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LT Long Run(Landry related)


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he wasnt even on the side the play was run to.. And the LB's are the ones who f'd up tackling him. offense is paid to move the ball too, swear some people on here have just never played football before

Seventeen years old.


And he sees it better than people on this board who have been watching football for twice as long as this guy is alive.

Props to you; :doh: to the rest of them.

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The problem is that Landry repeatedly takes bad angles and whiffs after lunging his body at the offensive player. That's the whole point of this discussion. It's not about one play. It's about his history of similiar plays.

This preseason? Really?

He's making up for an injury in the secondary, coming from the other side of the play, going against the top running back in the past ten years. Seriously?

Redskins fans are the most fickle that there are.

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This preseason? Really?

He's making up for an injury in the secondary, coming from the other side of the play, going against the top running back in the past ten years. Seriously?

Redskins fans are the most fickle that there are.


Landry was making up for others by whiffing? :ols: He's played less than the equivalent of a full game and still managed to find somebody to miss by launching at them. Great job. As long as he's facing really good players and coming from the other side of the field it's ok to keep missing.

In case you haven't seen it, here's what Keim said about Landry

3. LaRon Landry’s angles. Back to this one, are we? A few tough angles for, uh, Dirty 30. He overran one play on the Jets’ first series; he took a bad angle on the first snap of their second series. On another play, he appeared to read the H-back who pulled to the right for a block. Landry raced over to that area, only to have the ballcarrier hit the hole he vacated


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You break down and contain the play, force him to your help or to the sideline. You can't just run up full speed on a guy with LT's quickness in the open field, you'll get burned most times.

Which is what he did. Doughty was to his left and should have helped squeeze LT. Doughty slips on the turn and is nowhere to be seen.

This play was actually the fault of McIntosh. If you watch, he is a B-Gap player but gets on the inside shoulder of the Guard. LT cuts back into the B-Gap.

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Wow. A bunch of chicken littles with pretty idiotic viewpoints in this thread.

1) Landry is somehow incredible the first two games, then has to make up for a bad free safety, and now ONE play defines his whole preseason. Wow.

2) Seven others missed that play, but it's only Landry's fault?

3) Forget that it's the the top running back of the past decade with the top rushing offense of last year; Landry didn't make the play so he's automatically terrible.

I don't question fanhood of anyone on this board, but I do question intelligence, reason, and logic.

Thank you sir, thank you!

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This preseason? Really?

He's making up for an injury in the secondary, coming from the other side of the play, going against the top running back in the past ten years. Seriously?

Redskins fans are the most fickle that there are.

Yeah, he's playing FS because Kareem Moore is injured. Man, if only we had someone that had some kind of experience playing FS before. Oh wait, who was our starting FS last year?

He's coming from the other side of the play? You make it seem like Landry had to chase him down on the opposite end of the field. The run was designed to the outside but Tomlinson cut inside, making your point moot. I understand that Landry wanted to contain Tomlinson on the inside, which is why he took the outside angle. But 10 yards in front of Landry was Orakpo (who was doing the contain). What Landry decided to do was get right behind Orakpo, leaving Orakpo's successful containment in vain.

Yeah, Tomlinson has been one of the top running backs in the past decade - I'll certainly give you that. But Landry was drafted 6th overall. Considering Landry should be hitting his prime while Tomlinson is at the decline of his career, one could argue the edge to Landry. But when did Landry best Tomlinson at all?

What spectacular play has Landry made this preseason? Here are some stats from his 3 games this preseason: zero interceptions, zero passes defended, zero forced fumbles, and zero sacks. One of the reasons I give a pass on D. Hall missing a tackle here and there is that he makes up for it with turnovers. If all Landry does is tackle, then he's a poor man's Doughty (who's a much more sound tackler).

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Well I can tell it already. The "Landry screwed **** up" crowd on ES will blame Laron Landry for ever misstep that our defense makes this season. Never fails. If we aren't talking about scapegoat number one (Albert Haynesworth), we'll be talking about scapegoat number two. Every angry mob needs a scapegoat.

Grow a pair of balls and start rooting for the team and stop blaming every defensive mis-step on on one player. It's stupid. Don't be an idiot. Have a mind of your own.

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Wow. A bunch of chicken littles with pretty idiotic viewpoints in this thread.

1) Landry is somehow incredible the first two games, then has to make up for a bad free safety, and now ONE play defines his whole preseason. Wow.

2) Seven others missed that play, but it's only Landry's fault?

3) Forget that it's the the top running back of the past decade with the top rushing offense of last year; Landry didn't make the play so he's automatically terrible.

I don't question fanhood of anyone on this board, but I do question intelligence, reason, and logic.

Perhaps you might consider a little introspection of your own capabilities before you call everyone out. Landry has a LONG history of making exactly the same kind of BONEHEADED, and incompetent for a NFL caliper safety, plays he made on the long LT run. You rationalize it as not his responsibility, not criticizing other players who has primary responsibility etc. well Landry is a safety and he is the last line of defense. His continual abysmal POOR tackling and performance as a safety is well documented here on ES. His ability to not make a play(s) is much more documented than his play making ability. Keep on drinking the kool-aid for Landry because he's not that good at all. It's well documented.

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Perhaps you might consider a little introspection of your own capabilities before you call everyone out. Landry has a LONG history of making exactly the same kind of BONEHEADED, and incompetent for a NFL caliper safety, plays he made on the long LT run. You rationalize it as not his responsibility, not criticizing other players who has primary responsibility etc. well Landry is a safety and he is the last line of defense. His continual abysmal POOR tackling and performance as a safety is well documented here on ES. His ability to not make a play(s) is much more documented than his play making ability. Keep on drinking the kool-aid for Landry because he's not that good at all. It's well documented.

I have to wonder if I am a Landry hater (purely because of all the support he gets). I don't consider him a very good football player either, but he must be doing something that I'm not seeing since so many defend him? I considered myself objective... I mean, I've been critical of Portis and Moss over the past few years, but I've openly given them credit this year. Landry, though, just very rarely impresses me and will give up the big play every now and then.

I do think a lot of the fans arguing for Landry need to take a lesson on debate. Use information to back up your defense rather than resorting to name calling. Saying that we're fickle or that we need to grow a pair is childish. In this thread, I've only seen observations or facts used to criticize Landry.

edit: Apparently I need to read more carefully as the person I quoted also suggested that some of the Landry supporters are drinking the kool-aid. :ols: Well, I agree with aREDSKIN's premise about Landry, anyway.

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Perhaps you might consider a little introspection of your own capabilities before you call everyone out. Landry has a LONG history of making exactly the same kind of BONEHEADED, and incompetent for a NFL caliper safety, plays he made on the long LT run. You rationalize it as not his responsibility, not criticizing other players who has primary responsibility etc. well Landry is a safety and he is the last line of defense. His continual abysmal POOR tackling and performance as a safety is well documented here on ES. His ability to not make a play(s) is much more documented than his play making ability. Keep on drinking the kool-aid for Landry because he's not that good at all. It's well documented.

1) Don't call people "boneheaded" if you misuse "caliper" in the same sentence. It's just, well, boneheaded. :)

2) I didn't say that it wasn't his responsibility, but that's fine if you'd like to rationalize your argument that way. I did say that it was not Landry's fault alone, but don't let the facts get in the way of your zeal.

3) You're going to feel like an idiot at the end of this season, and it's well documented.

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3) You're going to feel like an idiot at the end of this season, and it's well documented.

Well if Landry magically becomes a tackling machine and has an all-pro season then I'll gladly wear the :dunce::dunce::dunce: moniker for a while. However, if

history is any indication then we all know what's going to happen. Landry's history is well documented.

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Well if Landry magically becomes a tackling machine and has an all-pro season then I'll gladly wear the :dunce::dunce::dunce: moniker for a while. However, if

history is any indication then we all know what's going to happen. Landry's history is well documented.

Might want to put those hats on pre-order with overnight shipping. :)

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Its just who he is.....and at this point I dont think its going to change.

The guy plays reckless out there......at times its going to get us big hits, and turnovers.....and at times its going to get us burned on big plays, and get us personal fouls.

In the end I think hes a pretty good player, but not a great one........hes the best we've got back there so it is what it is.....

i remember more burned and personal fouls than turnovers

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Wow. A bunch of chicken littles with pretty idiotic viewpoints in this thread.

1) Landry is somehow incredible the first two games, then has to make up for a bad free safety, and now ONE play defines his whole preseason. Wow.

2) Seven others missed that play, but it's only Landry's fault?

3) Forget that it's the the top running back of the past decade with the top rushing offense of last year; Landry didn't make the play so he's automatically terrible.

I don't question fanhood of anyone on this board, but I do question intelligence, reason, and logic.

Your first post in the thread...and it's name-calling and patronizing.

Way to go man. You really put everyone in their place. This form of topic discussion is always appreciated here and I'm glad that I'll be graced with your insight for 16+ games this year! You make ES a better place HTTR!

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Your first post in the thread...and it's name-calling and patronizing.

Way to go man. You really put everyone in their place. This form of topic discussion is always appreciated here and I'm glad that I'll be graced with your insight for 16+ games this year! You make ES a better place HTTR!

If you're offended by "chicken littles", then you may want to see a plastic surgeon about getting some thicker skin. :)

I've been here for as many seasons as you have, but I appreciate that you're looking forward to my posts.

I'm looking forward to the people making the kind of ridiculous statements in this thread regarding Landry, ignoring his beautiful preseason thus far and judging him solely on one play, eating some crow. May taste as good as your hypocrisy. :)

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Look here at 31 seconds into it. Clearly Landry is late hand takes juts a horrific path & angle to LT and does his infamous "Look I'm trying hard coach" leap into to nothing but air.


His path was blocked by the defender who also whiffed, our defensive savior (no sarcasm) Brian Orakpo, but there's no thread about him screwing up on the play. Interesting.

Landry went for where LT was going. Orakpo fell down right in front of him as LT changed direction because he's an incredible running back. He also didn't "fly past him" as others had said. Landry was sitting there waiting for him, not going full speed like he did last year.

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His path was blocked by the defender who also whiffed, our defensive savior (no sarcasm) Brian Orakpo, but there's no thread about him screwing up on the play. Interesting.

Landry went for where LT was going. Orakpo fell down right in front of him as LT changed direction because he's an incredible running back. He also didn't "fly past him" as others had said. Landry was sitting there waiting for him, not going full speed like he did last year.

20/20 you are not. :)

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Why would there be a thread about Orakpo missing A tackle. Orakpo doesn't habitually fly past players trying to make a tackle like Landry does. That's the whole point that you refuse to acknowledge NC. And I provided a link to a Keim article proving that it's not just fans of this site that are "overreacting". Any rational person with working eyesight can see that Landry clearly launches and misses due to another bad angle in a long line of bad angles. You think the coaches in the film room are saying "it's ok Laron, Orakpo should have made that play. It's not your fault at all."?

Don't hurt yourself reaching for all those excuses.

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Look here at 31 seconds into it. Clearly Landry is late and takes just a horrific path & angle to LT and does his infamous "Look I'm trying hard coach" leap into to nothing but air.


If you all crush Landry for this play......pretty sure Doughty should get crushed much more.

Watch him during the clip in slow motion.......its hilarious.....he just falls down as LT zooms by him.....

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