away our picks. If we can get near this hit rate with a full slate of picks, we'll finally have a good youth movement here.

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Most of the time when someone posts an insider article I wind up still being glad I'm not a member of it.

Never a truer word spoken - I have not seen anything on Insider I could not have read for free on ES. Most of the stuff from there that gets posted is so general it amazes me people pay to access it.

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D- is about right.

2nd-rounder for a QB we're going to cut.

4th-rounder for a LB who showed nothing other than the ability to nullify touchdowns with stupid penalties.

only carriker and williams look like they're going to work out. the rest are, at best, still to be evaluated (austin, jarmon, capers, cook -- none of them did anything of note.)

does banks counts as part of the draft class? he was an undrafted free agent.

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I agree with those who say it's a pointless exercise to re-evaluate a draft after one year.

In my view, you need to be at least three years into these guys' careers before you can tell if the pick was a hit or a miss.

In that vein, I will now evaluate our Vinny-licious 2008 draft:

2nd -- WR Devin Thomas - I will say MISS and nothing more.

2nd -- TE Fred Davis - Good player. In fact, probably the best backup TE in the league. Would have been a fine pick if we had a hole at TE. Next pick was Desean Jackson. Stupid. MISS

2nd -- WR Malcolm Kelly - Good guy, good hands, terrible knees and hamstrings. Ray Rice or Jamaal Charles would have been nice here. MISS.

3rd -- OL Chad Rinehart - I don't think he's in the league anymore. MISS.

4th -- CB Justin Tryon -- Currently a decent zone corner in the Colts' Tampa 2 scheme. We played no Tampa 2 during Tryon's two years with us. MISS.

5th -- Traded to Atlanta when we traded out of the 1st and picked up multiple 2s. They drafted DL Kroy Bierman, who is starting for them. So we got three 2nd round picks and got zero starters out of the deal. They got a First (LT Sam Baker) and a 5th and got two starters out of it. Not assigning a hit or miss, just pointing that out.

6th -- P Durant Brooks. -- No comment. MISS.

6th -- S Kareem Moore -- You know what? He just had a crappy year, but I'm going to give a HIT hear, what the heck, the guy at least plays for us.

6th -- QB Colt Brennan -- MISS. On the plus side, he did have an amusing cult.

7th -- DE Rob Jackson -- HIT. He's managed to hang around through the 4-3/3-4 transition. Whatever.

7th -- S Chris Horton -- HIT. Not a star the way some projected, but he's a fine SS and special teams player.

I remember when people were giving Vinny props because "we've got 10 rookie draft picks on the roster of a team off to a 6-2 start!"

Yeah, now we know how that turned out.

Maybe if we'd traded our whole draft 1-6 in exchange for the entire 7th round, we'd have been in good shape.

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I agree with those who say it's a pointless exercise to re-evaluate a draft after one year.

In my view, you need to be at least three years into these guys' careers before you can tell if the pick was a hit or a miss.

In that vein, I will now evaluate our Vinny-licious 2008 draft


Soul crushing truth.

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In that vein, I will now evaluate our Vinny-licious 2008 draft:

Unfortunately, once you change coaches, all bets are off as far as players drafted. It is the reason why for most of the past decade our drafts have been messes: kinda hard to draft when the plan changes every couple of years.

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Considering that Campbell was bumped inside to guard and was inactive toward the end of the season, it doesn't bode well for him.

He was raw as hell, that's why he fell into the 4th round. And who knows if the move inside to guard would have happened here, or if that's the right move.

All I know is, a rookie with that much athleticism on the OL is worth a flier in the 4th.

But I think that Riley will be starting at ILB this year, so I can't complain too much.

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Unfortunately, once you change coaches, all bets are off as far as players drafted. It is the reason why for most of the past decade our drafts have been messes: kinda hard to draft when the plan changes every couple of years.

I agree in part.

Steelers, Eagles, Colts, Packers, Pats, Giants have a system down and they are looking to draft guys who fit in terms of what they are demanding of people who play that particular position on the field. Constantly shuffling things around screws it all up.

Example: we used a valuable pick on Jeremy Jarmon for a specific reason -- to take over for Philip Daniels as the powerful, run-stopping left defensive end in the Blache 4-3 defense.

Now we're on a different D and still don't seem to know where he fits in.

But beyond that, Devin Thomas, Chad Rinehart, Colt Brennan, Durant Brooks -- we were drafting guys who simply can't play in this league.

If you can't play, you can't play.

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Example: we used a valuable pick on Jeremy Jarmon for a specific reason -- to take over for Philip Daniels as the powerful, run-stopping left defensive end in the Blache 4-3 defense.

Now we're on a different D and still don't seem to know where he fits in.

Well, so far it has been at DE, tho whether he continues to be there is an open question.

But beyond that, Devin Thomas, Chad Rinehart, Colt Brennan, Durant Brooks -- we were drafting guys who simply can't play in this league.

If you can't play, you can't play.

Some of those are still open questions. Thomas is currently on the Giants roster and even if he wasn't, he'd be on someone's offseason roster. Rinehart started the last three games for the Bills. Both of these players are not on our roster because, for whatever reason, they didn't fit in with what the new coaching staff wanted out of them. That didn't make them bad players by default, just bad fits.

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Perry Riley is the new starter ILB next year guys. He is gonna improve on what Rocky cant do which is tackle and cover

This is pure speculation. Riley couldn't even stick on the gameday roster untill week 12 (he did have two games before hand spread apart). He finished the season with 7 tackles. Think Rocky is undersized for the 3-4? Riley is 2 inches shorter.

Rocky isn't the best fit as an ILB. He also isn't the worst. Haslett has even said he wants him back but the FO is still upset he didn't spend the offseason with the team. He had his flaws but so did our entire defense. Our lineman couldn't eat up blockers, Rak couldn't contain the run or cover anyone, our other OLB position got zero production and our safeties were decimated by injuries. But somehow it seems Rocky has become the whipping boy of the defense.

He had more tackles than David Harris and Bart Scott, two allegedly far superior ILB's working in a much better defense. He beat Scott in sacks and pass defelctions as well. None of them registered an interception. He also had more tackles than James Farrior who happens to be the captain of a SB contender. More tackles, sacks, and PD's than Jameel McClain, Ray Lewis' partner in crime. More tackles than Kevin Burnett (SD) and double what his fellow starter Stephen Cooper put up with only 4 more games played.

Stats don't tell the whole story but Rocky is not nearly as bad as some would portray him to be. He is a solid starting ILB. Not a star, but solid.

As far as our draft I can't argue with the assesment. Trent appears to be a future star but the others are graded at incomplete at best. A lot of fans want to say we have a "future starter" in Riley, and "future depth/possible starters" with those late round OL. While that is possible there is nothing to support it. They could all just as easily be off the team by the next game played.

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