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He is why we will beat the Texans...


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I just read the play by play and I realized something very interesting

If Arian Foster was Chris Johnson I'd be worried because he could break out at any moment. However, what i noticed from reading the play by play is that the Colts were playing catch up the entire game. The Texans started off with 2 field goals Early, then scored a Touchdown. The score was then 13-0. Though the Colts started to catch up a bit...from there the Texans just began to pound the rock. In fact, over a 100 yards came in the last quarter.

In order for us to win this game, we will either have to take the lead early or keep it close. If we win the coin toss, we should take the ball first. It doesn't hurt that our defense is better either

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I'll get back to you Sunday night.

How do you like your crow served?


Fred Davis will have a big game.

Agreed. Cooley and Davis is a dangerous one two punch.

Add Moss

Thats a great place to start and our offense has yet to get started and our D and going to be awesome this year.

Plus McNabb was injuries in preseason. He hasn't ramped up yet. With a vet like him, when it clicks it's could easily go from 0-60 is a few seconds.

Once that core gets it going I will expect players like Armstrong to fill in nicely.

But the D is for real. Just wait till they get it going.

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The Texans Pro-Bowl MILB, Brian Cushing, is still suspended so the middle of their D is weak. The Colts do not have a running game so they could not exploit their weakness. The Texans are very young at CB and are starting a rookie. The Skins will not have to play a D like Dallas' except a couple times a year. But, our D will play with us the entire year and will be back inside the top 5 with the running game using up the clock like the end of the Dallas game. I am not saying we will win by 20 but if it is any closer than 10 I will be surprised. Scaub will not have time to sit in the pocket and pick apart the D and Foster is not scoring any TDs this week. I hope everyone realizes how good this Redskins D is and our starting FS is not even playing. He will be back in week 3 and look for a pick or two against rookie Sam Bradford. Landry, Orakpo and AH are all players you have to gameplan for so adding that they are on three different levels, we will be in every game AGAIN this year, but with a HOF coach Shanahan we will be able to win most of them...like last week. Last year we lost 8 games by 7 pts or less...every time we win a close game it prepares the guys for the playoffs when we get back. I am not saying we are a lock this year, but the next 5 years will be awfully fun for a Skins fan.Let's sweep Dallas and go to Rams country and hype the stats.

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I watched the Texans game in full. The game was much closer then what the scoreboard said even though the Colts looked horrible. The Colts fumbled the Ball at the Huston 10 yard line. Couple that with numerous dropped passes on offence and it is a hard day at the office. Indy’s defense looked horrible Bob Sanders got injured early which was a huge blow to the Colts defense (IMO this is what lead to Foster having over 200 yards). Call me crazy but I think we win this one comfortably our defense looked good VS Dallas and our offense preformed ok for the first game in a new system look for the skins to come out with a good balance of run and pass. Redskins 24 Texans 13

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Whats with all the Colts are a team on the decline stuff? Just because we beat them they are a team on the decline? All the talk leading up to the season was that this could be the best Colt team yet.

Are the Cowboys who should have won that game against you guys if they could get out of their own way....a team on the decline? I tell ya, they sure did look like it a few weeks ago when we rolled em with the same running game we rolled the Colts last Sunday with.

Question. How do yall plan scoring points on us? Seriously. Relying heavily on the running game? Over the last 13 games last season, the Texans were second against the run, allowing 84 yards a game. They allowed 40 against the Colts. During that 14-game span, only Chris Johnson ran for more than 82. Are yall planning to run it on us?

If yall try and stuff the run come Sunday, and from what I read... thats your priority, then thats gonna open up Andre Johnson. AJ had a light week last week. That doesn't bode well for the team thats playing him the next.

Have you looked at the Skins D ? They are just warming up. They are going to clobber teams.

Fletcher, Laudry, Orakpo, McIntosh, with D Hall and Rogers on the corners.


The Texans’ secondary ended up yielding a whopping 419 passing yards, including a 73-yard touchdown pass from Manning to wide receiver Austin Collie late in the fourth quarter. It wasn’t enough as the Texans prevailed 34-24.

The Texans’ cornerbacks are young, but have potential. Kareem Jackson is a rookie first-round draft pick who is starting for the Texans. Glover Quin, the other starter, and Brice McCain are both second-year players.

Hands11 - That is in part how we are going to score. We are going to beat up your corners and then mix in Coley and Fred Davis with our WRs and Portis and some power from Larry Johnson.

I'll add to this.

The Redskins offense is just getting started. New QB. New coaching. New system but they have talent. Two awesome offensive TEs, a solid RB who is rejoined with his old coach and he is one of the best blitz blockers in the league. and Santa Moss as the core. Thats plenty to get things going on offense.

For Defense. This team is loaded. LaRon Landry is off to an amazing start and looks to be playing at a pro bowl level. Dude is fast, hits hard and is all over the field. We are stacked at LB with Fletcher leading the group. Brian Orakpo is a stud and hasn't even peaked yet. He 3-4 and all the blitzing is just getting started. If there is any weakness to the group, it that Hansworth isn't living up to his deal. It we had him doing that, this would be a top 3 D. The front 3 are not at the level of the rest of the D but they aren't terrible either.

The Skins have talent and finally a solid in their prime coaching staff. If wasn't a matter of "if" with the Skins this year, it was a matter of when. Beating Dallas without top production from the offense is exactly the type of win I hoped for. But the offense isn't just a bunch of kids. When this things start to click I can get rolling really quickly. This is a vet offense. Offensive line was the question and LT was the biggest. Well our rookie William already showed us in game one where he went one on one against Dallas best DE, the kid is top notch and nothing for us to worry about. The O line still needs to gel and get better but they are ahead of schedule and our biggest concern there is answered.

It's going to be a ragging energetic load crowd in DC. Superbowl atmosphere. Its been a long time since DC has had a team they could really get behind. Expect the crowd to be going nuts. They would love to beat two TX teams back to back.

So if they jump on them quickly with the crowd going nuts, the crowd will just get worse. And one that happens, Texans will have their backs against the Wall. That is how this could become a blow out. Skins go up 10 nothing in the first. Then 10-3. Then 13-3. One timely turnover that makes it 16-3 or better 20-3 and this baby is over.

The Texans may have started hot by beating Indy, but coming to DC this year is not good timing. Specially with us turning the page behind Shanahan and a town hungry to win again. 90000 screaming hungry DC fans is not where you want to play for your week two.

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Road game for us? That's fine. And not playing in a dome is fine, too. Kubiak learned a lot of his offense from Shanahan, but I have no idea why that matters. Last time they played each other, Kubiak beat the mess out of Shanahan (and that was with Sage Rosenfels as the starting QB....). Dennison runs a more run heavy offense. Kyle knows our personnel some, but we know what plays Kyle likes to call. In fact, Kubiak took playcalling duties away from Kyle at around Week 5 last year, and Kyle had to give Kubiak a few plays and ask which was best in certain situations. It goes both ways here. The Texans' problem with a 3-4 is overrrated. Any team has a problem with a good 3-4 defense, and ESPECIALLY if that 3-4 defense has a stud NT. Well, unfortunately for the Redskins, Haynesworth seems to not give a damn about them. An unmotivated Fat Albert playing for you guys is not good. As far as McNabb goes, he doesn't have as many weapons as Schaub and is still learning the offense. If you think everything will come together (the offense, receivers all of a sudden get better, the running backs get younger, etc.) after just one game, then I think you're in for a surprise.

I just read a quote from Orakpo yesterday, he said something like: "We're going to stop the run and make them beat us through the air." That's fine with us Orakpo:


We have that guy.

You guys win the game if the Texans come out flat (which I doubt they will). Your offense has shown nothing at all to get excited about and your defense let the Cowboys move all over them. We'll see this Sunday, but you guys are underestimating us and overestimating having Kyle Shanahan on your team.

What kind of tackle technique was that. Never seen someone try to tackle with their back. That player in a scenario with the Skins would be Landry. If you don't know who he is.


You can skip over the interceptions. That was him as a free safety which he isn't. We moved him to his nature position. STRONG SAFETY and he is a BEAST. Think Shawn Taylor at strong safety. What could have been if they were both back there but back to today.

Lead the league in tackles last week. He fears nothing and no one.

He well may end up being the best strong safety in the league this year.

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Well I would like to see McNabb and the offense get the running game going using both Portis and Johnson. Trent Williams did a decent job against Ware, but now has to face Mario Williams. I'm hoping McNabb isn't looking at alot of 3rd and long because you can expect an all out rush to sack him, or make him turn the ball over. Our receivers need to catch and hang onto the ball. The longer will control the ball and the clock, Schaub won't have a chance to do anything.

Little worried about our defense. Thank God Garrett didn't know what he wanted to do as for running or passing. Don't expect Foster to come here and do what he did to the Colts. Can't let him get started, and with the 4-3 last year, it pretty much stops the run. Saw too many defensive players standing up at the line of scrimmage Sunday night. We need to get pressure on Schaub. He's the type of QB who can have a good game one week, and then horrible the next. Let's hope Sunday that it's Horrible!!!

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The Texans gave up 433 yards passing and 3 touchdowns last week and Washington is the team with matchup problems? :)

Seems the Texans are in need of some help at corner, even recognizing it was Manning throwing the ball.

While playing the Prevent defense for the final seven minutes of the game is when Houston gave up two TDs and 150 yards to Peyton Manning. It's a reason why the Colts onside kicked the ball twice (after the last two TDs). The game was over. It was garbage time stats.

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While playing the Prevent defense for the final seven minutes of the game is when Houston gave up two TDs and 150 yards to Peyton Manning. It's a reason why the Colts onside kicked the ball twice (after the last two TDs). The game was over. It was garbage time stats.

Ah, yes! Garbage time...:rotflmao:

Well, then, your team plays awful prevent-defense.

Look, the fact is, your defense is very, very suspect. If anything, the final seven minutes of the game demonstrated how soft your secondary really is.


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with: Houston Texans' defense.

Skins 35-7

:ols: Hysterical.

We scored no offensive tds last weekend, and no one holds the Texans to a touchdown.

Please share whatever you are taking with the entire class.

This reminds me of Art's post before the first game of the season last year. Although even more absurd.

We'll be lucky to win by 3.

I'll get back to you Sunday night.

How do you like your crow served?


Fred Davis will have a big game.

tr1. We have a forum for the less-intelligent threads. It's called the ATN. I believe you are familiar with it.

In the future, let's please try to confine such threads to the appropriate spot. TIA.

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tr1. We have a forum for the less-intelligent threads. It's called the ATN. I believe you are familiar with it.

In the future, let's please try to confine such threads to the appropriate spot. TIA.


The difference was our special teams' issues.

Please, McD5, you're my favorite Skins' fan...don't go hating on us again, okay?

Our team didn't win, but it pretty much dominated for most of the game.

I love you, man...


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