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Redskins.com - McNabb Says Offense Is Ready to 'Take Off'


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And let's call a spade a spade here.. Not having a tall WR to throw the ball up to and make a play on it hurts in the Red Zone. You need big targets...

This is just my non-professional football experienced thought on how to improve this a bit. Since the Skins have smaller receivers.. I think they need to utilize the throw to front pylon to the outside shoulder of the reciver, kind of behind the receiver running the route. It's really a timing based play..

The example that comes to mind is the Fred Davis TD in the pre-season. Thoughts? Is that too risky down there?

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We might need to score 28 points on Sunday to beat the Packers. I do see the offense getting better by the game. In week one we were still plain, but we moved the ball. Week two, we found our groove, but couldn't maintain it. In that Rams game, we saw a glimpse of the running game. Last week, the running game took a bigger step and the passing game was there. That was just the first four games, by the end of the season the offense might be an assault mode, or maybe they will still be learning :whoknows:

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That's the standard refrain everytime an offense struggles early in the season. Then nothing happens.

Ladies and gentlemen...please welcome Debbie Downer to the stage.

Nice to finally see a player say something positive and not get the immediate "he has to say that" posts flood the thread.

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Armstrong should give one of his hands to Carlos Rogers.. The guy can flat out catch those bombs. Sadly folks, we wont be a exploding offense until we get a redzone threat.Teams get in the redzone and there are only so many plays you can run. After the defense has scouted your red zone packages it comes down to pure talent. The Colts Redzone plays are all the same. Fade, quick slant, slot cross, and draw. They switch up players sometimes as Wayne, Clark, and Collie can basically run all those routes, but the plays are the same. Just comes down to the talent level. If you cant score consistently in the redzone you cant score alot of points.

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Armstrong should give one of his hands to Carlos Rogers.. The guy can flat out catch those bombs. Sadly folks, we wont be a exploding offense until we get a redzone threat.Teams get in the redzone and there are only so many plays you can run. After the defense has scouted your red zone packages it comes down to pure talent. The Colts Redzone plays are all the same. Fade, quick slant, slot cross, and draw. They switch up players sometimes as Wayne, Clark, and Collie can basically run all those routes, but the plays are the same. Just comes down to the talent level. If you cant score consistently in the redzone you cant score alot of points.

Seems like with Cooley and Fred Davis in there, we'd be pretty solid in the RedZone...that's what I thought at least. Unfortunately, it hasn't turned out that way.

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The only hope of this happening this year is getting a consistent ground game. Whether it be Torain or otherwise.

Why the Dallas and Eagles games were even close, and why the Texans and Rams weren't wins, is because of the floundering running game. Especially in the second half. By the second half the Skins become extremely one dimensional and can't move the ball. If they get that, this year, they can be explosive.

As for beyond? We still need to replace about half of our offensive starters, particularly in the interior of the line.

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The only hope of this happening this year is getting a consistent ground game. Whether it be Torain or otherwise.

Why the Dallas and Eagles games were even close, and why the Texans and Rams weren't wins, is because of the floundering running game. Especially in the second half. By the second half the Skins become extremely one dimensional and can't move the ball. If they get that, this year, they can be explosive.

As for beyond? We still need to replace about half of our offensive starters, particularly in the interior of the line.

Totally agree. Throw in CP's injury, and we're REALLY in trouble. Portis has been the only back that could make something happen, and now he's out.

Hopefully we've found our RB of the future in Torain, we'll have Williams and Brown as healthy bookends, and can get the running game going somewhat till CP comes back.

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I still want to see him do well. Maybe get a 5th for him or something to a team in need of receivers (Browns, Seahawks, etc.) Hell, the Colts get more from less, they might be able to use him.

You know I think Peyton Manning hand picks his receivers...I think I remember hearing that they pick receivers they feel are perfect for the system. DT of course was here before the new system

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Wel I hope this is true. Redskins have struggled on offense for years. Very rarely can we force a turnover and actually do something with the ball. I believe that if we improve on our offensive line McNabb will have more time to find the bigger play. A taller receiver would help.

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Armstrong should give one of his hands to Carlos Rogers.. The guy can flat out catch those bombs. Sadly folks, we wont be a exploding offense until we get a redzone threat.

You know what I've noticed? We've done pretty well making plays from the 30 yard line...We've made some pretty good plays just outside the redzone...which is something to think about

I think Armstrong can do well with more reps. I'm not completely sold on him yet though, I kind of have questions in his ability to get consistently open. And hopefully he can keep his feet under him

But that catch he made was impressive...shows he's getting better and better at finding the ball

Trents back in the line up!

:D....that "other" guy has been costing us

The only hope of this happening this year is getting a consistent ground game. Whether it be Torain or otherwise.

Why the Dallas and Eagles games were even close, and why the Texans and Rams weren't wins, is because of the floundering running game. Especially in the second half. By the second half the Skins become extremely one dimensional and can't move the ball. If they get that, this year, they can be explosive.

As for beyond? We still need to replace about half of our offensive starters, particularly in the interior of the line.

I agree. Plus no Trent WIlliams certainly hurts. He was a 4th overall pick for a reason

I sure hope it is ready to take off, I see so much potential. Hopefully the run game gets going, which will help open up McNabb deep passes and play action. We will need to score a lot to beat the Pack.

The thing about this is...McNabb's deep bomb ability opens up the run game and gives less 8 and 9 man fronts. And our running game can open up the passing game and give less deep safeties and more 7 man fronts

So both parts of our offense feed off each other...the running game benefiting from the passing game and vice versa...IF we can start to click

I think we have 4 passes for 40 or more yards already...3rd most in NFL

I certainly hope so. The 17.5 average points per game is all too familiar from previous years.

Wanna know what's sad? In 2008 and 2009 we were ranked 16.6 points per game. In 2007 20.9 points per game

Our offense hasn't even been clicking 100% yet or showing up in the 2nd half and we're already making our past offense look pathetic

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Totally agree. Throw in CP's injury, and we're REALLY in trouble. Portis has been the only back that could make something happen, and now he's out.

Hopefully we've found our RB of the future in Torain, we'll have Williams and Brown as healthy bookends, and can get the running game going somewhat till CP comes back.

Really? Portis is the only back that could make something happen?

I guess you missed the first TD of last week's game? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU8QgAUxVGk

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You know the more I think about it....this is a very confident statement by McNabb and shows confidence in his receivers and his teammates. It's one thing to say "We're taking it one week at a time and we hope to see progress". It's another thing to say the offense is ready to take off and the results will be eye popping. Or perhaps I'm reading too much into it *shrug*

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The Colts Redzone plays are all the same. Fade, quick slant, slot cross, and draw. They switch up players sometimes as Wayne, Clark, and Collie can basically run all those routes, but the plays are the same. Just comes down to the talent level. If you cant score consistently in the redzone you cant score alot of points.

Its not just talent its execution. The fact that the Colts can execute those 'same' plays with different WRs speaks to something other then talent, unless you think all the Colts WR are as good as Wayne.

Those plays work because of timing, rhythm and execution gained by hours and upon of hours and in some cases years of repetition.

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I actually think we are going to see a much more improved offense this week.I am still worried about our defense over the next two weeks.

Mainly im looking foward to our Speciall Teams with Brandon "money in the " banks VS Green Bay's horrid ST unit..

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