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WP: Redskins practice at off-site facility because of snow


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By Jason Reid

It appears Redskins coaches and players drove themselves to an off-site facility Thursday to practice because of the snow.

Apparently, the team did not have enough time to schedule a bus. Coaches and players piled into cars as they hurriedly left Redskins Park for the hastily arranged practice at an undisclosed location. In the parking lot at the complex, equipment managers quickly loaded items into vehicles.

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To quote Grant Paulsen's tweet "#Redskins are 4th most valuable sports organization in world (Forbes) ... and they are driving themselves off site in the snow for practice."

Seriously...it's not like they didn't see this coming. I'm pretty sure for enough $$$ you'll be able to get a couple buses to drive the team around with practically no notice.

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To quote Grant Paulsen's tweet "#Redskins are 4th most valuable sports organization in world (Forbes) ... and they are driving themselves off site in the snow for practice."

This is yet another reason why this team is considered a joke.

Instead of sucking it up and being a professional and practicing pro football in the elements they carpool to a gym to play grab *** to get ready for the ************* Dallas Cowboys.


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I cannot believe a football does not practice in snow.

A couple of weeks ago, they brought practice indoors because of rain, then we lose in the rain because our holder can't clutch the wet ball. What happens if we play a game in the snow?

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A couple of weeks ago, they brought practice indoors because of rain, then we lose in the rain because our holder can't clutch the wet ball. What happens if we play a game in the snow?

Let's be honest about the correlation...

On 12/1 they brought the team indoors to practice due to a crazy front that tore through with pouring rain and ridiculous wind. On 12/5 they played a game in perfect conditions (might have been cold, but no rain or much wind). A couple weeks later they lost a game in the rain, but didn't really look like they were impacted by it much (you can blame the dropped snap on the rain I guess, but our holder dropped a snap like that on opening night vs. Dallas too).

Now, it's snowing out. If we were going to be playing in the snow in Dallas, I could understand wanting to practice in game conditions...but how does a limited practice in the snow help the team beat Dallas this weekend?

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Let's be honest about the correlation...

On 12/1 they brought the team indoors to practice due to a crazy front that tore through with pouring rain and ridiculous wind. On 12/5 they played a game in perfect conditions (might have been cold, but no rain or much wind). A couple weeks later they lost a game in the rain, but didn't really look like they were impacted by it much (you can blame the dropped snap on the rain I guess, but our holder dropped a snap like that on opening night vs. Dallas too).

Now, it's snowing out. If we were going to be playing in the snow in Dallas, I could understand wanting to practice in game conditions...but how does a limited practice in the snow help the team beat Dallas this weekend?

I think it's more of a mindset than preparation for specific conditions.

They play like they practice on parquet.

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Patriots practice in the snow. Brady was drying a football off during practice and BB said, "You can't throw a wet ball?" Brady threw a wet ball for the rest of the day. The Pats play awesome in the snow and are a pretty well ran franchise. Only one way to be ready to play in the snow...

I also realize the Pats are more likely to play in the snow, but still.

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Patriots practice in the snow. Brady was drying a football off during practice and BB said, "You can't throw a wet ball?" Brady threw a wet ball for the rest of the day. The Pats play awesome in the snow and are a pretty well ran franchise. Only one way to be ready to play in the snow...

I also realize the Pats are more likely to play in the snow, but still.

I'm not really against them practicing outside if they can get things accomplished. To me though, I'd be much more concerned about this news if they were going to be playing in the snow on Sunday. They are playing in Dallas...what good is it going to do to risk injury, be less effective simulating game conditions for your Dallas-specific game plan, etc. if you're going to be playing in 45 degrees and no snow?

Edit: By the way, the Patriots have an indoor practice facility and used it as recently as the weekend before their MNF game vs. New York.

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This is yet another reason why this team is considered a joke.

Instead of sucking it up and being a professional and practicing pro football in the elements they carpool to a gym to play grab *** to get ready for the ************* Dallas Cowboys.


Hey, those facilities cost money. Just like the jumbotrons.

And you can't sell seating there.:pfft:

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If I heard correctly, Belicheck actually freezes the ball for T. Brady to throw

Belichick is now 10-0 in snow games for a reason.

"Coach Belichick puts us in these environments in practice," said Branch, who caught 10 passes for 151 yards while Wes Welker added 13 for 115 - so much for Randy Moss.

"We really don't want to be outside practicing in this weather but we do it anyway," Branch said. "We look forward to games like this. This type of year, this is what's going to happen, this is how it's going to be."

And if this is how it's going to be, it's going to be pretty tough to beat these guys, with New England now two games ahead of the reeling Jets in the AFC East.

The end of the Jets game was on the TV screen during Belichick's post-game press conference and he never snuck a peak at it. When he was asked if he saw what happened, he shrugged.

"We've just got to keep playing," he said. "I'm sure when the end of the season comes, someone will tell us what we have to do."

Most times, he does that. Wind, rain or snow.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/2010/12/13/2010-12-13_brady_pats_best_in_snow.html#ixzz18IzDuX35

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This is yet another reason why this team is considered a joke.

Instead of sucking it up and being a professional and practicing pro football in the elements they carpool to a gym to play grab *** to get ready for the ************* Dallas Cowboys.


why so pissed off? I thought you wanted this team to lose out so we can obtain a higher draft pick?

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A couple of weeks ago, they brought practice indoors because of rain, then we lose in the rain because our holder can't clutch the wet ball. What happens if we play a game in the snow?

To be fair, it was mentioned MANY times that we practiced with a wet ball (and the holder specifically did, as well) before that game.

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The bashing for not practicing in the snow is dumb. As another thread has pointed out, the Skins are the only team in a winter weather area to NOT have an indoor practice facility. So no team practices in the snow.

If you want to bash, bash them for having ****ty practice facilities and being behind everyone else on that.

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