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WP - DC Sports Bog: Feinstein suggests Shanahan should be fired (MET)


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Yeah lets fire the coach that has already won us the same amount of games in half the time than what we did in a full season last year. We will never become a great team if we keep changing our staff every two years or in this idiots case, half year. Stupid Washington Post.

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What an idiotic statement by Feinstein. There's racial coding going on here? Seriously? When all else fails to make news, let's throw race in there. Then he goes to suggest that we will go after Vick? How in the world does that follow his theory?

And I must say, I'm disappointed Mitchell didn't let him get buy with that. Does that mean he thinks there's a racial element to it or did he just not realize what Feinstein was saying?

Wait a second. I think you are guilty of racial coding. Why wouldn't Mitchell have realized what Feinstein was saying? He was sitting right next to him. What you really mean to imply is that Mitchell is too dumb to understand what Feinstein was saying, because Mitchell is black.


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Wait a second. I think you are guilty of racial coding. Why wouldn't Mitchell have realized what Feinstein was saying? He was sitting right next to him. What you really mean to imply is that Mitchell is too dumb to understand what Feinstein was saying, because Mitchell is black.


Damn.....I didn't catch that. How do I make it right?

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About the only thing I can think of, that would be dumber than benching McNabb with under 2 mins to go, down by 6.. Is firing the head coach half way through the season.. Or after only 1 year, for that matter.. Just another talking head tryin to get a reaction.. Its a bummer Shanny put is in this circus, but hopefully the curtain is about to fall on it..

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Who in the bloddy hell is this Feinstein? Racial Coding? What has Shanahan done that deserves for him to be fired? I agree he took the Haynesworth thing a little further than he should have but what if he didn't. What if Haynesworth agreed that he wasn't in shape like he thought he was when he arrived. Maybe the conversations that the Shanahan's had with McNabb really did happen but McNabb's pride got in the way of his better judgement. Is Shanahan partly to blame? Yes i think he is but what all these things have done is re-focused the players to be on the same page. It work with Haynesworth and he finally started to play like he was envisioned to play. Will it work with McNabb? Don't know but if it is like anything that happened to him in Philly then it would have worked because after he was benched in Philly he came back and perforned better. So this Feinstein and whomever else thinks that he needs to be fired for dishing out humble pie to a star player then they need to be dished out some as well. They aren't that good themselves. If they have to rely on their personal opinions with factual basis on what they write then that isn't good journalism and they should be fired for that.

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About the only thing I can think of, that would be dumber than benching McNabb with under 2 mins to go, down by 6.. Is firing the head coach half way through the season.. Or after only 1 year, for that matter..

Yes. I agree.

Shanahan made a bad decision. However, the fans and media in Washington need to calm the F down and remember what a stable franchise does. It weathers storms and overcomes bad decisions/games/plays/circumstances.

We are in year 1 of what will probably be a 3-4 year rebuild. The best decision at this point is to give Shanahan AT LEAST 5 years and then re-evaluate how things are progressing. I'm not even over-exaggerating. After years of quick changes, I would rather hold onto this coach a year or two TOO LONG rather than the opposite. If you're Snyder, look up in 2014 and see how this organization and team are doing. If we're better off than we were from 2000-2009, leave it alone. If we're worse off, then you can start to think about what needs to happen.

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feinstein is a friggin clown. watching that interview was painful, and its just as bad when hes on the sports reporters. not to bring politics into this, but hes always playing the race card and pushing his liberal agenda on everybody (czaban had to stop him the other day when he went off on some rant on health care).

this had absolutely nothing to do with race, the idea that it did is beyond stupid.

and whoever said feinstein would rather talk about womens highschool field hockey than the redskins is 100% correct. this guy shouldnt even open his mouth about the redskins at this point.

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In case anyone missed this idiot on the sports reporters tonight. He decided to double down on stupid. It wasn't bad enough that he still wanted to fire Shanahan for "racial coding", he decided that he'd call out everyone that voted against the democrats last week as "voting against a black president". What a focking moron.:finger:

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In case anyone missed this idiot on the sports reporters tonight. He decided to double down on stupid. It wasn't bad enough that he still wanted to fire Shanahan for "racial coding", he decided that he'd call out everyone that voted against the democrats last week as "voting against a black president". What a focking moron.:finger:

I caught part of that. He diffinitely has a strang perspective on things. He see's racisms in everything that does not meet his approval. That must be the NPR commentator in him. His reasons for firing Shanny were week and presumptious. That must be the Washington Post columnist in him. I guess the Post will never get over having all but 6 of their season tickets taken way.

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Sports Talk 980 has been exploding over this all day. Anyone else been listening? God, people are ****ing crazy.

Yeah it was a bad show today, I hate the fact that most radio shows only try to put more gas on the fire. I mean I have yet to hear them talk about the game on Monday night.

I listen to the sports fix because they usually don't get into this crap but I guess I was wrong.

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The media is going insane..and folks calling in are half insane !!!

RACISM !!!! Correct me if needed (as I guess someone will) wasn't D.Mcnabb black when they traded draft picks FOR HIM !!!!

Did Shanny wake up a week ago and say....

"HOLY CRAP...I forgot I don't like Black ppl ...I gotta bench him "

When he benched EVERY other QB who has played for him...Had he forgotten they were WHITE ???

Geeezzz....I hope no one tells him 95% of the team is black...Christ...where are we gonna find 53 white football players !!

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I don't think firing him would do a lot right now. If he is fired, who should we get as head coach? Dallas just turned a lot of heads by firing Wade Philips in the middle of the season. Now we will see, how many more games Dallas will lose. If they lose more games, then firing him was not the best choice. They should have waited until the end of the season, because now the chemistry is going to be thrown off a bit. Offense will probably change in a few ways with the offensive coordinator calling all of the plays now. Instead they should have used the Dan Snyder method by suspending his play calling and letting the offensive coordinator take over. Redskins did this last season with Jim Zorn and it didn't work out all that well, but at least the team still had a head coach.

As far as play calling goes, it's hard for me to tell who has the authority over our offense. Is it Kyle or Mike calling the plays? Mike seems like the type of person to take charge of the game, but Kyle has also put his effort in and called plays. So maybe it's a joint effort between the two of them. So if we fire the head coach, my guess is that Kyle would end up taking over for the time being. Once the season is done, it would be a 50/50 chanhce of him staying head coach, because Dan Snyder normally goes after big names.

Not sure if firing Shanahan and son would do much. A new coach would bring brought to the team and the offensive system would change.

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