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Derek Anderson Losses It In Post Game Press Conference


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He answered it. He said "what was said on the sideline is between me and Deuce."

The reporter should have dropped the line of questioning there. He was acting like he was a coach about to bench DA. If you're calling for DA to act professional, then the reporter has to act professional too.

The reporter was though. He didn't pout and storm off.

The reporter was asking DA what a lot of the public would as well.

You never questioned a Redskin laughing it up during a loss? Im sorry but, it'll be tough for me to buy a No as an answer. Ive read far too many posts on this subject during too many Redskins losses to think otherwise.

It was also mentioned that the reporter had 2 hours to figure what he was going to ask DA. Do you not think that this reporter, and reporters in general, research and check Twitter and blogs to muster up questions? Do we not think that Football fans or even namely Cardinal fans were curious about the giggle-fest between QB and RG during a butt whooping?

I think DA should have given a better answer to the fans if anything.

If your starting QB can't handle a simple question and the little pressure it brings, that's your answer why your team is pushing under. 500 for the season.

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It was also mentioned that the reporter had 2 hours to figure what he was going to ask DA. Do you not think that this reporter, and reporters in general, research and check Twitter and blogs to muster up questions? Do we not think that Football fans or even namely Cardinal fans were curious about the giggle-fest between QB and RG during a butt whooping?

I think DA should have given a better answer to the fans if anything.

If your starting QB can't handle a simple question and the little pressure it brings, that's your answer why your team is pushing under. 500 for the season.

It was a chuckle, a lineman trying to cheer up his QB. It wasn't like they were at a bar swapping stories. And no, I wouldn't be upset at a little chuckle. If it were a laugh-fest with half the team yukking it up, yeah, I would have a problem with it. But if Trent Williams came over to McNabb during a bad game and tried to cheer him up, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

I wouldn't want my quarterback belly laughing during a rout, but I wouldn't want him moping either. Once Anderson answered the initial question, that line should have been dropped. The reporter shouldn't have kept probing after the question was answered.

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Apparently I am in the minority. I think the reporter was asking a question which calls for a simple answer. DA took offense and acted like he was trying to hide something.

Reporter: "Why were you laughing on the sideline in a game where you are getting smoked?"

DA: "I was frustrated with the game and how nothing seems to be going right this season. Just trying to make light of the situation. I apologize if it was taken any other way. "

Easy, huh? Be a professional DA. Not a toddler in need of a diaper change.

I agree. Just answer the question, it's no that big a deal. He appeared to not know how to handle the situation and lied about it. It appears to me that he stormed off because he couldn't wiggle out of his lie.

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That reporter was a total ass, but Anderson is a professional athlete and should have handled it differently. You can't act like that at a press conference. Every little thing you say or do in front of the media is going to be picked apart and blown out proportion, and I hope Anderson knows that. So knowing that fact, why blow up like that? Control yourself, you're a professional.

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I realized this 2 seconds after I posted it, however, this board does not allow you to edit the title of your threads.

Sure it does. All you need to do is go to advanced options in the OP edit screen

---------- Post added December-2nd-2010 at 10:53 AM ----------

Every time I see this thread, and the improper context that the word " losses" is being used in, I get a headache. Just thought I'd share that. :)



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I don't get people who are questioning Anderson's reaction during a time of extreme stress, like they know what he was thinking or going through.

While I've never been under that type of pressure of having to play well for my career, I've been so upset and embarrassed by my performance in sports, I'm all over the emotional map. Hell, I just lost a tennis tournament this weekend because of my poor play and I was almost in tears one minute, laughing at myself in disgust the next minute, and wanting to break my racquet on the ground the next...and that was just a stupid inter-club tournament. I can't imagine what I'd be like under the type of pressure these professional athletes are under...I highly doubt I'd ever be sane at a press conference after an embarrassing loss.

The whole point is, none of us know what the context of the situation was or what he was "laughing" about. The amount of people who don't understand this and different reactions people have under stress really astounds me. :doh: And yes, this reporter was being a total dick. You see a guy is uncomfortable with your question or you are upsetting him, MOVE ON. But no, he had to hammer his stupid question home. Typical of most sports reporters today wanting to make something out of absolutely nothing.

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It was a chuckle, a lineman trying to cheer up his QB. It wasn't like they were at a bar swapping stories. And no, I wouldn't be upset at a little chuckle. If it were a laugh-fest with half the team yukking it up, yeah, I would have a problem with it. But if Trent Williams came over to McNabb during a bad game and tried to cheer him up, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

I wouldn't want my quarterback belly laughing during a rout, but I wouldn't want him moping either. Once Anderson answered the initial question, that line should have been dropped. The reporter shouldn't have kept probing after the question was answered.

I agree completely. Like I said before, people deal with disappointment and frustration in different ways. I've been in basketball games where we were getting blown out and everyone feels like **** and someone says something trying to cheer everyone up and you chuckle. It's not like he was bending over grabbing his gut and crying because it was so funny.

If you're frustrated and feel like things are hopeless, sometimes that's all you CAN do is laugh for a second. Last season, if the Skins had done ANYTHING on the sidelines, I probably would have overlooked it because the situation was so embarrassingly hopeless. It doesn't matter how hard you play if your coach has a gameplan written in crayon.

It's when players are down by 21 points and they do a stupid first down celebration or talk trash to the other team instead of taking care of business that's a bigger issue to me. Not to mention, footbally isn't like basketball and most other sports. There's TONS of down time, and lots of time to sit and brood, or try and relax, get over the past, and try to look forward to the next time your unit takes the field.

I can agree though, DA could definitely have handled it better, but the reporter could have too, instead of continously pushing the question when it was apparent that DA didn't want to answer it. I'd like to see someone continously push the same idiotic question on Belichick or Shanahan or Parcells or someone else that wouldn't take it.

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