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Rabach Just what ive seen lately.


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Can you imagine him facing off against AH one-on-one in practice drills? The whistle blows, they both look at each other for a nannosecond, then fall down into a heap together, breathing heavily.
That was brilliant, thank you! Fortunately there is no-one in the office to wonder why I just spat my coffee all over the monitor :ols:
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He's been solid at times this year, and I actually believe the guy is a warrior. He plays through the pain week in and week out. That being said, his skills have diminished to the point that I think his best days are long gone. It's time for an upgrade.

I know a lot of people are advocating that we do so via the NFL draft. I however believe that our solution to the problem in already on the roster. I think there should be an open competition between Montgomery and Lichtensteiger going into training camp next season. Our draft picks would be better served going after the best available guards that are out there. Obviously neither Monty nor Kory are our future starting Guards, just stopgaps. Neither are starting guard material, but I do believe that both are playing out of position and have the potential to serve as a starter and the number 1 reserve at the Center position.


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I won't disagree that, physically, Rabach struggles, this weekend notwithstanding. However, he is still in there b/c he handles all the calls at the line...and I don't know about you, but I would rather have Rabach handle those duties than Cook.

I dont know who was calling at the line during the Tennessee game, but I thought Montgomery played the best game at C that we have all year, but the very next week he's back on the bench.. That's the kind of stuff Shanny does that makes me scratch my head.. I like the vets too, but when they get outplayed, or now when the seasons over, what's the point of leaving a Rabach out there, unless they truely dont see what practically every fan on here does??

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I think Rabach should be held to the same standard as Portis, Galloway, and McNabb have.. Since he's not getting the job done, pull up some pine!!

Yup. Definitely seems like a double standard to me. IMO Rabach has been the worst starter on offense this season yet he hasn't been held to the same level of accountability as some others have been. Since the Skins are now in an evaluation period shouldn't we be evaluating what we have in young OL like Cook at C/G and Capers at RT? Why not try Cook at C or at G with Montgomery at C?? I think it is quite clear that Rabach isn't the answer moving forward.

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I in no way disagree there should be somebody ready to step in and play. Thank cirato for that but he is what we have and yes . We will upgrade. But only when somebody is ready to step up. mongomery said he dosnt want to be center. I would feel sorry for cook if steped in at this point. You all would bash him so bad after 1 game he would want to be cut. Just saying let the coaches deside and stop bashing our own players .its going to take time. But i have cofidence players will be replaced when the time is right. HAIL SKINS

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I in no way disagree there should be somebody ready to step in and play. Thank cirato for that but he is what we have and yes . We will upgrade. But only when somebody is ready to step up.

mongomery said he dosnt want to be center.

1. I didn't realize Cerrato was in charge the past offseason.

Damn, he's sneaky.

2. Didn't know that. Interesting. I still think he'd do a better job than Rabach.

The line has been horrible this year and Rabach especially, almost got McNabb crushed multiple times a game. (plus the times McNabb wasn't able to run for his life or make some crazy move to get away and did get taken down hard)

Anyway I thought Shannahan was supposed to be a hard ass who doesn't cave in to his players?

Isn't that what everyone was praising him for the past week or so?

Wouldn't Montgomery be starting at center if Shanny thought he should be, personal reluctance aside?

In any case Shannahan seems to think that Rabach is the best player for center right now and apparently doesn't see any need to see what we have in Montgomery as a center by playing him any more there. I just hope he doesn't think that Rabach is a long term solution or that he's doing just fine and doesn't need replacing anytime soon.

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Dont be to hard on me fans. I do understand his bashing earler in the season. but lately, he has looked good to me i watch him and only him and he seems do be doing his job. Hell watching top round pic get pushed around every game scares me more.Also wondering why when md5 tripped on mongomerys foot. Not a word was said. Just not sure its was rabacks fault at all. Well what do you all think. HAIL SKINS

Bunk, many of us talked about the Monty trip, but it was a one time thing. I would hold judgement until seeing them work together more than one game, a game that Monty did indeed play better at center than the "ezpass" express to the pocket. Rabach is like that bread that is not longer fresh and you must toast it and slather it in butter for it to go down. This is after watching him for the last two years get pushed into the backfield, it has been a regular occurance, so much so that his player credentials had to be checked in the tunnel in more than a few games. Rabach has never lived up to the hype as a center since coming from the Ravens, sorry I think your his agent.

---------- Post added December-23rd-2010 at 08:29 AM ----------

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That was brilliant, thank you! Fortunately there is no-one in the office to wonder why I just spat my coffee all over the monitor :ols:

No problem! ES is usually good for a spew or two each day - just doing my part. :)

I know a lot of people are advocating that we do so via the NFL draft. I however believe that our solution to the problem in already on the roster. I think there should be an open competition between Montgomery and Lichtensteiger going into training camp next season. Our draft picks would be better served going after the best available guards that are out there. Obviously neither Monty nor Kory are our future starting Guards, just stopgaps. Neither are starting guard material, but I do believe that both are playing out of position and have the potential to serve as a starter and the number 1 reserve at the Center position.


I haven't seen enough of either guy at C this year to really say if I think this will work. It also depends upon who is available to us when it comes our turn to pick in the draft. If we can get a top-flight C who we're confident will be our starter for the long-term then we pretty much need to take him. If not, I think your idea make a good fall-back plan.

I do agree that getting two solid Gs is a priority. I wonder if Rabach's slight improvement in the last few games reflects better play at G on both sides.

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