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Question about Stephon Heyer


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He has talent, if not he wouldn't make the cut ... or would he?

The point about Carlos is the comparison. Let's compare "apples to apples". Stephon was a project -- still is. He was great, he would have been drafted in the 1st round.

He made the cut this year because Shanahan couldn't replace the entire OL in the one season, especially with how limited the FA market was and how few draft picks we had to work with.

I can promise you that after this year, Heyer will be given his papers and sent packing.

I also have no idea what you mean by "He was great, he would have been drafted in the 1st round." Are you trying to imply that Heyer would have been a 1st round pick?

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Here's all you really need to know about Heyer.

The reason we never saw Cooley today was because Cooley had to stay in and help Heyer block for almost the entire game.

Heyer essentially handicapped our offense by keeping one of our best (and at this point, only) weapons in instead of being able to help open up the passing game downfield.

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I strongly disagree that Heyer is a serviceable starter. As soon as he went in last week, he negated a huge play, and could have cost us the game.

I know i would probably be alone in my opinion of Heyer.

Prior to last season which i discount due to injury Heyer was a serviceable starting OT.

The stats and his play bear that out, i know longer have access b/c the site i used is know a pay site but i think you can trust me when i say that Heyer was a average OT.

So now that he's back healthy i see no reason to down grade him.

You mention that as soon as he came he had a penalty.

But how come Heyer doesn't receive the same slack as the OL?

Trent Williams has been beat but no was says that he isn't serviceable.

In the NFL everyone is gonna make a mistake but it seems that Redskins fans are less forgiving of unknown players like Heyer and Doughty.

Our whole game plan was altered with Heyer in there, as we were forced into quicker drops etc. Heyer didnt receive very good reviews from the press that was at training camp either. He's been a below average since I can remember.

This launches into a long argument that we can't possibly conclude.

While i agree that there was a change i don't think it was because of Heyer.

It could have been for a myraid of reasons game flow, getting McNabb in rhythm, quick passes to replace the run, and it could be for any new OL entering the game not just Heyer.

(About camp, i put very little stock in our local media's opinion and assessment of the Redskins and football in general, so the fact that they don't like him is almost enough by itself for me to beliee the opposite. But based on the fact the Shanahan's like him and trust him enough to play him at LT over Brown says something about how the staff views him vs the media,)

I also disagree that Heyer is an ideal backup. Your ideal backup is a guy that can be groomed as a potential future starter, a guy like Perey Riley or Kevin barnes for instance. We already know what we have in Heyer.

Cool. But, i didn't say that he was an ideal back-up just that he's a solid back-up.

Heyer is a journeyman he's not being groomed.


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The hate may continue now....

rah rah rah Heyer sucks! yeah man! lol

Can you please stop?

Yeah, you love being the supreme optimist about guys' chances in the NFL to succeed and do this or that, and you rode the Jason Campbell bandwagon about as far as it would go in the process.

But let's get real here. Heyer does suck. He flat out sucks. You can mince words all you want about saying how he's maybe not an "ideal" back-up, he's just a "solid" back-up, but the fact is (whether you approve of the local media or not), everyone can see that he's not good at all. He gets beat by our own 2nd and 3rd string pass rushers all the time in camp, he handicaps our offense every time he's on the field (outside of a miraculous run for a couple of games in 2007), and you're the only left in the room trying to make some point about how we're being too harsh on the guy.

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But let's get real here. Heyer does suck. He flat out sucks. You can mince words all you want about saying how he's maybe not an "ideal" back-up, he's just a "solid" back-up, but the fact is (whether you approve of the local media or not), everyone can see that he's not good at all. He gets beat by our own 2nd and 3rd string pass rushers all the time in camp, he handicaps our offense every time he's on the field (outside of a miraculous run for a couple of games in 2007), and you're the only left in the room trying to make some point about how we're being too harsh on the guy.

Why does it bother you so much that someone has a different opinion?

And i'm not being an optimist i'm calling it like i see it.

I try not to be swayed too much by recent events or majority opinion.

And i try to make accurate assessments.

You can disagree and be upset all you want but saying Heyer sucks just isn't accurate.

Heyer had a false start, and holding call and gave up no sacks and held his own in the run game.

So clearly he sucks right?

Did you notice when he was coming in to spell Brown last game? Did he suck then too?

Its funny that the Redskins choose to tender a player that clearly sucks right?

Maybe someone needs to let the Shanahan's in on extremeskin's belief that Heyer sucks because if they trust him enough to play at LT clearly they don't share your opinion.


lol, rah rah blah blah Heyer sucks man! yeah!

Cut him!

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I am not the biggest fan of Heyer, but who else could we put in there at tackle? It is sad that even sees the field, but at this point, there is nothing the team can do...cutting him would even weaken our "depth"...just have to hope that Williams doesn't miss anymore games. On a side note, maybe the coaches should have called plays where Heyer would have help by keeping an extra blocker in

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Tackle for Heyer absolutely stinks.

You guys remember at the start of camp how Trent Williams said he had trouble with the speed of the game and how he needed a day or two to adjust?

That's Heyer, every day, since he's been on the roster. There is no adjustment coming.

From the way Shanny was talking to him when he came off the field(after his holding penalty killed another drive) ,maybe we won't have to put up with him much longer.

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Assuming he will play today at RT, how is he overall?

I heard he is garbage.

He is awful. The worst player we will have on the field today.
The problem a lot of people on this forum have when talking about backups is that they expect them to be as good as the starters. For the most part, they are not, otherwise they would be starting somewhere. If not here, someplace else.

Heyer is a solid backup OT who can play on both sides of the line. He's probably not athletic enough to be a full time starter, but he is a good guy to come off the bench and give you a solid outing.

:ols: It never stops.
heyer should be cut immediately. he offers absolutely NOTHING other than a body and pads. hes terrible beyond belief.
Can you please stop?

But let's get real here. Heyer does suck. He flat out sucks.


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