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Rita's Italian Ice...and the AA County Policeman


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This Rita's is 10 minutes from my home.

I have taken my kids there.

The police officer opened the franchise to "help" teens in Edgewater.

How stupid can this guy be.

Too bad he might only get 5 years.


Being a father of two girls, it makes me more over protective.

The times, they are a changing.

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Wait' date=' she's 19? I assume this was unwanted then, because wouldn't it be legal otherwise?[/quote']

Yeah that was confusing. But that's a second, unrelated girl. The 19 year old is the next-door neighbor who works for him at the ice cream place. She's not really involved in the story outside of being his neighbor, working for him, and her mom commenting on it. They didn't state the age of the victim.

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