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Is luck the only reason we won 5 games this far?


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bad luck. If we would have lost more games, we would perhaps be in the position to draft Luck this year without moving up.

Look at what meaningless wins did to us last year? We were 4th and drafted a LT that is more hurt than not instead of being able to draft a real QB. Sure Williams may be a good one but Id still rather have Bradford...and our 2nd round pick and our third round pick and all the picks next year we will have to spend to get a real QB with a brain in his head.

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Or: Are the Redskins one of the worst teams in the NFL, that just won 5 games cause they are lucky?

Let's take a look at all the Redskins wins this season, so far:

Win #1 (week 1) Win against Cowboys. No points from the offense, 2 FGs and one fumble return for a TD. Winning TD concieded in last seconds declined after holding on Orakpo. Yes, it was against Cowboys that are our biggest rivals, but they pretty much suck this season. Luck or Gameplan?

Win #2 (week 4) Win at Philly. Michael Vick injured early in the game (luck?) Only 17 points scored, and still, we somehow managed to get a win. Luck or Gameplan?

You forgot that Avant, I think, dropped the pass in the end zone at the end. He had his hands on the ball and would have gotten his feet in bounds.

Win #3 (week 5) Win against Green Bay. Offense again couldn't do anything untill McNabb's bomb to Armstrong in the 4th quarter. Gano misses one FG to tie a game, but still gets to kick another one and tie it. (luck?) Crosby misses a last second FG attempt to win a game, hit's a bar (luck?). Win in OT, Gano wins us a game (luck). Again, poor performance by the offense for the most of the game, and a couple of GB injuries (Finley etc.) (luck?)

Win #4 (week 7) Win at Chicago. Poor performance by the offense (6 fumbles, 2 INTs). Cutler throws 4 INTs to Hall (luck?). Win with only 17 points scored (luck?)

Cutler crossed the goaline, the play wasn't challenged and the skins recovered a fumble.

Week #5 (week 11) Win at Tennessee. Young is out, our offense scores only 19 points, but we somehow got the win (luck?)

But regardless we can't look back and say we should have won/lost. They somehow ended up with a win in those games so they are 5-7. Btw, the Cowpukes will finish with a better record than the skins. That's just sad after starting 1-7

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IMO we will end up 7-9 vs the 4-12 we posted last year. Those additional 3 wins aren't because of players being better. In fact, you could argue that we are worse off personnel wise than at this point b/c of injuries. Example: RB. The additional wins are b/c of better coaching. So my answer to your question is no, it isn't luck. The coaching staff (big exception: Haslett) is better.

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The trouble is we have NY, Dallas, Tampa and JAX left on the schedule. 3 of those club have winning records and the fourth, Dallas, despite its record is playing a lot better football than the Redskins.

I hate to say it but perhaps the Redskins don't win but 1 more game in there? It's a possibility :(

Then do you look at last year's 4-12 and add in the trade for McNabb to get to 6-10 as being progress?

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IMO we will end up 7-9 vs the 4-12 we posted last year. Those additional 3 wins aren't because of players being better. In fact, you could argue that we are worse off personnel wise than at this point b/c of injuries. Example: RB. The additional wins are b/c of better coaching. So my answer to your question is no, it isn't luck. The coaching staff (big exception: Haslett) is better.

After the inspiring performances the last three weeks, where do you see those other two wins coming from?

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Good point about the remaining schedule. You may be right about the wins.

I'm not sure that DM is such a great upgrade over JC, frankly. One caveat, I haven't exactly broken it down by stats. I just see him missing so many open short passes. Even as an upgrade, I don't think that overweighs the RB problem, no better depth at WR/TE, Defensive line/overall scheme worse, and injuries. Given Zorn still here we would be in much worse shape.

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I am not going to say it was luck because several of those games we actually outplayed our opponent. Also we were playing much better at the beginning of the season that we are now. There are a couple of reasons for that. One is injuries. Redskins are a second tier team compared to other NFL teams in terms of talent in my opionion. So when your starters go down now you have third stringers playing against first stringers and that does not work. The second reason is turnovers. The thing that kept us in games early on was the turnovers. Now that they turnovers are not coming, the real defense ranked last in the NFL is rearing its ugly head. The team has regressed since the beginning of the season.

According to my count, there are 12 other teams in the NFL that have equal or worse records. Detroit, Minnesota, Houston, have already beat us. Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Buffalo are all playing better than Redskins. That leaves Carolina, Arizona, Tenn. who we beat and Denver. Not sure if we can beat any of those teams but we are at least one of the five worse teams in the NFL.

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I can't believe how many people think this is the worst team we've ever had...does no one remember last year? It's interesting how quickly the Zorn era has been forgotten because of some poor performances with unfortunate/important injuries. I don't know any team that will be competitive without their starting safety, corner, non-existent center and NT.

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Nobody is forgetting how bad last year was......just that this team seems little better, if at all. And as much as I hate to cite injuries, last year's team lost two offensive linemen early. Also, today's Giants team had their fair share of injuries and still smacked us around.

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So far, this one isn't much better.

I'm as frustrated as anyone, but you've gotta be kidding me. We already have more wins than last year and we now have a competent coach/GM.

Last year, we were losing every week, listening to Zorn stumble through every press conference, getting thrown out of games for bringing signs, recruiting bingo callers to come call our plays and worst of all, stuck with possibly the worst GM in NFL history.

This is a process. Mike Shanahan knows football, and if we give him time he will deliver good teams.

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. Now we are one dimensional with an inconsistent offense.

no doubt about that. how many balls did they drop out there today? several for first downs. McNabb was inconsistent as usual, balls both in the dirt and over receiver's heads. and our OL couldn't block a high school front 7. We haven't had a running back healthy for more than 3 weeks straight.

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No question.

Shanny is old ... The team is old and bad. The 3-4 is crap.. Great move on that one!

Final rec: 5-11.... Last in division as usual...

Yep,HUUUUUGE improvement from Zorn huh?

I didnt expect miracles in one off season but HOLY F#%K.....Can we get any worse than LAST???????NO?Oh well theres something to be greatfull about.

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Worst Redskins team ever? Seriously? No way in hell is this the worst Skins team ever (unless you just started following the team). I can think of several teams that were worse, like the '93 Petitbone team that lost at home to the Jets, 3-0. That team had like 6 games where they didn't even score a TD.

Last year's team was also worse, esp. from a coaching and managerial standpoint. Having to listen to Zorn stumble and bumble his way through PC's was torture and the offense was easily one of the worst in Skins history. At least we now have a QB who will try to throw the ball beyond the LOS.

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Other than that, we were crushed by the Eagles, beated by an average team like Minesota, lost a already won game against Texands, lost against St. Louis and crushed by Detroit who scored 37 points on us. Game against Indy was already lost before it even started.

The Vikings have been held back incredibly this season because of Farve and Childress. They aren't actually that average, the records average. The Cowboys aren't a bad team, there record is. The Eagles are a much better team then we are. The Texans are on par with us but we lost a close on there. The Rams were at home and inspired that game. Indy is much better then we are. And Detroit beat us again this year because they dominated our offensive line.

So, the question is, is luck the only reason why this team is in a playoff race (we all know we are not going there), even that we were demoralized by Eagles and Detroit and there are many people here that are talking that this team is the worst team in a league?

We suck, and that is one thing that i am 100% sure after watching games like those we played against Rams, Eagles, Lions and now Giants. Even after that, we somehow managed to win 5 games and not be in a very bottom of the league.

Luck's a part of the game but ya I think so. The teams a piece of mercenaries and garbage and has no identity. 9 out of 10 times the teams we play who have good defensive lines will eat this teams lunch. Until we can compete in the trenches we really don't have a chance for anything ever. Get used to this. Unless the team truly sees this and the proof will be in how the lines addressed this season next year will be no different. Fix the offensive line and we have a chance to play with anyone but continue to be the whipping boys if we don't

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