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RandPaul2010.com: Senator Paul Introduces $500B in Spending Cuts


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Put this in the context of him cutting aid for Israel. Surprised that that comment go more than the cuts he just proposed. This is $500B in one year

RandPaul2010.com: Senator Paul Introduces $500B in Spending Cuts

In the face of an ever-expanding national debt, newly elected Senator Rand Paul is taking a bold and proactive step in protecting our national security and lowering our deficit. By introducing $500 billion in spending cuts today – to be enacted over one year – Sen. Paul is starting an important conversation with his Senate colleagues about how to fix our nation’s current economic situation. “I am proud to introduce my own solution to the mounting debt our spendthrift, oversized government has accrued. By rolling back to 2008 levels and eliminating the most wasteful programs, we can still keep 85 percent of our government funding in place,” Sen. Paul said today. “By removing programs that are beyond the constitutional role of the federal government, such as education and housing, we are cutting nearly 40 percent of our projected deficit and removing the big-government bureaucrats who stand in the way of efficiency in our federal government,” he continued.
Education (83%), Energy (100%), HUD(100%), NSF (63%), and Commerce (54%) hardest hit.

This has no chance of passing, but this type of austerity is in our near future. We can do it on our own terms or have it done for us in the future. Or maybe we'll get to something like a $30T national debt level...

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Not sure what he has up his sleeve for social security and medicare/medicaid. His website indicates he doesn't want to do anything to reduce benefits for current retirees, but will impact younger workers who can "plan for the future". As a younger worker I find this kind've ticks me off... the voters who allowed both parties to do this won't have to pay much of a consequence. I'd rather start defaulting now and lets figure out what we're going to do...except that's not possible unless we sacrifice global reserve currency status. The situation reminds me of AIG. The companies that bought insurance with AIG knew that AIG wasn't going to be able to pay them back for the insurance contracts; they went and blew it up, and got a backstop from the government... well who is going to "backstop" America?

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Rand is an idiot.

Seriously though, this has zero chance of passing not even close, so basically he's using his Senate seat to grandstand. He's not legislating, he's apparently not working for REAL solutions he is instead wasting time, effort and resources so he can show off to his Tea-Party Libertarian buddies.

And to think that he was sent to DC to represent and work for the people of Kentucky, yet he chooses to work only for himself. Yet another in a long line of populists who get to DC and find that's it's better to serve themselves.

---------- Post added January-28th-2011 at 11:24 PM ----------

Put this in the context of him cutting aid for Israel. Surprised that that comment go more than the cuts he just proposed. This is $500B in one year

RandPaul2010.com: Senator Paul Introduces $500B in Spending CutsEducation (83%), Energy (100%), HUD(100%), NSF (63%), and Commerce (54%) hardest hit.

Wait a minute, if he thinks these programs are "beyond the constitutional role of the federal government" why doesn't he cut them by 100%? I guess he thinks that some are only 83% or 63% or 54% beyond the constitutional role of federal government. BTW, I absolutely LOVE getting a constitutional law lecture from an eye doctor. Maybe next time he's about to do an eye procedure he'll consult a constitutional law expert.

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Rand is an idiot.

Seriously though, this has zero chance of passing not even close, so basically he's using his Senate seat to grandstand. He's not legislating, he's apparently not working for REAL solutions he is instead wasting time, effort and resources so he can show off to his Tea-Party Libertarian buddies.

And to think that he was sent to DC to represent and work for the people of Kentucky, yet he chooses to work only for himself. Yet another in a long line of populists who get to DC and find that's it's better to serve themselves.

The people of Kentucky knew exactly what they were getting with Rand Paul. He's absolutely right that the current levels of government spending are unsustainable (I guess one could argue we've been doing this for 20 years...). Both parties pay this issue lip-service. Part of legislating is putting up proposals like this to show the people exactly where you stand. Both parties float ideas that have no way of passing. Furthermore its unclear what proposal *could* pass. The legislators on the deficit commission mostly voted that recommendation down, and the only consequence would be that they talk about it in their legislative bodies (5 of 6 House members voted it down).

By doing this Paul garners more support among people who think the deficit is a major problem and highlights his solution. If Paul supported people in the next election he would make sure that they share the same view. If you said that talk or proposals or ideas that don't go anywhere are value-less, than 90% of what Congress does is value-less.

Its okay, we can agree to disagree politely on this board. A democrat pushing no spending cuts would be in the same situation as Rand Paul.

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The people of Kentucky knew exactly what they were getting with Rand Paul. He's absolutely right that the current levels of government spending are unsustainable (I guess one could argue we've been doing this for 20 years...). Both parties pay this issue lip-service. Part of legislating is putting up proposals like this to show the people exactly where you stand. Both parties float ideas that have no way of passing. Furthermore its unclear what proposal *could* pass. The legislators on the deficit commission mostly voted that recommendation down, and the only consequence would be that they talk about it in their legislative bodies (5 of 6 House members voted it down).

For starters; you begin by saying that the people of Kentucky knew exactly what they were getting with Paul, and then you say that he does this to show people exactly where he stands....ermmmm, we already know where he stands. He's only doing this so that he can come back and say, "I have proposed massive cuts to the budget in order to curb the deficit and my attempts were stalled by those who only want to tax and spend." It's a maneuver so he can use the result at a later date, nothing more.

By doing this Paul garners more support among people who think the deficit is a major problem and highlights his solution.

Strange because if it is as you say that would mean that everyone would support him in this, because the reality is that EVERYONE thinks that the deficit is a major problem. What they don't agree with is his limp-noodled plan to address the deficit, so the only people he'll garner support from and the very people he already has support from, namely the people who hold an extremely narrow interpretation of the Constitution.

If Paul supported people in the next election he would make sure that they share the same view. If you said that talk or proposals or ideas that don't go anywhere are value-less, than 90% of what Congress does is value-less.

I would be tempted to say yes...90% of what Congress does is value-less...unless it is in their own self-service.

Its okay, we can agree to disagree politely on this board. A democrat pushing no spending cuts would be in the same situation as Rand Paul.

True, and he or she'd be guilty of wasting time, and resources too in order to get their name in the papers.

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Do you take the same view of Bernie Sanders' financial transactions tax? What about the millionaires tax that was pushed by Schumer? What about attempts for more restrictive gun control bills? Rep. Guitierrez' immigration plans? I suppose the ultimate right now is GOP efforts to repeal the health care bill. Kucinich's bill to get rid of the Federal Reserve monetary system (or Ron Paul's similar bill?)? Heck, even the GOP bill to attempt to restrict gay marriage in DC is not going to pass. Quite frankly according to your views would could just abolish the whole House, since they can't pass anything without the Senate and the Senate right now is in the hands of Democrats... most of what they do is simply hot air.

But, I think these bills, these policy proposals allow people to distinguish between different lawmakers and what their agenda and policy is. Otherwise there's no real debate on the policy direction of this country. I'm only being half serious in my response, a "real American conservative" would whine and complain that you are shutting down debate and against free speech and anti-American! However, all these policy proposals and ideas floating around are good for the country, we need more discussion on these types of ideas. I know we all have a very cynical view of our government because of how things have been run the past 20+ years (or even longer)... but you can't simply say "that idea has no chance of passing".

For a Democratic alternative to Rand Paul, you can look at the "Shakowsky plan". That plan has no way of passing as well, but there's a reason she put it out...

Edit to add: I don't really want to get into a wonky policy debate, rather I think that policy debates shouldn't be shut down simply because two sides have plans that are irreconcilable and likely not going to pass unless some ideas are brought together.

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Do you take the same view of Bernie Sanders' financial transactions tax? What about the millionaires tax that was pushed by Schumer? What about attempts for more restrictive gun control bills? Rep. Guitierrez' immigration plans? I suppose the ultimate right now is GOP efforts to repeal the health care bill. Kucinich's bill to get rid of the Federal Reserve monetary system (or Ron Paul's similar bill?)? Heck, even the GOP bill to attempt to restrict gay marriage in DC is not going to pass. Quite frankly according to your views would could just abolish the whole House, since they can't pass anything without the Senate and the Senate right now is in the hands of Democrats... most of what they do is simply hot air.

But, I think these bills, these policy proposals allow people to distinguish between different lawmakers and what their agenda and policy is. Otherwise there's no real debate on the policy direction of this country. I'm only being half serious in my response, a "real American conservative" would whine and complain that you are shutting down debate and against free speech and anti-American! However, all these policy proposals and ideas floating around are good for the country, we need more discussion on these types of ideas. I know we all have a very cynical view of our government because of how things have been run the past 20+ years (or even longer)... but you can't simply say "that idea has no chance of passing".

For a Democratic alternative to Rand Paul, you can look at the "Shakowsky plan". That plan has no way of passing as well, but there's a reason she put it out...

Edit to add: I don't really want to get into a wonky policy debate, rather I think that policy debates shouldn't be shut down simply because two sides have plans that are irreconcilable and likely not going to pass unless some ideas are brought together.

That may have been one of the most brilliant posts I have read on this board.

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Put this in the context of him cutting aid for Israel. Surprised that that comment go more than the cuts he just proposed. This is $500B in one year

RandPaul2010.com: Senator Paul Introduces $500B in Spending CutsEducation (83%), Energy (100%), HUD(100%), NSF (63%), and Commerce (54%) hardest hit.

Did you read the actual bill? It's one of the shortest bills I have ever read in my life. It basically says, "I want to cut $400 million here, $2 billion there, and $100 billion here." That's nice and all, but it's lacking in substance.

My guess is he knows it would never go anywhere, so he didn't put much effort into it. In other words, it's something nice that he can talk to his constituents about, but it's pure symbolism. That's nice.

I can top him. I have drafted a bill which reads, "Immediately following the effective date of this bill, the annual budget of the United States federal government shall be reduced by $501 billion dollars." Bam! I drafted an even better bill for America.

The debt is a serious problem, but this isn't a serious solution, notwithstanding the fact that it will appeal to some.

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Do you take the same view of Bernie Sanders' financial transactions tax? What about the millionaires tax that was pushed by Schumer? What about attempts for more restrictive gun control bills? Rep. Guitierrez' immigration plans? I suppose the ultimate right now is GOP efforts to repeal the health care bill. Kucinich's bill to get rid of the Federal Reserve monetary system (or Ron Paul's similar bill?)? Heck, even the GOP bill to attempt to restrict gay marriage in DC is not going to pass. Quite frankly according to your views would could just abolish the whole House, since they can't pass anything without the Senate and the Senate right now is in the hands of Democrats... most of what they do is simply hot air.

But, I think these bills, these policy proposals allow people to distinguish between different lawmakers and what their agenda and policy is. Otherwise there's no real debate on the policy direction of this country. I'm only being half serious in my response, a "real American conservative" would whine and complain that you are shutting down debate and against free speech and anti-American! However, all these policy proposals and ideas floating around are good for the country, we need more discussion on these types of ideas. I know we all have a very cynical view of our government because of how things have been run the past 20+ years (or even longer)... but you can't simply say "that idea has no chance of passing".

For a Democratic alternative to Rand Paul, you can look at the "Shakowsky plan". That plan has no way of passing as well, but there's a reason she put it out...

Edit to add: I don't really want to get into a wonky policy debate, rather I think that policy debates shouldn't be shut down simply because two sides have plans that are irreconcilable and likely not going to pass unless some ideas are brought together.

That's a lot of talk to say that Senators and Congressional Representatives do a lot of grandstanding. In my book you don't start from the extremes, you craft a proposal that will actually be taken seriously otherwise you're just wasting time. You can defend the status quo on the Hill all you want but seriously, this right here is one of the reasons that Congress has such low approval numbers. To me this ranks up there with those frivolous lawsuits that people clog the judicial system with, they're just there to get attention to the one who brought the case, and this is no different. You bring up other representatives who bring similar extreme legislation to the table as if because there is a volume of people who do this that I'm suddenly going to think, "Oh gee well if everyone does it then I guess it's ok." In the end Rand Paul has just contributed to the waste in DC that he wants to cut. As far as "shutting down free speech", well that's just laughable, no one is shutting down free speech in the slightest, we're talking about having the integrity to present legislation that isn't there just to waste time with grandstanding, no one said that Rand isn't free to make speeches about cutting the deficit or anything else for that matter. But, don't give me a Senator who says that he wants to cut the deficit but then only produces legislation that is so extreme that is will never go anywhere and then only adds to the waste. He isn't stirring debate, everyone knows that the deficit needs to be cut....it's up to them to figure out a real way to do that, and stop this photo-op legislation.


---------- Post added January-29th-2011 at 07:10 AM ----------

Did you read the actual bill? It's one of the shortest bills I have ever read in my life. It basically says, "I want to cut $400 million here, $2 billion there, and $100 billion here." That's nice and all, but it's lacking in substance.


Exactly here's a quote

Amounts made available to the judicial branch for fiscal year 2011 are reduced on a pro rata basis by the amount required to bring total reduction to $2,434,000,000.
There's no thought to this what so ever, it's just "cut this to this amount", next..."cut this to this amount". It doesn't even say what the previous amounts are or how much he's cutting them by.

Like I said, what a waste of time, efforts, and resources for his grandstanding.

Such a wonderful idea sending an eye doctor to make laws. :doh:

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For any of you who are against these spending cut proposals, are you actually saying that you dont believe there is a huge debt problem for our nation and that the economy is just fine?

Are you really saying that spending cuts of this magnitude are not needed?

If you arent saying that, and you acknowledge that there is in fact a real spending and debt problem for us, what would you specifically cut to solve it instead of what was proposed?

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For any of you who are against these spending cut proposals, are you actually saying that you dont believe there is a huge debt problem for our nation and that the economy is just fine?

Are you really saying that spending cuts of this magnitude are not needed?

If you arent saying that, and you acknowledge that there is in fact a real spending and debt problem for us, what would you specifically cut to solve it instead of what was proposed?

mostly I think it's best to not do this so fast, even an obese person that wants to lose weight should do it in a healthy way.

If for no reason that that we have so many Fed employees that cutting so much so fast will lead to more unemployment than the economy can absorb at this point. If we spread it out the cuts then we can mitigate that problem greatly.

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mostly I think it's best to not do this so fast, even an obese person that wants to lose weight should do it in a healthy way.

If for no reason that that we have so many Fed employees that cutting so much so fast will lead to more unemployment than the economy can absorb at this point. If we spread it out the cuts then we can mitigate that problem greatly.

How is going back to the spending levels of just 2 years ago "too fast"?

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For any of you who are against these spending cut proposals, are you actually saying that you dont believe there is a huge debt problem for our nation and that the economy is just fine?

Are you really saying that spending cuts of this magnitude are not needed?

If you arent saying that, and you acknowledge that there is in fact a real spending and debt problem for us, what would you specifically cut to solve it instead of what was proposed?

I'm objecting to the ad hoc extremist manner in which Rand proposes these cuts, no detail, no thought, just hack and slash. How can anyone support cuts that are so utterly arbitrary?

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Small cuts to defense spending and nothing with social security? Yeah but the National Science Foundation is the key to balancing the budget. And who cares about the Department of Education? It's not like our children need to be intelligent, they just need to open mom and pop stores. Another idiotic bill devoid of any critical thinking, and filled with partisan daydreams.

I'll pass on this.

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I'm objecting to the ad hoc extremist manner in which Rand proposes these cuts, no detail, no thought, just hack and slash. How can anyone support cuts that are so utterly arbitrary?

They arent simply "arbitrary" because you claim it. Can you provide some form of proof that "no thought" went into this proposal please? I understand that your perspective is tainted because you dont like him or his beliefs.

---------- Post added January-29th-2011 at 01:22 PM ----------

Small cuts to defense spending and nothing with social security? Yeah but the National Science Foundation is the key to balancing the budget. And who cares about the Department of Education? It's not like our children need to be intelligent, they just need to open mom and pop stores. Another idiotic bill devoid of any critical thinking, and filled with partisan daydreams.

I'll pass on this.

So you believe intelligence comes from federal education programs?

I'll ask you as well, Please prove that "no critical thinking" was used for this bill. You appear to be just as partisan as you are claiming he is.

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Ending the department of education wouldn't even end federal funding for education. It is a department that shouldn't exist and was simply a gift for teacher unions.

Education has been increasingly centralized in this country for the last 20-30 years and our schools are getting worse not better.

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Ending the department of education wouldn't even end federal funding for education. It is a department that shouldn't exist and was simply a gift for teacher unions.

Education has been increasingly centralized in this country for the last 20-30 years and our schools are getting worse not better.

I have never understood the love affair with the Dept of Education considering the sub par results of the past generation.

It is a fedral boondagle, and George W made it even worse by doubling education spending his 8 years in office with the nonsense of NCLB

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I have never understood the love affair with the Dept of Education considering the sub par results of the past generation.

It is a fedral boondagle, and George W made it even worse by doubling education spending his 8 years in office with the nonsense of NCLB

How do you feel about eliminating HUD, Energy etc?

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