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1945 Washington Redskins Team Photo

Khun Kao

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This was the team that infected me with the bug. I was ten years old, living in Southeast DC at the time.

When my friend and I played catch with a football, and we completed a deep pass, one of us would play radio announcer, "Baugh to Bagarus! Touchdown!" Thirty-three to double zero. They were an exciting combination in their day.

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This was the team that infected me with the bug. I was ten years old, living in Southeast DC at the time.

When my friend and I played catch with a football, and we completed a deep pass, one of us would play radio announcer, "Baugh to Bagarus! Touchdown!" Thirty-three to double zero. They were an exciting combination in their day.

If you find the time and inclination, you should write a piece Of on watching football in the 40's, 50's and 60's. I'm sure we'd all love to hear the differences back then through your experiences, be it as a kid growing up via the radio, or actually attending games in person.

I know I for one would be fascinated to hear your experiences, and would be very appreciative if you did share.


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This was the team that infected me with the bug. I was ten years old, living in Southeast DC at the time.

When my friend and I played catch with a football, and we completed a deep pass, one of us would play radio announcer, "Baugh to Bagarus! Touchdown!" Thirty-three to double zero. They were an exciting combination in their day.

It's always nice to see what you have to say.

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This was the team that infected me with the bug. I was ten years old, living in Southeast DC at the time.

When my friend and I played catch with a football, and we completed a deep pass, one of us would play radio announcer, "Baugh to Bagarus! Touchdown!" Thirty-three to double zero. They were an exciting combination in their day.

Thats Cool

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That's really cool to hear OF...I'm not sure how it was back then, but seeing clips of football (and anything really) from those years interests me so much. It just looks like such a romanticized time in American history. Anyway, any additional memories you have would be greatly appreciated. Maybe you can eventually start a thread where you give us some memories you have from some of the older (I'm being delicate there) teams in Redskins history. You have a perspective (and such a great knowledge of the game) that's pretty rare around here.

Also, I knew Fred Davis felt like a life-long Redskin.

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If you find the time and inclination, you should write a piece Of on watching football in the 40's, 50's and 60's. I'm sure we'd all love to hear the differences back then through your experiences, be it as a kid growing up via the radio, or actually attending games in person.

I know I for one would be fascinated to hear your experiences, and would be very appreciative if you did share.


Maybe after the holidays, GHH.
TD_'Skins: That's really cool to hear OF...I'm not sure how it was back then, but seeing clips of football (and anything really) from those years interests me so much. It just looks like such a romanticized time in American history. Anyway, any additional memories you have would be greatly appreciated. Maybe you can eventually start a thread where you give us some memories you have from some of the older (I'm being delicate there) teams in Redskins history. You have a perspective (and such a great knowledge of the game) that's pretty rare around here.
Thank you, Sir. It will take me some time, but I'll put something together if there's some interest.
Boss_Hogg: and Oldfan, thanks for your contributions to this board.
I appreciate that.
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Maybe after the holidays, GHH.

I know I'm nothing more than a faceless poster to you Of in reality; but honestly, if you happen to have the time next year to share your experiences I'd be ubber appreciative. I'm sure I'm far from alone in saying it would make fascinating reading. As TD_w alluded to, it conjures up a romantic, far mroe innocent time in our history, as hard as people had it. And to hear how sports played into all that would be compelling reading.

Certainly a great diversion from the usual topics at hand.


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My father is also in his 70's and a lifelong Redskins fan. He and my Grandfather were season ticket holders at Griffith Stadium and for the first year or two at DC Stadium (prior to being renamed "RFK Stadium"). My Dad said that even back in the 40's and 50's, the Eagles games were the worst to attend because their fans were so obnoxious. He also remembers a game at Griffith Stadium during a torrential downpour where the field was flooded so badly that the referee had to hold the ball in place prior to the players breaking huddle so the ball would not float away...

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Nice find Khun Kao. Thanks for posting.

Thank god color photography came along when it did. If it weren't for the two staffers wearing 'Redskins' sweatshirts, I wouldn't be able to tell who this team was.

It's really hard to tell which team was which in those old black-n-white news reals, pre NFL Films.

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Thank you for the photo and thank you for the input, oldfan.

My grandfather was also a big, big Redskins fan during that era. I'm not sure if he was allowed to go to games at Griffith Stadium since D.C. was still a very segregated town at that time, but from what my dad told me, he was crazy about the Redskins throughout his life. I never got to talk to him about it since he died when I was very young, but it's kind of cool to know I'm a third generation Redskins fan.

Apart from newsreels and interviews, we really don't know too much about the Redskins during that era; especially from a fan's point of view. It would be a treat for all of us if some of our older board members could talk to us about life as a Redskins fan during that era (especially on how to deal with long periods of Redskins failure).

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I know I'm nothing more than a faceless poster to you Of in reality; but honestly, if you happen to have the time next year to share your experiences I'd be ubber appreciative. I'm sure I'm far from alone in saying it would make fascinating reading. As TD_w alluded to, it conjures up a romantic, far mroe innocent time in our history, as hard as people had it. And to hear how sports played into all that would be compelling reading.

Certainly a great diversion from the usual topics at hand.


1945?? really??

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If you find the time and inclination, you should write a piece Of on watching football in the 40's, 50's and 60's. I'm sure we'd all love to hear the differences back then through your experiences, be it as a kid growing up via the radio, or actually attending games in person.

I know I for one would be fascinated to hear your experiences, and would be very appreciative if you did share.


I agree...this would be great. I've thought about suggesting this to Oldfan before, but you beat me to it.

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