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Ted wouldn't care, remember point #10 of the "10 point plan"

well the only hope the wizards have is that his obesity gets the best of him, which is terrible cause I don't think Ted is THAT bad a person, but proving to be a rather incompetent owner. We're ****ed, for a long time coming.

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Holy Crap. This is the man who is in charge of two of our teams? If Ted is as stupid running the teams as he sounds in his "propaganda blog" we're in for 20 more years of losing under the Wiz and Caps.

Sad thing is, he probably "really" believes his own bull****.

Edited by pjfootballer
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Wall does not always play hard, particularly on defense. That is my chief worry about him. The jumpshot will probably never be a weapon, but too often, Wall spaces out on the court. Much more than the "leader" of a team should.

Yeah, I think Wall's motor runs hot and cold. He does get passive on the court and will do some watching. The whole damn team does pretty much. So many times a guy will get trapped in a double or pick up their dribble and you know something bad is about to happen and everyone of our players is just standing still in their spots watching it happen instead of working their way to the ball to help the guy. That's just bad teamwork. And on D, you'll see Wall get lazy and just half-heartedly contest shots and take a little longer to work through that screen than it should, etc.

Then other times Wall gets dialed in and is throwing his body around and going hard, defending 3 on 1s in transition, taking charges, getting chase down blocks, etc.

I hope Wall hasn't started developing a loser's mentality--"I know I'm never going to win here, what's the point?" Or even worse, "I hate playing basketball here." I hope Beal stays hungry forever.

Re: Beal the leader and Wall the Beta personality, I can actually kind of see it. I hate to get all Colin Cowherd, in part because Cowherd is an idiot who actually compared Wall to another player without a father growing up, but I think family background plays a part. Beal comes from this great two parent home with lots of older brothers and a great mother and father who carefully guided his development and he's such a cerebral and precocious guy as a result. He's got great confidence in so much of his game, particularly his shot, and he's smart and gets the big picture of the team dynamic and what they are trying to achieve. This is something Billy Donovan stressed in an interview about him and I think it's important. Some players get the game of basketball, some players get only what directly concerns them. Beal gets that whole picture and I think it could help him be a leader because he's so much smarter and picks up on things faster than the rest of the guys.

And on the flip side, John had a rough childhood raised by a single mom without all these male role models that Beal had. A man like that takes longer to find his way. It's hard for someone to be a true leader when they're still trying to figure out so much on their own. I think you've seen some of this in John's comments about wanting a vet PG to play with and learn from. I think we really **** the bed in stacking everything we did on Wall from the get go.

Add to that Wall has a cooperative personality by nature. He's a true facilitator. He would legitimately rather help a teammate look good and make shots than make the shots and get the glory on his own. Has anyone ever noticed the way John played in settings like the Rising Stars challenge where it's just practically playground ball with loads of talent around you? He's not the one out there dominating the ball and hoisting up shots. He's out there smiling and being chummy and helping out his teammates and having fun. He'll get his own as almost an afterthought after he's made sure other guys got a turn. Remember that first year when he got like 20 something assists and kept feeding Boogie Cousins and the guy put up almost 40 points? That's John having fun and being himself on the basketball court.

I could believe the speculation that Wall would be happy to let Beal fill that vocal leadership and alpha role because he's a cooperator and peacemaker personality.

Now how all that dynamic relates to Crawford, I have no idea. The guy was clearly some sort of a problem to have gotten himself benched for no apparent reason and then traded out in a salary dump shortly after. His attitude from the bench at the end there certainly was good. And he has always been full of himself, remember him talking about how he was going to be better than MJ? The braggadocio was fun for fans like me but probably not for his coaches or teammates. Poor overall performance, bad defense, no intention of ever getting rid of all the bad shots from his game. He probably pissed some people off.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 03:49 PM ----------

I could see Crawford being jealous of Beal too. You think of yourself as on par with the greatest SG of all time and then the team goes out and drafts a better SG than you with a very high pick and ensures that you will forever come off the bench.

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If we get the #1 overall pick this offseason, I think you have to seriously consider pulling the plug on everything. Fire Ernie and Wittman in the offseason. Bring in somebody from the Spurs organization like a Danny Ferry or Sam Presti to be GM. Bring in an up and coming coach like Thibs maybe. Maybe someone with a great defensive background. Then start cleaning house.

Get rid of Nene's contract ASAP though at least he can still play. He wants to be on a winner at this point in his career though. He'll soldier on but it's not a great situation having your most visible vet know the team is doomed.

Probably have to trade John but John will be the guy the new GM has to really evaluate and make a decision about. The well might be poisoned with him and he'll probably want to go and play for a winner where he can develop. Can't pay him a 13 or 14 million dollar extension so it would make sense to deal him because you could probably get something good back from him.

Trade Ves and all of the other young EG draft picks save Beal. Keep Beal and hope he's still young enough that he hasn't gotten bad habits. Use the #1 pick on Nerlens Noel. He's going to be out for most of next season. Time for him to get his body ready for the NBA. The team will be horrible in 2013/2014, they can use the high draft pick on some young hotshot from that class like a Harrison or Wiggins or Parker or Randle. That's your new 3 man core. Obtained faster this time than last time because we already had a good piece intact, only had one expensive long term contract to get rid of, and few extant knuckleheads to worry about.

That only works with Noel though because he's the only franchise player in the class IMO.

Or if we don't fire EG and decide to clean house, the only way I see this offseason working out is if we get someone like Zeller or Shabazz. Those two have NBA ready skills and will not have to be developed from the ground up like the other top guys. Then maybe we deal Nene or find a way to get a high potential talent like Cousins for a bargain. Wall and Cousins get together and do their thing and help each other realize their potential. So on and so forth.

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There is no defending the Crawford trade especially if Rivers and Ainge see enough in him to trade for him and will probably put him on the floore tonight.

I though he was a perfect bench guy because he could spell both Wall and Beal

Oh and his shooting% has been improving every season. He is a clone of his brother. Just a bit Shorter and wasn't hitting 3s early in his career

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 04:28 PM ----------

Wall and Beal should be kept no matter what

Wall has gone through injury and lockout so I'll give him the benefit of more time.

Plus he is a really good passer. He is capable of being a 20-10 guy even if he is shooting 44% or so in his prime

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There is no defending the Crawford trade especially if Rivers and Ainge see enough in him to trade for him and will probably put him on the floore tonight.

I though he was a perfect bench guy because he could spell both Wall and Beal

Oh and his shooting% has been improving every season. He is a clone of his brother. Just a bit Shorter and wasn't hitting 3s early in his career

His brother is a d league player who made it less than a year in the NBA and now he's off playing in Israel.

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Koufos has gotten pretty good. We're having trouble with his size.

Denver runs fast breaks constantly. Runs them off made buckets. I wonder why we've never tried to copy their system since we've got Wall?

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 08:45 PM ----------

I like that spin move by Wall. Carmelo has feasted for years on that move. I'd like to see Wall incorporate it more.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 08:50 PM ----------

Heads up plays by Beal tonight. I love that rebound he snatched away and cleared. Love that play to save the possession on the miscue inbounds play earlier too. His instincts are so good.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 08:55 PM ----------

Lawson is a heck of a player. He plays so hard.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 08:57 PM ----------

Wow, 95 points after three quarters. :rubeyes:

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There's a lid on the basket. Taking fairly good shots but everyone is missing.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 09:15 PM ----------

Obvious foul on Okafor by Manimal. That should have been called.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 09:16 PM ----------

Okafor is someone the wizards are going to need a plan to replace. I think this team is much worse without him. He's the only physical rebounder on the roster.

I would draft Cody Zeller. Or Noel if he's actually there. Then I'd go looking for a goon in FA probably. Like a Reggie Evans maybe.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 09:20 PM ----------

Sick dunk from Manimal.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 09:22 PM ----------

Finally Wall's showing up in the quarter.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 09:27 PM ----------

Man they are really letting Denver get away with some reaches. They've been calling a very lose game in general.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 09:29 PM ----------

Goddamn. Knew that was going to end terribly. ****.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 09:31 PM ----------

The team wastes too much time to get into their sets. I understand you're trying to run some clock but you still have to run plays.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 09:35 PM ----------

Clutch shot by Wall. That was big for him. I never want him to shy away from those mid range pull ups.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 09:37 PM ----------

Beal was an animal tonight. So tough. So many timely boards. All in all, he and John played well.

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Okay, cool. Not watching game, stuck with updating box score. Looks like Wall hit the shot to put us up by four with 13 seconds left. I have a lot of respect for how they spread the 119 points so far around with 7 players in double figures and still no one over 17. And Denver is at least a playoff team, so its not like we did this against the Bobcats or something.

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Big contribution from the bench tonight and that was probably the difference for us. That's not always going to be the case, but it's also not always going to be the case Beal only takes 8 FGAs either.

Ultimately I see this team functioning best when Beal takes at least 15+ shots a night and scores 20 PPG. Then if you can get Wall to score about 16 on 10-12 shots and Nene to go for 17+ on ~12 shots, it's probably going to be a good night. Martell needs at least ten shots a game too and it's usually good when Okafor starts scoring too so you've got to work him in where it makes sense.

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Wall had some great and some horrible plays in that 4th. I'm glad he hit that big shot, like steve said I prefer him taking that confidently. 6 turnovers sours an otherwise nice night for him. He's had way too many turnovers since his minutes went up.

Beal played aggressively today and you have to love that. When his handles improve this kid is going really good.

I loved Okafor's game. That guy has turned into a absolute warrior.

Webster continues to earn a pay raise. I hope we find a way to keep him and don't lose him because of Ariza's contract.

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So OKC decided to show up our 95 points in 3 quarters. They went out and scored 100. Westbrook is having an incredible night. I stand by it, he's better than Kyrie.

---------- Post added February-22nd-2013 at 10:11 PM ----------

Wall had some great and some horrible plays in that 4th. I'm glad he hit that big shot, like steve said I prefer him taking that confidently. 6 turnovers sours an otherwise nice night for him. He's had way too many turnovers since his minutes went up.

Beal played aggressively today and you have to love that. When his handles improve this kid is going really good.

I loved Okafor's game. That guy has turned into a absolute warrior.

Webster continues to earn a pay raise. I hope we find a way to keep him and don't lose him because of Ariza's contract.

I agree about Wall's turnovers. What's frustrating is he's leaving his feet with no plan. He gambles too much and a lot of the time it's him just throwing the ball away because he thought his teammate knew what he wanted them to do and they don't.

It goes back to what Martell said earlier in the year that Wall is a PG who tries to lead you into what he wants with body language and subtle cues and then the other type is like Rubio where he watches you and reacts to what you do then gets you the ball. I'm not saying one way is better than the other, but to me that means you have to put smarter players around Wall and build a lot of familiarity and continuity in the lineups so they can tell what he wants to do.

Yeah Beal was very physical, had 12 boards and stuffed every stat category. Great night for him all around but that fall was scary. I like that he gets up and blocks shots and goes hard to the basket but it scares me too. His hero growing up was Iverson and it shows. Can't play scared though, and that reckless abandon and toughness were things that made AI so remarkable.

And I'm with you, Okafor was outstanding. He is a tremendous rebounder, can do a little ISO back to basket scoring, can knock down short and mid range jumpers, runs the floor well, plays defense. Really everything you could want out of a center. He's a cerebral guy and a glue man. He and Webster and Beal are so smart. Tonight it really struck me how much better he is than Javale was. I hope he carries this season's momentum into next season. I think we are pretty much going to have to trade him at the deadline or let him expire to use the savings. You're dead on, we are going to have to plan for a good replacement or we will see a big drop in the level of our play. Nene can slide into the middle to play the 5, but then you've got just as big a hole to fill at the 4.

I think we've really got to get lucky and hope that Zeller or Noel is there for us in the draft. And then I think you need to go out and get a half decent vet true big man on a short term deal. Failing that, maybe you take a run at someone like Nikola Pekovic? Marcin Gortat? They aren't world beaters but they are good players and tough guys like Okafor.

Though I doubt we'll have the money for Pekovic this offseason. He's played himself into a pretty good deal.

Re: Martel, I hope we can bring him back. I'd prefer him over Ariza too, but best case scenario would be to keep them both for another year. I like Ariza in this sixth man role he seems to have embraced.

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