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The Redskins Had It Coming...


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people are more likely to help out a homeless person with a dog over a homeless person with a child.

the girl that works next to me has proclaimed many times that she values a dogs life over a humans life. she has said that if in a situation where me and her dog were hanging off a cliff...she would have to save her dog.

so it doesn't surprise me when people will look at Vick as more evil than say, someone that got drunk and ran over another human being.

i love dogs, and i used to REALLY like Vick. I don't wear Vick's VT jersey anymore, but i have given the man a second chance.

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Funny how Karma is being mentioned. I guess being a Dog killer, is an exemption to the rule.

2 years in prison and losing his personal fortune fulfills karma. In fact, if Karma is something you believe, you'd see that is exactly how it works. He did what he did, he paid the price, now he's doing things right, and the world's his oyster.

The bad karma surrounding this team isn't so esoteric as th Gods of Sports taking out trash talking on the Redskins ass.. as usual karma is of your own making, and what we have here is a team that is far less talented than the Eagles. And for all the bad signings, bad drafts, squandered picks.. this is part of the price we pay, this is why Karma is taking retribution out on the Redskins,, seemingly over and over again, year in and year out..

the only way to reverse this karma is to do things right, and the only way to do that is to give the new regime time to make better personel decisions, make smarter trades, make better draft choices with what we have. And as is obvious, it ain't happening yet.

So yes, we had it coming. But not because of some spit or some trash talk.


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2 years in prison and losing his personal fortune fulfills karma.

The bad karma surrounding this team isn't so esoteric as th Gods of Sports taking out trash talking on the Redskins ass.. as usual karma is of your own making, and what we have here is a team that is far less talented than the Eagles. And for all the bad signings, bad drafts, squandered picks.. this is part of the price we pay, this is why Karma is taking retribution out on the Redskins,, seemingly over and over again, year in and year out..

the only way to reverse this karma is to do things right, and the only way to do that is to give the new regime time to make better personel decisions, make smarter trades, make better draft choices with what we have. And as is obvious, it ain't happening yet.

So yes, we had it coming. But not because of some spit or some trash talk.


Come on Bang....they weren't better than us a few weeks ago when we beat the pajamas off of them! Did the Redskins all-of-a-sudden, catch some rare form of "suck" by licking the subway rail? No! We lit a fire under them. I don't care if anyone else can't see it. We blew it. That's even worse than not being good enough.

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Funny how Karma is being mentioned. I guess being a Dog killer, is an exemption to the rule.

Really, i agree, Vick gets a pass, and every time I look at my dog, I just can't get over what he did.

He is sorry, only cause he got caught, he would still be killing dogs today had he not

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You have to be a bit more humble than that, especially if your defense is ranked dead last in the league. Landry and Hall should have known better. If the Redskins had a top 10 defense then fine. But you don't try to bully your opponent when you rank near the bottom in total defense like the Redskins do.

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People need to give this a rest. He made mistakes, served jail time, and is now back in the league. Get over it. NFL players have killed other humans and gotten second chances, so why not Vick?

Dogs are the most trusting creatures in the world. I will never get over it.

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Come on Bang....they weren't better than us a few weeks ago when we beat the pajamas off of them! Did the Redskins all-of-a-sudden, catch some rare form of "suck" by licking the subway rail? No! We lit a fire under them. I don't care if anyone else can't see it. We blew it. That's even worse than not being good enough.

They put Vick out of the game in the middle of the first quarter a couple weeks ago, too.

Don't discount the difference that makes. Once he was out, we played a defense that took their receivers almost entirely out of the game. There was no such luxury Monday night.


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Funny how Karma is being mentioned. I guess being a Dog killer, is an exemption to the rule.

It's possible all those playoff failures and let downs that Vick suffered during his time with the Falcons was Kharma shaking its finger at him for his misdeeds elsewhere. Remember, Vick had a couple of teams that really got embarrassed in the playoffs.

Kharma could have also him being caught, losing his money, his rep, and his freedom.

Now, I don't like Vick and even though I do think most deserve a second chance I believe what he did was heinous. You don't hurt innocents. It's why child abuse, pedophelia, and the like is viewed with such negative passion. Similarly, to abuse animals... to torture, execute, and do all things that he championed is a very sick and evil thing. Not as evil as torturing human children, I suppose, but very evil nontheless.

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My point is don't let others influence your view on the Redskins.

I agree, but I'm not basing my opinion off of someone elses, and it's not even based on the loss this week. Our team just isn't very good, and definitely not as good as a lot of people here made it out to be.

I said our record would be between 6-10 and 8-8 this season, and that's exactly the kind of team we look like. Lacking talent at key positions, a team in transition, very inconsistent, and we can't seem to put it all together or get a chemistry going. Yet, year after year people here act like "this is the year". At the beginning of the season, lots of people might even be level-headed, but I'd say a large number get overinflated expectations when we've won a few games, and like a balloon, they get popped when we lose some games.

I've actually enjoyed watching the transition of some of our players this year, and I'm not calling for anyone's head, because I expected us to be rebuilding. I expect the same thing next season, but we might actually eek out a winning record next year (9-7) since we'll have a few more parts and a schedule that won't be a playoff team every week (hopefully), then in year three I think we're a solid contender for the playoffs and division.

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Our current players don't play for honor or heart. They play for Stats, Money and popularity.

If I was coach, my players would not be allowed to do radio shows, or tweet, or all the other things players today do. Time spent tweeting or on a radio show is time they could be spending practicing.

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They put Vick out of the game in the middle of the first quarter a couple weeks ago, too.

Don't discount the difference that makes. Once he was out, we played a defense that took their receivers almost entirely out of the game. There was no such luxury Monday night.


Right! We did it it by knocking him out of the game! There is no question that we outplayed them as a team and Vic was largely infective when he played. We beat them fair and square on their home turf.....but they gave us the ass whopping of a lifetime!

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I was there at the game and as disgusted as I was by our performance and the amount of Iggles fans in the stands when I found out about this I... there was no words to describe how furious I was.

We as a fan base and now as a team on the field have no room to ever call any other team or fan base classless or trash ever again. Making fun of another players injury like that is disgusting. I watched my DVR to see better footage of the pregame skirmish and I heard the girl on the sideline say one of the Skins coaches said he wanted the players to hurt Vick. Really? So now we're about making fun of players injuries and injuring players on purpose? And this all comes out nationally. Nice.

I stayed the entire game in the rain. I cannot say I saw an Iggle fan do one bad thing. But the Skins fans? Well for one they barely showed up. Two they didn't stay. Three the ones that did stay that I could see behind our sideline were... less than well behaved. I don't care what the point deficit is, they should have at least encouraged the team instead it was the opposite like they wanted them to lose. I think I even saw some cups thrown down there. And I mean they were leaving in the 1st. IN THE FIRST! I was ashamed.

This game really put all our dirty laundry (lol Dirty Landry) out on display. We were embarrassed during the game, but what happened before the game was worse. We're supposed to take on the personality of our team, right? Well I hope Fletcher and Landry get knocked out. Permanently. If they're not finished as Skins at the end of the season I hope they're finished walking upright for the rest of their lives.

I mean hey, it's cool for them to say it, that's our team, I'm just taking the personality of our team. I hope they get injured. Badly. Put to sleep. For embarrassing us and themselves and their teammates.

I'm fed up.

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I don't know bro. I understand what you're saying but, who are bigger trashtalkers than the Jets and the Ravens? For the past couple of seasons, all you heard from Rex was that they were going to run people over, smack QBs in the mouth, they even had a Hard Knocks series over the summer... well guess what, last season they went to the AFC championship game with rookie QB and is currently 7-2 and at the top of the AFC. IDK man, on one hand i think that we (as a team) need a little more success before we start talking. But on the other hand, we shouldn't be scared to talk trash because its going to motivate someone else to beat us. At the end of the day they're going to beat us or not. Point being is that we lost on Monday, because Philly is the better team overall.

They talk trash, but they have the talent, coaching, etc to BACK IT UP.

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Another thing that makes me mad is this interview with Shanahan that is up from today. He didn't hear about what happened? Did he not ask what happened at the game? "Hey guys what was that about?" Apparently not.

Did he not hear in the past 2 days about it? Guess not.

And even worse is he didn't say anything like "that's not the proper way to act" or anything, he just seemed like he was ok with it and paying lip service to the people asking. Disgusting.

We don't even have any aura of respectability. I'm not a huge Skins fan, never was, I dont bleed burgundy and gold. I jst support my home team. I wont be supporting the Skins anymore. The ones who really suffer are the young fans whose parents groom them to follow the Skins. How a parent can sell this team to their children anymore is beyond me. Is that really what you want your kids to follow?

The team is classless.

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People need to stop using things like this as an excuse for losing.

You can use your belief in "Karma" as a crutch after a loss like Monday night's.

I'll live in reality and post the real reason: We don't have the talent, youth, or even raw speed to beat a younger, faster, and more talented team like the Eagles.

And when we do beat them, it will be because of great coaching, a good gameplan, and pure grit. We didn't have those things on Monday night, and our asses got handed to us.

But you keep believing its some cosmic force that did us in.

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People need to stop using things like this as an excuse for losing.

You can use your belief in "Karma" as a crutch after a loss like Monday night's.

I'll live in reality and post the real reason: We don't have the talent, youth, or even raw speed to beat a younger, faster, and more talented team like the Eagles.

And when we do beat them, it will be because of great coaching, a good gameplan, and pure grit. We didn't have those things on Monday night, and our asses got handed to us.

But you keep believing its some cosmic force that did us in.

i dont think anyone is claiming cosmic forces were involved, if they are, i know im not. my only point is...when playing a better team, do not talk smack to them before the game. it will bite you in the face. why piss them off and give them more emotion to beat you?

does anyone think that the bomb to Desean on the first play of the game was on accident? do you really think that was the play they had planned to come out with?

i don't know for sure, but my guess is no, its not. i think it was a reaction to our guys acting like jackasses, and they wanted to put us in our place.

so just to be sure here, i for one do not believe cosmic forces dealt us a loss.

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does anyone think that the bomb to Desean on the first play of the game was on accident? do you really think that was the play they had planned to come out with?

Yes, it was. Gruden said after the play that Desean told them that was the opening play, while talking to them, and they didn't believe him until it actually happened. It was the scripted play.

so just to be sure here, i for one do not believe cosmic forces dealt us a loss.

Good to know :)

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but you have to admit, we do suck pretty bad :(

we belong with the Lions, Bills, etc.

The Bills maybe...The Lions definitely not. They have waayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more talent than we do, especially offensively

Heck...I'll take that O-line and McNabb passing to Megatron and Burlenson anyday. I would also take McNabb passing to Lee Evans on the BIlls but I'm not so sure about their other weapons

Thing is it's one thing to have a bad O-line and no weapons. You can have a bad O-line but have good weapons and be okay. And you can have a great O-line and average-below average receivers but be okay. But both? lol. We need to build this team heavy in the offseason..

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