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Multiple Sources: Multiple shot including Congress Woman


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Well at this point, since the media and Palin have nothing to do with this sick whack job going on a killing spree maybe the sheriff should stop talking about Rush, Beck or any of the conservative radio nuts?

I guess if they stop asking him about it, maybe he would. But every time I've heard him say it, it's in response to a news question.

I'm not making excuses for the guy, if the warning signs were there and people had expressed concern about this guy, he's got lots of 'splainin' to do.

But the media's immediate response that 'nothing they do is wrong and has no consequences" is bull****, whether it directly affected this case or not.


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Leave the sheriff to the wolves. I've heard he's a giant douchebag. (politics aside)

The cynic in me wonders if you've heard he's a giant db because the powers that be have decided to paint him that way. After all, I couldn't tell you much about the personality of the sheriffs in my home county how would I know anything about one across the country... so, I take how he is painted with a little skepticism esp. when some pretty heavy hitters seem to have it out for him. Then again, you may be right and he may be king of the jerks. Who knows.

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Nah, more the "perhaps there's something to discussing the constant angry rhetoric"

You know,, the real thing people have been talking about, not little "hurt feelings" ninnying.


It's incredible how even talking about the rhetoric has caused more angry rhetoric from the usual suspects.

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Well at this point, since the media and Palin have nothing to do with this sick whack job going on a killing spree maybe the sheriff should stop talking about Rush, Beck or any of the conservative radio nuts?

I agree with you on Palin, but I don't think we have a firm conclusion on whether the conservative media had any bad influence on this guy.

You conservatives get mad when anyone asks the question in the first place, saying that there is no evidence yet, don't jump to conclusions - then you shift the next day to saying that the question is resolved and the conservative media is entirely and definitively absolved (even though we don't have any more evidence than we did yesterday). :whoknows:

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It has suddenly become very important to try to blame the sheriff for this incident. Rush is talking about it, but so is Drudge and every conservative message board and blog, in unison. It's interesting. I guess they have found the spin that they want.

Spin? The Sheriff should have stuck with the facts and used the lets not jump to conclusions mantra, liberals used when a "Muslim" murdered some of my troops at Ft Hood.

And the sheriff's "opinion" can be used by that monster's defense lawyer.

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Spin? The Sheriff should have stuck with the facts and used the lets not jump to conclusions mantra, liberals used when a "Muslim" murdered some of my troops at Ft Hood.

When I see a talking point put up on the Tailgate, and then I go to conservative sites and blogs and see the exact same talking point appearing, and then I hear Rush and Beck saying the same talking point, and then it appears in the editorial page of the Washington Times...

well to me it suggests a little bit about the far-right echo chamber and how efficiently it operates.

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I don't see where he said anything that isn't true.

He is irresponsible.

He does use half truths.

He does attack people.

He does anger them against government.

He then gave his opinion that those actions have consequences.

And, it should be noted, that he made those comments in response to Limbaugh calling him a fool.

Sounds to me like Rush throws the bombs, and someone tossed one back.

But, I understand. Can't point at the King wearing his same old clothes.


You are way off base. This "sheriff' has a long history of partisan sniping and in his FIRST NEWS conference regarding this episode he interjected his hyper partisan view as what he thought the root cause of this tragedy was. He's a LEO and the chief LEO of PIMA county. No one and I mean no one wants to hear his CONJECTURE on what the motivation of this criminal was. His office should have been doing their jobs and had this guy involuntary committed. If they did perhaps this might not have happened. There were warning signs everywhere. If they were competent this criminal would have been eating medication by now.

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No one and I mean no one wants to hear his CONJECTURE on what the motivation of this criminal was. .

No one wants to hear about the motivation of a criminal from the Sheriff who is the spokesperson for the investigation? Did you really just make that assertion?

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You are way off base. This "sheriff' has a long history of partisan sniping and in his FIRST NEWS conference regarding this episode he interjected his hyper partisan view as what he thought the root cause of this tragedy was. He's a LEO and the chief LEO of PIMA county. No one and I mean no one wants to hear his CONJECTURE on what the motivation of this criminal was. His office should have been doing their jobs and had this guy involuntary committed. If they did perhaps this might not have happened. There were warning signs everywhere. If they were competent this criminal would have been eating medication by now.

What exactly did I say that was off base?

I repeated what the Sherriff said to Diane Sawyer when she asked bout Rush calling him a fool.

And the things he said about Rush are true.

My post was about King Fatmouth. Not Sherriff Shootmouth.


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When I see a talking point put up on the Tailgate, and then I go to conservative sites and blogs and see the exact same talking point appearing, and then I hear Rush and Beck saying the same talking point, and then it appears in the editorial page of the Washington Times...

well to me it suggests a little bit about the far-right echo chamber and how efficiently it operates.

I'll guess you noticed the left-winged one the day of the shooting too?? :rolleyes:

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You are way off base. This "sheriff' has a long history of partisan sniping and in his FIRST NEWS conference regarding this episode he interjected his hyper partisan view as what he thought the root cause of this tragedy was. He's a LEO and the chief LEO of PIMA county. No one and I mean no one wants to hear his CONJECTURE on what the motivation of this criminal was. His office should have been doing their jobs and had this guy involuntary committed. If they did perhaps this might not have happened. There were warning signs everywhere. If they were competent this criminal would have been eating medication by now.

Yep, that's today's spin, straight from Rush and company. Sheriff screwed up. Blame him.

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re: Westboro baptist church - Oh no. Those tools.

One of our members posted up a thread yesterday asking about how to disrupt them,, apparently he lives there.

They are possibly going to make some portable walls out of particle board and surround the Westboro loonies with them.

I hope they do, and I hope they do it right.


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Here is the problem: The rhetoric ALREADY has had consequences. Dr. Tiller being shot

Ah yeah the child murderer err the late, lateterm abortionist. Didn't bad people with bad aim tried to take him out before there was this rhetoric over a decade ago?

But yes it is wrong for vigilantes to correct what they perceive as societal wrong

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I'll guess you noticed the left-winged one the day of the shooting too?? :rolleyes:

Sure did. I saw a lot of conjecture on the day of the shooting. I saw people suggesting it was a right wing nutter, or that it was an angry Mexican immigrant, or it was a "false flag" operation by Obama, or it was a Muslim terrorist. I watched the speculation swirl around as it ALWAYS does, and watched people try to make sense out out of a senseless act by grasping at tiny clues, many of which were total crapola. I saw some dummies suggest that Palin had some direct culpablility, which is nonsense, and I saw a lot of people say that this was total nonsense (including some on the "left.") Then everyone took a deep breath and things died down a bit, while the right wing outrage began to grow. Then I got to read all of that - its not fair to blame it on our side, he was probably a leftist, its a conspiracy against us, we should blame the shooter himself, and only the shooter, etc.

However, it takes a while to get the spin going in the same direction conservative media echo chamber. All of a sudden, last night, the spin coalesced. Every conservative site and commentator and poster in the country suddenly seems to be pointing their finger at the sheriff who they say could have "prevented" this incident.

And all of the talk about how "we should only blame the unhinged shooter himself" seems to have flown right out the window. I find that interesting, myself. Do you?

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No one wants to hear about the motivation of a criminal from the Sheriff who is the spokesperson for the investigation? Did you really just make that assertion?

During his FIRST NEWS CONFERENCE regarding this yes people were interested in FACT! NOT CONJECTURE of which he has stated in another NEWS CONFERENCE was his OPINION. Additionally, his frequently offered opinion has no basis in FACT. Lets deal in fact from a chief leo AND not fictional LALA land material.

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Sure did. I saw a lot of conjecture on the day of the shooting. I saw people suggesting it was a right wing nutter, or that it was an angry Mexican immigrant, or it was a "false flag" operation by Obama, or it was a Muslim terrorist. I watched the speculation swirl around as it ALWAYS does, and watched people try to make sense out out of a senseless act by grasping at tiny clues, many of which were total crapola. I saw some dummies suggest that Palin had some direct culpablility, which is nonsense, and I saw a lot of people say that this was total nonsense (including some on the "left.") Then everyone took a deep breath and things died down a bit, while the right wing outrage began to grow. Then I got to read all of that - its not fair to blame it on our side, he was probably a leftist, its a conspiracy against us, we should blame the shooter himself, and only the shooter, etc.

However, it takes a while to get the spin going in the same direction conservative media echo chamber. All of a sudden, this morning, the spin coalesced. Every conservative site and commentator and poster in the country suddenly seems to be pointing their finger at the sheriff who they say could have "prevented" this incident.

And all of the talk about how "we should only blame the unhinged shooter himself" seems to have flown right out the window. I find that interesting, myself. Do you?

Not at all. It's been here 1-2 days ago. Perhaps as early as 1 day after the shooting. It's in this thread. Check it out. Perhaps the sheriff need a class on professional introspection before he vomits his political predisposition o the world. Wouldn't that have been the smarter thing to do?

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When I see a talking point put up on the Tailgate, and then I go to conservative sites and blogs and see the exact same talking point appearing, and then I hear Rush and Beck saying the same talking point, and then it appears in the editorial page of the Washington Times...

well to me it suggests a little bit about the far-right echo chamber and how efficiently it operates.

Rush said that too? Cool. I actually saw the video about not jumping to conclusions on an Urban Black BBS forum (downloading the classic Amazing stories series there) What is interesting was there was similar talk last night on 106.7 the fan. Calling the truth a talking point does not make it a lie.

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During his FIRST NEWS CONFERENCE regarding this yes people were interested in FACT! NOT CONJECTURE of which he has stated in another NEWS CONFERENCE was his OPINION. Additionally, his frequently offered opinion has no basis in FACT. Lets deal in fact from a chief leo AND not fictional LALA land material.

It may be a problem endemic in the water in Arizona. Reminds me when Sheriff Joe Arpaio said that some kids killed a kitten because of the video game Grand Theft Auto. :whoknows:

Sheriffs go to press conferences, and they answer questions. Sometimes the answers are more conjectural, especially when they don't have many facts yet.

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Additionally, his frequently offered opinion has no basis in FACT.

Really? And you have better working knowledge of the criminal mind or what incites violent behavior than law enforcement officials? Your experience, education, and background trumps his? Isn't he an expert on this issue? Isn't that his job? Isn't he likely to be asked to give his expert testimony based on his experience and understanding and then to conjecture? Just because you don't like what he has to say doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to say it.

Oh, and you should know by now that all the CAP LOCK yells don't really work to shut people up.

I think you're wrong. The only person I want to hear speculating is the police spokesperson, sheriff, or captain or a Fed. Now, I hope that they would do so responsibly and not say anything that would either damage the case or would harm an investigation, but they are the person in the know. They're the people most entitled to talk and extrapolate. In FACT, they're the one empowered by the people to do so.

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