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He is why we will beat the Texans...


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I commend the OP for some optimism. Little things aside, we beat Dallas last week!

I thing the key to this game is the turnovers. If we can once again minimize them and get a couple when opportunity strikes, we WILL win.

Oh, and some of those Texans fans comments on their board are hilarious!

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So good he was traded. :rotflmao:

You think the Texans would trade Schaub?

You think the Colts would trade Manning?

You think the Pats would trade Brady?

You think the Giants would trade decaf Manning?

Seriously, how many teams would trade their starting QB if he was really that good?

You don't follow the Eagles, do you?

They tend to trade players when they become expensive.

McNabb has five years left.

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No ****.

The finally beat a team on the decline, and they think they've got 13 pro-bowlers on their squad....

Too funny.


Whats with all the Colts are a team on the decline stuff? Just because we beat them they are a team on the decline? All the talk leading up to the season was that this could be the best Colt team yet.

Are the Cowboys who should have won that game against you guys if they could get out of their own way....a team on the decline? I tell ya, they sure did look like it a few weeks ago when we rolled em with the same running game we rolled the Colts last Sunday with.

Question. How do yall plan scoring points on us? Seriously. Relying heavily on the running game? Over the last 13 games last season, the Texans were second against the run, allowing 84 yards a game. They allowed 40 against the Colts. During that 14-game span, only Chris Johnson ran for more than 82. Are yall planning to run it on us?

If yall try and stuff the run come Sunday, and from what I read... thats your priority, then thats gonna open up Andre Johnson. AJ had a light week last week. That doesn't bode well for the team thats playing him the next.

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Just score 6 damn points when you visit the red zone. As often as possible. That's what I ask for as a Skins fan.

Why in blessed hell is it so damn difficult to do this for our burgundy and gold?

I feel your pain. The last couple of years the Texans moved to the 20 with relative ease. Usually worth 3 pts, if that. but If they'd shorten the field by 20 yds we'd have been in the Super Bowl by now. It's annoying to watch a team fly down the field and hit the 10 like a bug on a bumper. Hopefully, we've got that fixed, but only time will tell.

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No sir. This is pretty wrong.

First, the Cowboys have looked horrible all preseason. Remember, their first team offense only score one TD, and that was on a 15-yard field (due to a defensive turnover). The way your defense stopped them Sunday night really wasn't a surprise (though the Cowboys got plenty of yards, they didn't execute in the Red Zone...as usual). Also, the Shanahan's DID NOT design the Texans offense. That couldn't be further from the truth. It's Kubiak's offense. Yes, there are many similarities between it and Shanahan's, but Dennison is the OC in Houston now. He's added more run plays to the offense. And just like Kyle is familiar with the players, Kubiak is VERY familiar with Kyle and what plays he likes to call in certain situations. And don't you think your defense will be hurt going against the current Redskins offense? The Texans offense now is what Shanahan hopes the Redskins can be one day.

As far as being on the road and full of themselves, I don't think that's the case. That's not the mentality of this Texans' team. And you don't think the Redskins have a little euphoria from beating the Cowboys (who they also haven't scored an offensive TD on in three games correct?). There will be no letdown. They know their former OC is now the OC for the Redskins. They know Kubiak wants to whoop his old coach (again). And they're a young team, but this year they are a lot more mature. If this was 2008, or even last season, then you'd be correct. But now? Not even.

Just look at the position battles. Houston is better at almost every single position than the Redskins are.

It a road game for you

We don't play in a dome

Kubiak learned offense from Shanahan

Dennison runs the same offense

Kyle knows your personnel (tendencies, strengths, weaknesses)

Both our offenses have trouble with the 3-4, and have an easier time with the 4-3. You run a 4-3 and we run an agressive 3-4.

McNabb could have one of those games where everything clicks and we put up points in bunches. I know it's coming. It's just a matter of when.

A huge part of this game is which side will put their players in position to beat the other side. I think the Shanahans with Haslett have the advantage as far as coaching goes. We'll see if talent can overcome coaching and scheming. I'm not sure it will. I think the score will be close with the turnover battle coming up big in the outcome.

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Whats with all the Colts are a team on the decline stuff? Just because we beat them they are a team on the decline? All the talk leading up to the season was that this could be the best Colt team yet.

No, certainly not because you beat them...:rotflmao: Their defense is very suspect.

Are the Cowboys who should have won that game against you guys if they could get out of their own way....a team on the decline? I tell ya, they sure did look like it a few weeks ago when we rolled em with the same running game we rolled the Colts last Sunday with.

The pukes have always been choking dogs...oh, and nice PRESEASON win against the puke...:rolleyes:

Question. How do yall plan scoring points on us? Seriously. Relying heavily on the running game? Over the last 13 games last season, the Texans were second against the run, allowing 84 yards a game. They allowed 40 against the Colts. During that 14-game span, only Chris Johnson ran for more than 82. Are yall planning to run it on us?

Why run when you guys can't defend the pass? :rotflmao:

If yall try and stuff the run come Sunday, and from what I read... thats your priority, then thats gonna open up Andre Johnson. AJ had a light week last week. That doesn't bode well for the team thats playing him the next.

You just lost a 2nd year pass rusher and picked up two guys from the street....I'm terrified. :rotflmao:

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A major key to the game will be our defense's ability to stuff the run on 1st down. They obviously are going to try and establish the run early and play ball control. We have to put them in second/third and long all night and force them into situations they are not ready for.

I agree. These guys have a history of hating 3rd and long.

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