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ES Coverage: 2010 Redskins vs. Colts (Final)


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ES Coverage: 2010 Redskins vs. Colts





Redskins 24 – Colts 27


Redskin Pre-Game

Hello and welcome to ES coverage of the Washington Redskins Vs the Indianapolis Colts. Bredskin live on site with Murf for a big night game with the Colts. It is a beautiful night for the game where the weather should dip into the high 50s. Clear skies are in the forecast.

It has been 7 days since the nail-biting, overtime win against the Packers. Tonight the Indianapolis Colts come to town with future hall of fame quarterback, Peyton Manning, leading the way.

It will be important, once again, for the Redskins defense to come up big. The defense has been playing bend but don’t break, and must do so again tonight. Getting into a shootout with the Colts would not be recommended. The Colt running game has been suspect early this season, so as expected; the defense should see the quick release passing attack that Manning is famous for.

Defensively, the Colts bring a tremendous amount of speed off of the edges with Robert Mathis and Dwight Freeney. The offensive line must be on top of their game in pass protection. Look for the Redskins to use a heavy dose of Ryan Torain to slow down the pass rush.

We will be bringing you updates throughout the game at crucial points and will follow up the game with a write-up, audio, and unbelievable pictures from Murf.

Follow Murf on Twitter at https://twitter.com/HomerMcFanboy

Enjoy the game….Go Skins!


Redskins Inactives:

John Beck

Kevin Barnes

Clinton Portis

Rocky McIntosh

Derrick Dockery

Anthony Bryant

Logan Paulsen

Albert Haynesworth

Colts Inactives:

Anthony Gonzalez

Bob Sanders

Jacob Lacey

Donald Brown

Kavell Conner

Gary Brackett

Jacques McClendon

Ricardo Matthews


First Quarter

8:25 I would have definitely taken the ball to start the game.

8:30 Chris Wilson destroys Moore.

8:33 Carlos being Carlos.... at least it is a 3 and out

8:37 Banks for 16. Looks like he had no room.

8:39 McNabb to Moss on third down. Big play..

8:41 McNabb telegraphed the slant, picked by Powers... Run the ball!!

8:42 Manning beats Landry deep, Garcon makes it 7-0

8:48 3 and out....yikes... the Colts are in Redskin territory..following a 13 yd return

8:53 Catch the ball Carlos

8:53 Big series for the defense 3 and out

8:57 Ist for Cooley

9:00 Torain beautiful run for 16

9:02 Torain with a powerful burst for the TD. Jamaal Brown with a nice block 7-7. 10 plays 89 yards. Huge drive.

9:06 Redskins continue to cover kickoffs very well.

9:07 Moore drops the pick...3 drops.


Second Quarter

9:11 Manning has too much time

9:13 Mannnig is picking them apart...too easy

9:14 Manning to Collie...that was way too easy..12 plays 84 yds 7-14

9:15 Riley questionable to return with foot sprain

9:17 If you didn't know Brandon Banks has jets!!

9:18 Torain is getting into a groove

9:20 Waste of field position...McNabb was not good on that series, throwing short on 1st to Moss and high on 3rd to Moss

9:23 All day to throw. No pass rush.

9:23 Running game is working too.

9:27 Missed FG. The defense bends as far as a defense can bend.

9:30 Torain running with power and deceptive speed

9:31 Hicks false start

9:32 Drop by Cooley

9:37 Garcon with an unbelievable catch...nice pass as well.

9:43 7-17 lucky to get off the field giving up 3. Redskins need to make a play.

9:50 Nice drive, but Gano wide right. That hurts.

9:54 Bad coverage by Hall

9:54 Kick blocked.

9:55 Half Time 7-17.


Third Quarter

10:09 Hold on Trent

10:12 Freddy Delight for 12

10:12 3 and Out (after a couple of Redskin penalties), not a good start

10:15 Orakpo with the sack / strip Carter with the recovery...Huge!!!!

10:17 McNabb to Cooley for 8

10:18 1st and goal following pass to Cooley

10:19 Torain TD 14-17 ..Huge drive.

10:23 46 yd run by Addai

10:25 Manning checks to run Addai for TD. Defense is a non-existant. 14-24.

10:30 Almost saw decapitation by Cooley

10:33 Alexander makes the hit and causes fumble recovered by Westbrook. Another huge play.

10:34 Torain for 20+

10:36 Drivs bogs down. questionable call to run on 2nd. Play action should have been the call. 17-24 Gano kick.

10:45 Manning to Wayne. By the way, Manning is good.


Fourth Quarter

10:48 No huddle is killing the Redskins. After every first down, Manning quick snaps to the run.

10:49 Another run by Addai. 1st Down

10:50 L. Fletcher causes fumble, Landry with the recovery Redskins with another huge play. The Colts were on the verge of another score.

10:54 Freddie D sighting 3rd and 1

10:55 Sweep??? Seriously bad call.

10:55 Colts take over after punt.

10:58 Reed can't cover me, much less Dallas Clark

10:59 Mike Hart's turn to gash our D

11:02 Cooley concussion, out for game

11:03 17-27

11:09 Skins slowly moving the ball down the field. The Colts aren't even covering downfield.

11:10 Do the Skins have a no huddle offense??

11:12 Galloway for 18

11:12 13 yd draw to Williams

11:15 K. Williams from McNabb. The Redskins are making it interesting.

11:21 3 and out...how are we in this game??

11:23 2 minute warning

11:28 The drive that wasn't.

11:29 Colts running out the clock



The Redskin offense was given the football at their 38 yard line, with three timeouts, and 2:13 left on the clock. What McNabb was able to accomplish over the past couple of weeks, led me to believe that he could do it again tonight. The team that has been able to come from behind and pull out fourth quarter wins, ultimately, could not get it done.

Offensively, Ryan Torain had a terrific effort. He is a hard-nosed runner, with deceptive speed. He rushed for 100 yards on 20 carries. He was the first Redskin 100 yard rusher since Ladell Betts in November of 2009. Torain also added two big touchdowns. Torain has shown the ability to get to the corner and finish runs by overpowering defenders. Tonight he did a solid job of waiting for his blocks. He did miss a couple of opportunities, but overall, he was the offensive MVP. He is young and is getting better with each effort. It should be noted that much of his yardage was gained on his own. The run blocking of the offensive line was adequate as best. The interior offensive line is consistently getting pushed into the backfield disrupting the running game. I am sure it will be addressed in the offseason.

The passing game is a whole other story. Donovan McNabb’s numbers, 29 out of 45 for 246 yards and two picks, appear better than the really were. In reality, it was much worse. At no time was there any rhythm to the passing game. When there were open receivers, Donovan proved to be inaccurate, and when there were completions, they rarely found the receiver in stride. The Redskins settled for dinks and dunks underneath and only attempted to stretch the field twice, once resulting in an interception. In all fairness, Donovan ran for his life much of the night. The offensive line had all trouble with Dwight Freeney, but who doesn’t.? The interesting thing was that they didn’t provide Trent Williams any help. Although Freeney didn’t get to McNabb, he was quite disruptive.

With 100 yards rushing, it is hard to believe that the Redskins couldn’t effectively utilize their play action passing game. One occasion particularly stood out for me. Following a Colt fumble of a punt, the Redskins got the ball deep in Colt territory. A first down run for 6 yards, perfectly setup a play action pass. But, the Redskins tried a sweep, which was blown up in the backfield. The Redskins ended up settling for a field goal. I bring this sequence up because the Redskins have had a very difficult time getting into a flow offensively. They seem very unable to blend the run and the pass, making them a very predicable offense.

The Redskins defense has done what it has done all season; keep the offense in the game. Once again, they gave up almost 500 yards, but still gave the offense the ball with a chance to win on the final possession. It is hard to explain how a defense can be pushed around all over the field, but still have the fight to stand up in the red zone. The defense was able to generate two big turnovers and tighten up, forcing two field goal attempts, deep in Redskin territory.

The rush defense was again exposed today. However, it is not surprising they got run on; due to the fact they often only had a couple of defensive linemen in at a time. The defense is struggling to adapt to the 3-4 scheme. Haslett did mix it up defensively, but so did Peyton Manning. On numerous occasions, following first downs, he quickly got his team to the line in the no huddle, usually checking to a run. This caught the Redskins defense off balance throughout the night, giving up 170 rushing yards. This is far too generous, to a team that only runs when it is bored with the passing game.

Against the pass, the Redskins gave up 300 yards. This is by no means horrible against the potent Colts. Peyton Manning is still the best in the game. He picked apart Hall, Rogers, and Buchanan. But, he picks apart everyone. The Redskins pass rush was mostly non-existent. Manning’s three-step drop, kept the Redskins pass rush at bay for most of the night. Brian Orakpo did get to Manning, causing a fumble, but the lack of interior pass rush is killing the Redskins. If only they had a big guy that could collapse the pocket. Actually they do, but he was inactive. The Albert Haynesworth debacle is beyond ridiculous. If you don’t want him here, get rid of him. But, not playing him because he became out of shape in one week away from the game, is ridiculous.

Special teams were great. Brandon Banks is a threat every time he touches the ball. Graham Gano’s kickoffs were outstanding. They are high and deep and have setup some punishing tackles. Lorenzo Alexander made a huge play on a punt, creating a turnover tonight. But Gano’s miss did cost the Redskins tonight.

The Indianapolis Colts are one of the best teams in the NFL. The Redskins stayed with them tonight, as they have done week after week. The Redskins definitely do not have one of the best rosters in the league, but they are staying in all of their games, winning their share. The defense plays with heart, creating turnovers and punishing teams with their physical play. Yes, they are giving up huge chunks of yards, but continue to come up big when it counts. If the offense could develop an identity, things could get very interesting. They are a hard working football team, but have plenty of holes. They continue to play hard every week. Last year they would have laid down for the Colts when they fell behind. Not this team. They are fighters. They bring it every week. They have made Redskin football fun again.




To see a slideshow of ExtremeSkins game photos click HERE

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To listen to comments from Lorenzo Alexander click HERE

To listen to comments from Fred Davis click HERE

To listen to comments from London Fletcher click HERE

To listen to comments from Kedric Golston click HERE

To listen to comments from DeAngelo Hall click HERE

To listen to comments from LaRon Landry click HERE

To listen to comments from Brian Orakpo click HERE

To listen to comments from Byron Westbrook click HERE

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I really really really REALLY hope the decision to sit out was Alberts'.. Otherwise I have no choice but to consider MS a total idiot.. (And I pray for our D linemen, who are already missing Anthony Bryant..) A healthy AH, waisted on the deactive list is beyond rediculous.. :doh:

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i don't understand sitting dockery with him being healthy...i know he's not a fit for the ZBS but our o-line was hurt bad last week and we could have used him
Could've used him last week, at least as another body out there.

Hopefully Lich and Hicks have a better showing this week with no B.J. Raji to deal with. That guy was eating us up.

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Could've used him last week, at least as another body out there.

Hopefully Lich and Hicks have a better showing this week with no B.J. Raji to deal with. That guy was eating us up.

Rabach wasn't great either. Looks like we addressed the tackle position. But, all three interior line positions need to be addressed in the offseason.

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I really really really REALLY hope the decision to sit out was Alberts'.. Otherwise I have no choice but to consider MS a total idiot..

To consider "MS a total idiot" while he is being VERY supportive of Al having these guys buying in & winning the close games and sitting 2-0 in the Division is, well, idiotic. :)

And since I'm watching the pre game show, could one of you Murf bros let KJ & Ryan O'H. know that we're not trading Al so they can go talk about something else. :)

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I pray this isn't true. Riley is a rookie, and Manning eats rookies for lunch. I think he'll be a target all game.

Riley though seems like a very intelligent player and could be able to effective for us. He's been able to fight off blocks and make plays at least in the pre-season. If he can come out and play well it'll be interesting to see if continues to get more PT

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Riley though seems like a very intelligent player and could be able to effective for us. He's been able to fight off blocks and make plays at least in the pre-season. If he can come out and play well it'll be interesting to see if continues to get more PT

making plays in the preseason is ENTIRELY different than going live in prime time on a Sunday Night against Peyton Manning. I'd probably be most comfortable if we just line up more often in a 4-3 with Blades at Will and Carter at DE. Even in the 3-4, I'd rather have Blades at ILB.

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making plays in the preseason is ENTIRELY different than going live in prime time on a Sunday Night against Peyton Manning. I'd probably be most comfortable if we just line up more often in a 4-3 with Blades at Will and Carter at DE. Even in the 3-4, I'd rather have Blades at ILB.

I would think that we would see a lot of 4-3 tonight, with only one pure NT (Kemoeatu) suiting up.

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I (yes, I know....the great football guru that I am) disagree with your assessment of McNabb. He has very little protection and it is effecting the passing game enormously. There is so much pressure up the middle in fact, that he is constantly being forced to abandon the pocket altogether. When this happens, he runs into defensive ends who otherwise would be blocked out of the play. Seems like there is not even room to step up, when he does he gets swallowed by the D. Despite the poor protection, McNabb is putting the hurt on DB's and giving guys like Galloway, time to at least get open. McNabb is a master of making something out of nothing.

Most of the problem seems to come from an unavoidable lack of consistency, do to injuries and 'tinkering' along the line. As the season progresses, look for much better things out of the OL. As they get rolling, we will begin to drop points on our somewhat less formidable remaining opponents.

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